
Power of King [ Pokemon/Dinofroz ]

The ancient king, feeling the chill of mortality, knew his hourglass was running out of sand. His kingdom, his people, they were his heart, his soul. The thought of them, defenseless against the dragon-fire, was a horror he couldn't bear. He'd been their shield, their rock, for more years than he could count. Then, a boy materialized, a peculiar lad with a tuft of yellow fur on his shoulder, an oddity that seemed to hum with life. In the boy's presence, the king glimpsed the future. A successor was needed, and perhaps, just perhaps, this boy was the answer

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3 Chs

1. Long Before Time

Once upon a time, in the dawn of Earth's existence, the world was a realm of untamed wonders. The soil beneath your feet was a cradle of life, the grass danced in harmony with the wild winds, and the animals roamed with a primal grace. But amidst this beauty, a sinister presence loomed. It was an era where survival was a daily battle, where every breath carried the weight of precious life. In this realm, silence was a sanctuary, a refuge from the horrors that prowled in the shadows.

Horror, stench, and destruction were the grim companions of those who dared to venture beyond the safety of their caves. The dragons, those nightmarish beings, emerged as the harbingers of all things dreadful. They were not mere predators; they were conquerors, reveling in the fear and devastation they sowed. Their malevolence knew no bounds, their actions driven by a dark intent that defied comprehension.

These monstrous creatures were not mindless beasts, but possessed an intelligence that matched their cunning and ruthlessness. Negotiation was futile, for they reveled in chaos and destruction. They were the embodiment of terror, the kind of monsters that demanded a valiant fight, no matter how insurmountable the odds.

Yet, in the face of such darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged. The Dinofroz, mighty and kind, stood as beacons of light in this world of shadows. They were not ordinary warriors; they were defenders of all that was just and true. With hearts as resilient as the ancient mountains, they rose against the dragons, defying the very essence of fear and chaos.

But who is Dinofroz? They are not mere mortals, but legendaries, who transcend the boundaries of ordinary existence. They are the epitome of strength, courage, and unwavering determination. Their power is unmatched, their purpose unwavering.

The Dinofroz are warriors of extraordinary prowess, possessing skills honed through countless battles. Their physical abilities are awe-inspiring, their movements a symphony of grace and precision. They possess a deep understanding of combat, wielding their weapons with masterful skill. But their power extends far beyond their physicality.

What truly sets the Dinofroz apart is their indomitable spirit. They are driven by an unwavering sense of justice, a burning desire to protect the innocent and uphold what is right. Their hearts are filled with kindness and compassion, even in the face of the darkest adversaries. They fight not out of a thirst for power, but out of a deep-rooted love for humanity.

In their quest to safeguard the world, the Dinofroz face unimaginable challenges.

They confront the most fearsome of foes, battling against the forces of darkness with unwavering bravery. Their unity as a team is unbreakable, their bond forged through shared experiences and unwavering loyalty. They support and uplift one another, drawing strength from their collective spirit.

But it is not just their physical and mental prowess that make the Dinofroz extraordinary. It is their kindness, their compassion, and their unwavering dedication to the greater good. They extend a helping hand to those in need, offering solace and protection to the vulnerable. Their acts of selflessness and empathy inspire hope in the hearts of all who witness their deeds.

In the ancient tapestry of time, there existed a profound feud between two mighty forces: the dragons and the dinosaurs. These beings were the epitome of opposites, representing the stark contrast between light and darkness, chaos and order, destruction and creation.

The dragons, with their monstrous forms and malevolent intent, embodied the essence of terror and domination. They reveled in chaos, taking pleasure in the fear and destruction they sowed. Their scales were as hard as stone, their fiery breath a symbol of their destructive power. They were cunning, intelligent, and ruthless, seeking to conquer all in their path.

On the other side of this cosmic struggle stood the dinosaurs, majestic creatures of immense power and grace. They were the embodiment of harmony and balance, representing the beauty and resilience of the natural world. Their forms were a testament to the wonders of creation, their presence a reminder of the intricate web of life.

The dinosaurs possessed a gentle strength, using their power to nurture and protect rather than to dominate. They roamed the earth with a sense of purpose, their existence intertwined with the delicate balance of nature. Their scales shimmered with vibrant hues, reflecting the diversity and splendor of the world they inhabited.

The feud between dragons and dinosaurs was not merely a clash of physical might, but a battle of opposing ideologies. The dragons sought to impose their will upon the world, to subjugate all living beings under their tyrannical rule. In contrast, the dinosaurs embraced the interconnectedness of life, recognizing the importance of coexistence and harmony.

Throughout the ages, this feud raged on, with battles fought on grand scales. The dragons unleashed their fury, seeking to dominate and destroy, while the dinosaurs stood firm, defending the sanctity of life and the natural order. The clash between these opposing forces shaped the very fabric of the world, leaving an indelible mark on history.

The Dinofroz, they are the finest of their kind. Beings whose spirits are pure enough to protect the weak. They become the shield for those behind them, gathering all the pain within themselves and becoming the force of truth. From generation to generation, they have been the wall that held back all that is evil. And these dreadful beings were the dragons.

The Dinofroz, a legendary group of Dinosaur's warriors, embody the essence of courage and righteousness. Their noble hearts are driven by a deep sense of compassion, always ready to defend the vulnerable and stand up against injustice. They are the guardians who selflessly bear the burdens of others, shielding them from harm and embodying the strength of truth.

In contrast, the dragons, with their terrifying presence and destructive nature, represent the embodiment of chaos and fear. They are the antithesis of the Dinofroz, seeking to dominate and instill terror in the hearts of all who cross their path. But it is precisely because of this stark contrast that the Dinofroz's role becomes even more crucial.

The Dinofroz, with their unwavering spirit and unwavering dedication, stand as a formidable force against the dragons. They confront the darkness head-on, channeling their inner strength to protect the innocent and restore harmony. Their selflessness and bravery make them the true guardians of peace, ensuring that the world remains a sanctuary for all.

And they have a king. A king who embodies all that is noble and just. A king who leads with wisdom, compassion, and strength. This king stands at the forefront, guiding the Dinofroz with unwavering resolve. This king, the epitome of nobility and justice, stands as a beacon of hope amidst the shadows. His wisdom is a guiding compass, steering the Dinofroz through the treacherous paths they tread.

With a heart overflowing with compassion, the king of the Dinofroz leads with empathy and understanding. He listens to the voices of his warriors, valuing their insights and fostering an environment of trust and unity. His strength lies not only in his physical prowess, but in his ability to inspire others to rise above their fears and embrace their true potential.

In the face of adversity, the king remains resolute, never faltering in his commitment to protect the weak and uphold what is right. He is a pillar of strength, a source of unwavering resolve that fuels the Dinofroz's determination. His presence instills courage in their hearts, reminding them that they are never alone in their battles.

As a symbol of hope and inspiration, the king leads by example, demonstrating unwavering integrity and unwavering dedication to justice. He is a mentor, guiding the Dinofroz not only in their physical training, but also in the development of their character and moral compass. Under his guidance, they become not only formidable warriors, but also compassionate individuals who strive to make the world a better place.

The king's unwavering commitment to his people and his unwavering belief in the power of goodness make him a leader worth following into the depths of darkness. He is a shining light in the face of adversity, illuminating the path towards a brighter future. With his guidance, the Dinofroz march forward, united in their purpose, knowing that they fight not only for themselves, but for the greater good of all.

In the annals of history, the king of the Dinofroz will be remembered as a true hero, a leader who selflessly dedicated his life to protecting the weak and upholding justice. His legacy will endure, inspiring generations to come to stand up against injustice and to embrace the power of compassion and unwavering resolve.

Guided by their wise king, the Dinofroz succeeded in driving the dragon forces into the farthest reaches of the world... so far, in fact, that their existence became a mere whisper in the annals of forgotten lore. The king's profound wisdom, his deep understanding of the world's past, present, and future, and his unity with nature, all played a pivotal role in this monumental victory.

His wisdom extended beyond the tangible, reaching into the realm of the mystical. He was able to harness the mythical and often volatile power of the Rockfrost Stone. This legendary artifact was said to have been the turning point in the history of the two races. It was through the power of the Rockfrost Stone that the king was able to reveal to the dragons and dinosaurs their interconnected destinies, showing them that harmony was not just a possibility, but their birthright. 

However, not all embraced this vision of unity and evolution. Some saw the Rockfrost Stone not as a beacon of hope, but as a weapon to be wielded against those they deemed unworthy. One such individual was Niceron. His ambition and lust for power blinded him to the true potential of the Rockfrost Stone, leading him down a path of destruction and discord. His actions served as a stark reminder that power, without wisdom and compassion, can lead to ruin.

Niceron, with his silver tongue and promises of a brighter future, rallied his kin around him. He painted vivid pictures of a world where they belonged, where they were the rulers, not the ruled. With a band of loyal followers, he usurped his king and ascended to power.

Niceron, the new dragon king, now reigned supreme over the Dragon Lands.

As the absolute sovereign, patriarch, and master of the dragons, Niceron was a figure of terror in the primordial world. His reign was marked by his desire to rid the Earth of all humans, dinosaurs, and any other races that dared to oppose him. He always claimed to know what was best for his kind, the dragons. Niceron became the main adversary of the Dinofroz, and without a doubt, the most dangerous and powerful of all dragons.

His gaze alone was enough to shatter stone, and his fiery breath could melt mountains. But his power extended beyond his physical abilities. Niceron possessed a cunning mind, his strategies and plots as intricate and deadly as a spider's web. His words were as venomous as his actions, capable of swaying even the most steadfast of hearts. 

But what made Niceron truly terrifying was his complete disregard for life. He viewed others as mere pawns in his grand game, expendable and replaceable. His thirst for power was insatiable, and he would stop at nothing to achieve his goals. His reign was marked by fear and oppression, his rule absolute and unchallenged.

Niceron, the dragon king, was not just a threat to the Dinofroz, but to the very balance of the world. His reign of terror cast a long, dark shadow, threatening to plunge the world into an age of darkness and despair.

Everything would have come to an end, but King DinoFroz prevented it. As mentioned earlier, with the help of RockFroz, the king imprisoned the dragons in a place he called the "Dimension of the Volcano".

His subjects were curious about this place, and their righteous king gave them an answer. The Volcano is a separate world, eternally filled with fire and explosions, a natural environment for flying lizards. The dinosaurs were satisfied, entrusting all of this to their king. Sometimes His Majesty could get so carried away that his words sometimes made no sense.

But the people deeply believed and knew what the king was capable of, so they believed that it was they who were not developed enough to understand the king. Their respect for him was indescribable.

And life was beautiful after the war. Yes, they were gradually recovering and forming new connections, new knowledge. Their new friends, small but very smart people, were their allies. Time passed, life flourished, and everything was wonderful. Until... Until terrible news shocked all the dinosaurs.

Their king would not be with them. Panic arose, the king's generals mixed with the common people were stunned. The statement made by the king himself was hard to accept, if not impossible. But the king tried to reason with their paranoia.

From what he explained to them, they should not worry that some catastrophe will again put an end to the future of their race. For even though he will not be there to lead them, he will be ready to wake up from sleep for their well-being. From what sleep, you might think.

The king explained to them that RockFroz had given him instructions about the upcoming future, about the times when he will be needed and that when the threat to the whole world is finally eliminated, his task will be to protect the precious stone. And to protect the stone, he must fall into a deep sleep, for to maintain energy, he himself must be on par with it. 

His generals immediately objected to this idea. They asked not to listen to some stone and to spend his life with them, leading them and guiding them in this world. The king then smiled and, hitting his huge tail on the ground, said: "The day when I leave my people will never come! I will be with you, my subjects, my soul and heart belong to you. But what I felt... Tragedy will touch the very fabric of our reality, I must prevent all this."

For three days and three nights, the king's confidants discussed his decision about deep sleep with him. The king's heart ached when he saw his people in such confusion. Thanks to the joint work of the people, they were able to persuade him, a little. He postponed the time when he would go into hibernation, and until these times come, he will teach everything he knows, so that when he leaves, they could be independent.


" Welcome to the team, Fletchling! "

Ash Ketchum, the spirited 16-year-old trainer, couldn't contain his excitement as he welcomed the newest addition to his team from the Kalos region.

Clad in a striking red and black jacket with a crisp white collar and cuffs, complemented by a black shirt, he exuded confidence. His blue jeans and vibrant red sneakers with white accents completed his ensemble, topped off with a black and red hat proudly displaying the iconic Poké Ball symbol. This young adventurer had recently arrived in the region, his spirit ablaze with the anticipation of thrilling escapades. Despite the minor setback at the Lumiose City gym and the harrowing encounter with Garchomp, the past few days had been rather promising.

"Pika-Pikachu!" Pikachu, Ash's loyal companion, chimed in, nodding in agreement. Pikachu had been by Ash's side for a remarkable six years, weathering every storm and challenge together. 

"Froakie," Froakie, the newest member of Ash's team, chimed in with a more reserved yet joyful tone. 

"Hooray!" Bonnie and Clemont, Ash's newfound companions, joined in the chorus of excitement. Bonnie, a vivacious and enchanting younger sister, sported a ponytail of light hair gracefully swept to the right.

Her ensemble consisted of a brown shirt adorned with a black ribbon, a white skirt revealing glimpses of black leggings, and a pair of pink shoes. Completing her look was a yellow bag slung casually over her shoulder.

And then there was Clemont, the wise and resourceful older brother. With his fair complexion, piercing blue eyes, and a shock of tousled bright yellow hair styled into a lightning bolt-shaped tuft, he exuded an air of intelligence. Clemont's attire, reminiscent of a devoted fan or a studious botanist, featured oversized round glasses, black shoes with a contrasting white sole, and a sleek blue jumpsuit with a vibrant yellow collar and matching stripes on the knees and cuffs. A peculiarly designed backpack adorned his back, serving both as a technological marvel and a handy tool for grasping and securing various items.

"Thanks, everyone! Now, if you're all ready, let's make our way to the gym. Thrilling battles await!" Ash exclaimed, his childlike enthusiasm contagious as he raised his hand high in the air, rallying his Pokémon team for the challenges ahead.

Bonnie leaped into the air, already brimming with inspiration for the impending adventure, while Clemont smiled approvingly. With a press of a button on his backpack, he retrieved a map. "Alright, Ash, judging by our current location, it seems that we should..." Clemont turned around dramatically, pointing towards the dense forest. "Head in that direction!"

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go, everyone-"

Ash abruptly halted in his tracks. He spun around, his eyes scanning the surroundings intently.


His ears caught faint sounds, mysterious rustling, and elusive whispers. 

His companions noticed his sudden change in demeanor. Pikachu, Froakie, and Fletchling, perched on his shoulder, gazed at him with curious eyes. "Pika-Pika?"

He carefully placed Pikachu, his most loyal companion, on the soft grass, his eyes filled with a determination that was unfamiliar to his usually cheerful demeanor.

"I'll be right there, guys, don't go away," he said, and there was a hint of seriousness in his voice that was rarely heard. Without saying another word, he turned and dashed towards the nearest cave, his figure soon swallowed by the ominous darkness within. 

Bonnie and Clemont, his recently met human companions, stood frozen in surprise and confusion. Their faces reflected astonishment and bewilderment. They exchanged glances, their eyes wide and mouths agape. This was not the Ash they had come to know in their short time together. This was not the boy who faced every challenge with a smile on his face and a spark in his eyes. The way his mood changed, it's too strange.

The Pokémon, too, were taken aback. Pikachu's eyes widened like saucers, his tiny body trembling with shock. The other Pokémon shared his sentiment, their faces displaying a mix of surprise and concern. They had been through countless trials and tribulations with Ash, faced numerous dangers by his side, but they had never seen him behave like this. It was as if they were looking at a stranger.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still. The forest fell into an eerie silence, with only the rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of a birds breaking the stillness. They stood there, paralyzed by shock, their minds racing to comprehend the situation.

Then, as if struck by lightning, they sprang into action. Bonnie and Clemont, Pikachu, and the rest of the Pokémon, all rushed towards the cave. "Ash!" they cried, their voices echoing through the forest. But Ash was already gone, consumed by the darkness of the cave.



Ash made his way through the ancient walls of the cave, paying no attention to his surroundings or where he was heading. The sound, the whisper, it called out to him, sensing something within him. And it wasn't something ominous, but quite the opposite. From the fragments of murmurs he could discern, he heard phrases like "Times are changing," "The old soul needs rest," "Your people await you."

He didn't know what it all meant, but it seemed like someone needed help, and he couldn't stand idly by when someone needed a helping hand. His mother had raised him to be strong, his travels across the world had taught him to always be honest and fair. Life had shown him its vibrant colors, even though there was still much to discover. These thoughts weighed heavily on Ash's mind as he moved deeper into the cave, almost as if in a trance.

As he ventured further, the cave seemed to transform around him. The walls shimmered with an ethereal glow, casting dancing shadows that whispered secrets of forgotten tales. The air grew thick with anticipation, as if the very essence of the cave held its breath, waiting for Ash to uncover its mysteries.

The whispers grew louder, their words intertwining with Ash's thoughts. He could feel a connection, a bond forming between him and the unseen presence within the cave. It was as if the cave itself was alive, guiding him towards a purpose greater than he could comprehend.




As Ash emerged from the depths of the cave, he found himself standing before a magnificent sight. Before him stood an ancient temple, its grandeur and majesty evident in every intricate detail. The temple was adorned with ornate carvings, depicting legendary Pokémon and mythical creatures. The walls were etched with symbols and glyphs, telling stories of a forgotten era.

The temple seemed to emanate a mystical aura, as if it held the secrets of the universe within its walls. The air was filled with a sense of reverence and anticipation, as if the temple itself was waiting for Ash's arrival.

But Ash's attention was immediately drawn to a particular stone in the center of the temple. It glimmered with a radiant light, casting a soft glow that illuminated the entire chamber. The stone was diamond-shaped, its surface smooth and flawless. It seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly energy, beckoning Ash closer.

Without hesitation, Ash slowly approached the stone, his hand outstretched. As his fingers brushed against its surface, a surge of warmth coursed through his veins. It was as if the stone recognized him, as if it had been waiting for his touch.

As Ash held the stone in his hand, a wave of images and emotions washed over him. Visions of ancient battles, Beings he had never seen, whose majesty he could not even imagine, and forgotten heroes flashed before his eyes. He could feel the weight of history, the power of the past, flowing through him.



Confusion clouded his mind as he looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings.

"Where am I?" he muttered, his voice echoing in the empty space. The room he found himself in was vast and cavernous, with towering walls that seemed to stretch endlessly into the darkness. The air was heavy with a sense of mystery, and Ash couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and trepidation.

As he took a step forward, he noticed something peculiar. There was a faint glow emanating from the walls, casting an ethereal blue light that danced and flickered. It was as if the very essence of the cave was alive, pulsating with an energy that Ash couldn't comprehend.

He couldn't shake the feeling that he had been here before, that this place held some significance to him. It was both familiar and foreign, a paradox that intrigued and bewildered him. How could he know and not know this place at the same time?

Suddenly, a deep rumble reverberated through the walls, causing the ground to tremble beneath his feet. The cave seemed to come alive, its ancient stones pulsing with an unseen power.

Little did he know that his touch would awaken the slumbering Dinofroz King. The ancient power within the stone resonated with the king's essence, causing his eyes to flicker open. With a low, rumbling growl, the king tried to suppress his immense presence, not wanting to startle the young boy.

Ash, sensing something stirring behind him, slowly turned towards the source of the sound. His eyes widened in awe as he beheld the majestic figure before him. 

The Dinofroz King stood tall and imposing, a magnificent giant among dinosaurs. His body was adorned with scales of a mesmerizing shade of deep blue, shimmering with an ethereal glow. Each scale was perfectly crafted, reflecting the light in a way that made it seem as if the king himself was infused with the power of ice and frost.

His massive legs were built with immense power, capable of carrying his colossal frame with ease. The muscles rippled beneath his sleek scales, showcasing his incredible strength and agility. His short but large paws were adorned with formidable claws, crafted from ice that glistened with an otherworldly brilliance. These icy claws were not only a symbol of his power, but also served as formidable weapons, capable of rending through any obstacle that dared to stand in his way.

Atop the king's head, three majestic ridges of ice rose like frozen peaks, creating a regal crown-like structure. These icy formations were not just for show, but served as a testament to his authority and wisdom. They were a visual representation of the king's connection to the element of ice, a power that he wielded with mastery and control.

The king's eyes, deep and piercing, held a glint of ancient wisdom and a spark of untamed power. They were windows to a soul that had witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations, a soul that carried the weight of countless battles and triumphs. His gaze commanded respect and reverence, drawing all who beheld it into the depths of his indomitable spirit.

As the king moved, his scales emitted a soft, icy aura, leaving a trail of frost in his wake. The air around him seemed to chill, as if paying homage to his icy dominion. His presence alone was enough to send shivers down the spines of those who stood before him, a reminder of the raw power and majesty that he embodied.

The Dinofroz King, a creature of unparalleled grandeur and strength, was a sight to behold. With an aura of mystique and power that set him apart from any other dinosaur. His icy armor, his regal crown, and his commanding presence made him a true king among kings, a legendary figure that would be etched into the annals of history.

Ash, captivated by the sheer magnificence of the Dinofroz King, could hardly believe his eyes. This was a creature of legends, a being of unparalleled grandeur. The king's presence alone commanded respect and reverence, leaving Ash in awe of the immense power that emanated from him.

The king's voice, deep and resonant, filled the air as he spoke,

"And who might you be, young one?" His tone was gentle, yet carried an air of authority that demanded attention.