
Portgas D. Naruto

____________________________________ Naruto is born as Ace's older brother and the son of Portgas D. Rouge and the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. Follow his life in the One Piece universe. ____________________________________ Disclaimer:this fanfic is not mine it's from Qwert135, if you want to take it down, message me, Every Chapter have 2k+ - 3k+ word's, so enjoy :D

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Chapter 26

Portgas D. Naruto


'Where is he!' Naruto thought as he dashed through the underwater castle, using his Devil-Fruit powers to make it so a layer of air prevented any part of his body from touching the water

"HALT!" More guards yelled out as Naruto continued to run straight through them knocking them off to the side before he continued down his path to find the location of Whitebeard

A few more strides forward, Naruto spotted another guard with his spear at the ready. Instead of just using his shoulder to knock him out of the way Naruto elected to end his search instead and grabbed the guard by the throat. "Where is Whitebeard!?" Naruto questioned the stunned guard as he looked onto him with anger

The guard then opened his mouth, "I-I don't-" He began to say before he was cut off

"Don't tell me you don't know!" Suddenly the water around the arm that was holding the guard began to emit some steam in the think layer of air that surrounded it and then began to make the water boil

The guard's eyes widened even more in shock and he tried to shake free but that only caused Naruto to even more tighten his grip. "I can boil you alive! Unless you don't want to end up as a steamed salmon you'll tell me what I want to know!"

"H-he's in King Neptune's throne hall." The guard squeaked out as Naruto scanned the hallway he was in quickly before looking back down at the guard

"And where is that located from here?" He asked with a more toned down voice

The guard pointed to his right hand side and Naruto followed his hand to see a door at the end of the hallway. "See was that really that hard?" Naruto questioned before he did a quick chop on the guards neck

Instead of knocking him out the guard just questioned as to why a Yonko just tapped him on the neck. "Uhhhhh. . ." The guard began

"Shut it! I tried something and it did not work as expected. Anyway. . ." Naruto said as he then held up his hand and sparks began to emit from it and he then jabbed a small electro attack in the guards stomach which did the job of knocking him unconscious

The Yonko then left the unconscious form of the guard behind as he walked forward towards the giant door in which the guard had pointed to. The captain of the Whirlpool Pirates exhaled before putting both hands on opposite doors to push them open to reveal the Throne Room. "Here we go." Naruto spoke out to no one in particular. As he pushed open the doors they both exploded outwards towards him knocking the Yonko back with tremendous force as shards of wood flew in every which direction, some of which shooting through his body but dealing no damage due to the powers of the Mizu Mizu no mi.

After the explosion, Naruto collected his thoughts and then began to get his way out of the rubble before looking onto who caused the explosion of the doors. Standing in his way was the Strongest Man in the World with his giant weapon drawn and standing at his side with the tip facing the younger Devil-Fruit user. "Gurararararara! For an Emperor of the Sea you sure go down easy Portgas D. Naruto. They must just be giving away a title like that now days." The colossal man spoke as he banged his staff against the stone floor

"Whitebeard." Naruto spoke softly as he stood against the man

Whitebeard's grin then turned into a sort of frown as he eyed Naruto in the eye, "You know the rules Portgas, Fish-man Island is mine! Why have you come here!?" The man demanded to know as Naruto got ready for a confrontation

"I came here for my brother! I know he's joined up with you and I want him back! I don't know what lies you told him but you can't have him!" Naruto yelled back at the man as Whitebeard's eyes expanded for a split second before he arched his head a little downwards

He let out a soft sigh, "Ace." He said silently, a sound Naruto failed to here

"So where is he?!" Naruto demanded to know as Whitebeard remained silent

Naruto wasn't liking the silence so he lunged at Whitebeard with a semi open palm to attack. "I said where is he!" He yelled out as Whitebeard brought back his fist and slammed the figure of Naruto from above with the power of the Gura Gura no mi into the floor below. While this was all happening King Neptune looked on with a bit of sweat from behind them with his guards who have already passed out due to all of the conquerors haki being released.

The said attack had enough force behind it to even make Naruto bleed despite his Devil-Fruit abilities. Whitebeard did not intend on fighting seriously but still used enough of the Gura Gura no mi so that Naruto would feel it. The floor beneath the two men cracked and began to be pressed inwards until a little dust cloud rose in the air dome that housed Whitebeard.

The older Yonko took a few steps back as Naruto got to his feet once again, "Don't think I'm going down so easily old man!" He told him as he held his left arm as blood trickled down the right side of his forehead. "I'll ask you again where is he!?" Naruto yelled out with anger as he began to charge again sending waves of ice Whitebeard's way which the giant easily cut down, only a few shards managing to hit him, leaving minor damage.

Seeing as though Naruto was not in the right state of mind was able to predict his next attack and counter it with his own. As Naruto ran at Whitebeard again to attack, the older of the two managed to grab him and restrain him in his hand. "You have no right being in my territory Portgas! Leave now or be destroyed!" Whitebeard told his fellow Yonko, dancing around the subject of Ace

"You think you can threaten me old man?!" Naruto yelled back, knowing in the back of his mind that he may have bitten off more than he could chew

Whitebeard began to grow impatient as he stabbed his staff into the ground and cocked back his fist, in front of Naruto's eyes a white energy began to coat his fist over and he stayed in that position for a few moments. "Your cheap body manipulation techniques won't work on me boy! I have you beaten, now leave this place!" He demanded

"I wouldn't be so sure old man!" Naruto told him as Whitebeard followed Naruto's sightline to see that his air bubble looked to be that it was about to implode

Both men had eachother at a standoff and it was only a matter of time until one of them pulled the trigger. "Gurarararararara! You are a witty one! Just like your old man!" Whitebeard laughed as he loosened his grip on Naruto and he jumped out onto the ground

"Cut the crap Whitebeard! Where is Ace?! Where is my brother!?" Naruto demanded to know as Whitebeard turned to face Neptune once again and sighed. "He is not here, now leave this place." Whitebeard retorted

Just then Marco had ran down the hall and stepped through the mess that was the main door into King Neptune's throne room and ran up to Whitebeard. "Pops!" He yelled out to him. "Most of our allies from the New World have arrived in Fish-man Island, we are awaiting a few more and will be ready to embark to Marineford in a few days." Marco told him discreetly but loud enough for Naruto to pick up on

"Marineford? Why are you going to Marineford with all of your forces Whitebeard!?" Naruto yelled up to the older man as he turned sharply to face the other Yonko and began to walk towards him until he stopped beside him

He dropped a newspaper to Naruto before walking away with Marco, both of them exiting the building. Naruto scanned over the paper and dropped it immediately after he had read the headline.

Commander of the Second Division, Portgas D. Ace, Captured!

The notorious pirate known as Portgas D. Ace was captured recently by the newly appointed Warlord of the Sea Marshall D. Teach. It has

been stated by the Navy Fleet Admiral, Sengoku, that a public execution of Fire Fist will be held at Marineford. It was stated

that this execution is to set an example for all of those who wish to defy order and retreat to the Sea for a life of piracy. The event in question has been said

to have multiple Vice Admirals and Admirals in attendance to prevent any unwanted attention from fellow bands of Pirates. The event in question

will also be broadcasted for all to see across the four blue seas and the Grandline.

Naruto, being smart enough to put the pieces together, knew that Whitebeard was bringing his forces to Fish-man Island in order to gather them to take on the World Government at Marineford. But Whitebeard's army was the least of the young Yonko's concern as he walked up next to a stone wall and used it to brace himself to take in all of the news. "I can't. . ." He spoke softly. "I can't let them take away another. . ." Naruto said again

Faint memories of himself and his father fishing came to his mind as he remembered it was one of the last times he had seen the man before he had handed himself over to the World Government. He then remembered Sabo and brought a hand to the boy's goggles which now rested on his head. He remembered on how the two of them used to get one of Dadan's oversized underpants and make a makeshift pirateship in a tree and pretend to be sailing the seas and finding treasure. And finally he remembered the first time he had held his little brother, the first time he had met Ace. He remembered how small and delicate he was and knew that from that day forth it was his job to protect him.

His eyes shot up as he made his way out of the palace to find his crew. Once meeting the three of them they were joyed to see that Whitebeard had not kiiled their captain but were concerned about the look in his eye.

"Cap'n what happened in there between you and Whitebeard?" Asked Russ as Naruto kept quiet for a moment

"That doesn't matter, we need to put the mission to find the weapons on hold for a moment." The captain of the Whirlpool Pirates declared

Lucy raised her brow at this as she responded to the news, "Wait what why? What happened that you're not telling us!?"

Naruto just ignored her as he began to speak again, "Lucy set a course for Impel Down. And I don't want to hear any questions about it."

"What Impel Down why would we need to go. . ." Lucy began but before she could finish she was interrupted

The Yonko's anger flared as he snapped back to Lucy, "I said no questions Navigator!"

Kiji then stepped forward to put a hand on Naruto's shoulder to roughly turn him around but before he could he received a punch to the mouth the moment he laid a hand on him. The Fish-man was sent back a few feet before he fell to a knee, blood leaking from his nose.

"Oh my god! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Lucy yelled out at Naruto as he turned her way but stopped once he heard a click behind him

Turning around slightly he saw Russ pointing a gun at his back with his prosthetic right eye blazing a solid red light. "Don't you even think about hitting her!" He told his captain as Naruto began to calm himself

"Now what the hell is going on that you act out of control like that!" Russ demanded of him, keeping the gun up

Just then Naruto began clench his fist as his figure darted the other way so the crew could not see his hurt face. "The Government has my brother and plans to execute him." He told them

"So you thought it'd be a good idea to attack you crew mates because of that?!" Russ once again demanded to know, but this time lowering his weapon

The Yonko exhaled, "I'm sorry, I let my emotions get the best of me, I didn't mean to hurt you Kiji, or any of you for that matter."

"It's fine." Kiji spoke simply as Russ chuckled

"I don't think it is, he's our captain, he needs to think with his head and not harm his friends." Russ told them as Naruto turned to face him

Lucy reached her hand out and placed it on the marksman's hand getting his attention, "Russ stop! He's going through a lot! His brother. . ."

"I know my point is he can't lash out like he did." Russ told her as Naruto interjected

"And how would you have acted!" Naruto yelled back

Russ clenched his teeth, "A hell of a lot better than you!"

Naruto turned away and took a few steps away from the group, "You don't understand! You have no family out there!"


"You say I have no family, well I do! And it's right here! All of you! And it's killing me to see that my family is harming one another!" Russ spoke with passion as Naruto lowered his head in regret

"Russ. . ." Lucy began as she was lost for words

Kiji brought a hand to the marksman's shoulder. "I-I'm sorry."

"It's fine Kiji. I just don't want to have conflict between all of us. I already lost one family, I-I don't want to lose this one too." The marksman finished

"None of us do Russ." Lucy told him

Breaking, Naruto turned back to face his crew, "Russ . . . I'm sorry I didn't mean to. . .it just came out. . . and you too Kiji. . ."

"Don't worry Cap'n, I forgive you and so does Kiji. I too think it's safe to say that all of us are with ya on helping you save your brother." Russ told him with an honest smile, having vented all f his frustration

"If that's the case and we're setting off again shouldn't we rethink our strategy?" Kiji asked the crew as they all gave him their attention

He continued, "You suggested that we go into Impel Down to find Ace, well the truth of it is we don't know exactly where he is in there. It might be easier for us to wait until the day of the execution, we'll know exactly where he'll be and if what you suspect about Whitebeard is true we'll have the cover of an army to get him back."

"That sounds like a good idea! Can we get our forces here in time for the execution?" Lucy asked as everyone turned to Naruto

He shook his head, "No, it's impossible, the rest of the crew is too deep into the New World to make it back to Paradise in time. The execution is only in a couple of days time, they'd never make it. On top of that the Marine's will have Whitebeard's forces outnumbered." Naruto answered her as Russ blew air out of his mouth

"So here we are in another situation where all of us are up against th' odds." He told everyone. "Is there anything we can get in time for this fight that can help us in anyway?" He asked the group as Naruto's mind clicked

"We might have something, but it won't give us anymore man power." Naruto exclaimed with a hint of excitement in his voice

The crew paused and looked at him in confusion, "Lucy, do you recall what we moved closer to the Red Line from the New World?" He asked her

Her eyes went wide, "You don't plan to use that!?" She exclaimed with shock in her voice

"I can't think of a better time than now!" Naruto told everyone with confidence

"So what's the plan with the Whitebeard Pirates?" Lucy asked

"Whatta ya mean?" Russ questioned her

She then answered, "Well they're our enemies, do we just sneak past them and get Ace or do we shoot them along with the Marines or. . ."

Naruto looked out towards the group of ships that was gathering in the distance that was no doubt Whitebeard's fleet. "We'll help them in their battle. They're fighting for the same reasons as us, to protect their family. I see no reason for us to fight one another along with the Marines." Naruto answered them

"Alright so here we go on another death defying mission. Can't wait." Lucy spoke semi-sarcastically with a smile on her face as herself and the rest of the crew went towards the Great Wave

"C'mon we don't have a moment to lose! We gotta save Ace!" Naruto told them as they all ran to the shipyard where the Great Wave was to leave Fish-man island and go and get their plan into motion

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