
Power of King [ Pokemon/Dinofroz ]

The ancient king, feeling the chill of mortality, knew his hourglass was running out of sand. His kingdom, his people, they were his heart, his soul. The thought of them, defenseless against the dragon-fire, was a horror he couldn't bear. He'd been their shield, their rock, for more years than he could count. Then, a boy materialized, a peculiar lad with a tuft of yellow fur on his shoulder, an oddity that seemed to hum with life. In the boy's presence, the king glimpsed the future. A successor was needed, and perhaps, just perhaps, this boy was the answer

RockSaur · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

2. Introducing

Ash stood in awe, shocked to the core. He stared at the creature before him, marveling at its size, perhaps even larger than the legendary Kyogre and Groudon themselves. The mere presence of this giant filled the air with a chilling breeze that penetrated to the bone. Ash felt incredibly small next to this titan, and rightly so. He looked into the eyes of this colossus and saw incredible wisdom, yet also weariness. His gaze fell upon its massive and deadly claws, likely covered in a layer of ice that could easily send him plummeting into the ground with a single touch. A long tail and powerful legs, covered in blue scales. Strength and grace, but wait a second...

"A talking Pokémon?!"

Only now did young Ash realize the painfully obvious fact that the giant before him could speak. And it's not like he hadn't encountered something similar before, with Meowth from Team Rocket being a prime example. He knew that some Pokémon used special abilities to project their thoughts into the listener's mind. Psychic types could do that, if he remembered correctly. What surprised him, though, was that this legendary creature before him (he couldn't think of any other explanation) spoke in human language, with the sound emanating from its mouth... Ash instinctively grabbed his head, his thoughts racing, his mind overwhelmed with information. As much as this situation troubled him, he still held the stone tightly in his hands. His young and impressionable spirit yearned to move forward and approach this blue titan, carefully examining it and marveling at its strength and aura. And not only that, he had just begun his journey in this region, and he had already encountered a legendary Pokémon?! Incredibly cool, period.

Across from him, King Dinofroz, the mighty ruler of the Dinofroz, frowned. His massive form towered over Ash, casting a long shadow that seemed to swallow the young trainer whole. The King knew who this little creature was. A human. One of his subjects. These people, with so much strength and potential in their hearts, were incredibly resourceful and adaptive. They were brave individuals, unwavering in the face of adversity. King Dinofroz had witnessed how they stood strong against the harshest storms, their spirits unyielding, their determination unwavering. They were warriors, each and every one of them, their hearts ablaze with a fire that refused to be extinguished.

But they were also compassionate beings. They deeply cared for one another, their bonds of kinship and friendship stronger than any forces of nature. They quickly extended a helping hand, offering comfort and support in times of hardship. Their kindness was a beacon of light in a world often shrouded in darkness.

They were wise people, their minds as sharp as their spears. They were thinkers, dreamers, innovators. They constantly sought knowledge, striving to understand the world around them and their place in it. Their curiosity was a testament to their intellect, their thirst for knowledge a reflection of their ambitions.

They were people of honor, their actions guided by strong moral principles. They understood the importance of honesty and the necessity of standing up for what is right, even when it is difficult. They were not afraid to make sacrifices for the greater good, their selflessness a testament to their noble hearts.

They were resilient people, their spirits as unyielding as the ice adorning my crown. They had faced countless challenges, endured countless hardships, and yet they continued to persevere. They were survivors, their strength a testament to their indomitable will.

People and dinosaurs, all of them were his subjects. He saw their connection, witnessed the alliance that could be forged between the Dinofroz and humans. Friendship, camaraderie, and even love. There were instances where, despite their racial differences, love found a way to exist, which the King found to be truly profound, for without such a feeling as love, the world would cease to be so vibrant. He bestowed his blessing upon his people, able to bridge the gap between two souls in love. The King could simply erase the boundaries created by their races and place one in the other's stead... Or in other words, make a human become a dinosaur and vice versa. It resulted in a very interesting outcome! But that's a story for another time.

He saw the best that humans could become, and he hoped that his loyal subjects remained the same.

He was also intrigued by this concept of "Pokémon," as he couldn't identify who was before him. How could he not recognize his own king? And why did this "Pokémon" hold any significance if even he, the Legendary Dinofroz, was placed in the same category? No, the King of the Dinofroz was not a greedy and self-absorbed ruler; he was simply curious. Had the humans forgotten who protected them in ancient times? Had his name been swallowed by the merciless pits of time? That was what the ruler wanted to find out.

King Dinofroz lowered his head, his eyes meeting Ash's. The human was tiny compared to him, like a grain of sand against a mountain. Yet, there was a fire in his eyes that intrigued the king. He decided to explain himself, hoping to clear the confusion.

"I am King Dinofroz," he began, his voice deep and resonant. "I rule over the Dinofroz, the mighty dinosaurs of this land. I have no knowledge of these 'Pokémon' you speak of."

Ash's eyes widened in surprise, his mouth slightly ajar. He blinked several times, trying to process the information. "Dinofroz?" he repeated, and the word felt foreign on his tongue. He lowered his gaze to the stone in his hand, a bright white light reflecting all the colors of the rainbow. He instinctively gripped it tighter, not understanding where it came from. Something about all this was incredibly mystical and he was experiencing it for the first time. "But... you're a Pokémon, aren't you?" Ash asked, his voice full of uncertainty. He had never heard of Pokémon named "Dinofroz" before. Could it be a new species? Or perhaps, it was a legendary Pokémon he didn't know about? All these possibilities swirled in his mind, and he was more confused than ever.

The titan blinked in front of him, even such a simple movement was something extraordinary. Ash felt like he should kneel before him and pay his respects to his majesty. But there was too much information in his head, preventing him from thinking clearly, and he felt like he was about to collapse...

No, young one. As I said, I am a dinosaur, a Dinofroz, their king," the king repeated with a hint of amusement in his voice. "We are not Pokémon, young one, and there have never been such creatures among my subjects. I am from a time long before yours. My kind and I roamed this land when it was still young, when the skies were filled with our brethren and the earth trembled beneath our feet. We are children of the land, born from its fiery heart and shaped by its relentless forces. We are the embodiment of raw nature's power and unwavering spirit."

He paused, his gaze softening as he looked at the boy. "We are Dinofroz, but we are more than that. We are warriors, protectors of this land and its inhabitants. We are survivors, enduring through the ages and adapting to the ever-changing world. We are a testament to the indomitable spirit of life, a reminder of the vibrant past of the Earth and a beacon of hope for its future."

The king's voice trailed off, his words hanging in the air. "And yet, you know nothing of us. Why is that, young one? I sense that I have been out of my time for far too long, many moons have passed, too many to count. Could it be that what you call us, dinosaurs, is now something else? Referring to me as a Pokémon. Tell me, are there many like me beyond my temple?"

Ash tried to keep up with the king's words, but only made it worse. He grabbed his head, but still answered the question with a bit more energy, "Of course not! A regular Pokémon doesn't even come close to your size, Your Majesty!" Ash seemed to have taken him as his king, which was not right... He didn't want to offend, but... But these thoughts were not his own. "If you'll excuse me, I'll put this stone back where it belongs-"



"Not just a stone, but Rockfrost, young one."

Ash simply nodded, hurrying to the altar to return this "Rockfrost" to its original position. He didn't see the amused look from the King, who raised an eyebrow as he watched him. Ash had questions, and he was sure the King could provide answers.

After a minute, Ash returned to his spot, feeling relieved. Now he could think more clearly, no longer feeling like he was in a fog. He looked at the King with excitement in his eyes. "Just as I said, a regular Pokémon cannot be this huge! Of course, I knew of a Dragonite, but you, you are much bigger! Most Pokémon in their first stage of evolution are small enough to fit on my shoulder. There are even legendary Pokémon in your league, well, in terms of size, and that's not a guarantee. You, Mr. King DinoFroz, might even be bigger than them! If you think about it, even Kyogre and Groudon..."

The scaly titan chuckled inwardly at the young one. His words were filled with curiosity and accompanied by gestures. The King could see that the young one couldn't stand still, finding the current situation much more interesting than the King himself.

The leader of the dinosaurs seemed to understand who these "Pokémon" were, and they were nothing more than those wild animals that often attacked his subjects' pastures. The King had to set up guards back then! And judging by how Ash was talking about them, the King understood that they were tamed. Not only that, they possessed some abilities. And here the King found an error in his previous reasoning. These were not just animals, they were much more, much more dangerous, capable of terraforming the land beneath their feet! The King wasn't particularly surprised by their abilities, but still, it was one of the reasons that set these Pokémon apart from the wild animals in his time. And to think that humans had tamed them again. They never ceased to amaze him. Truly, a race with immense potential that he knew of firsthand. There were people in his army who were gifted to fight alongside them and be full-fledged DinoFroz!

The boy continued to ramble on and on, but now the King was interested in something entirely different. "Thank you for the explanation, young Ash, but tell me one thing."

Ketchum stopped, raising his head to meet the King's gaze, and asked expectantly, "What is it?"

Ash swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest. "I was celebrating with my team and friends when I heard... voices," he began, his voice trembling. "At first, they were faint, but they grew louder and louder until I couldn't ignore them anymore. And then... that's when I felt it... the pull. It was like something was drawing me in, guiding me towards... towards this place. I didn't know what it was or why it was happening, but I felt like I had to follow it. And that's how I ended up here."

The King listened attentively, never taking his eyes off Ash's face. When Ash finished speaking, the King fell silent for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then, without warning, he stomped his foot on the ground, causing the earth beneath them to tremble. Ash gasped in surprise, stumbling backward as the ground shook beneath his feet.

The King laughed heartily, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Then the time has come," he declared, his voice echoing throughout the temple. "The time for what?" Ash asked, his heart still racing from the sudden earthquake. But the King simply smiled, a mysterious gleam in his eyes. "You'll see, young one," he said. "You'll see, young Dinofroz"