
Pokemon: Trainer's Story

Tye Septem is a new up-and-coming Pokemon Trainer that starts his Kanto Journey by going to the prestigious Pokemon Technical Institute. --------- Updates: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. English first language, but I can barely speak it, First Fanfiction as well. Never played any Pokemon games before.

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16 Chs

Chapter 5

It has been a week since school officially started, and a week since Tye has started to teach Lancelot how to use nen.

Since learning nen takes a considerable amount of concentration, he has been using Bedivere for classes and training, since then Bedivere has learned how to use Bubble Beam and Slam proficiently.

"Alright class, that's it for today, homework for the next class is page 12, questions 1,2, and 3, letters 'A to J', and read up on long division for the next class as well."

As the teacher left the class, signifying the end class of the day, normally at the end of the day students will either go towards their dorms and do whatever they need to do or go to the simulation room and try out different battle strategies, there wasn't much to do other than those, but not for this day.

Today was club registry, Clubs were an integral part of a school's sociability between students, most students would go from their dorms to their classes with minimal contact with anyone else, so Clubs participation was made mandatory and at least 20 hours of club participation is needed to graduate.

On this day many students will be looking around and sampling different clubs to join, unsure of which to join, due to this clubs in the first few weeks have a low retention rate of members, but evens out later in the month.

But this was different for Tye, since he found multiple clubs he wanted to join, but due to varying factors, there was only one left on his list

The Human and Pokemon Self-Improvement Club, there are 3 self-improvement clubs in Pokemon Tech, Vocation Self Improvement geared towards the improvement of public speaking, and the other Study Hall Self-Improvement, geared towards the improvement of your studies.

The Human and Pokemon Self-Improvement Club is focused on physical training to become a better version of yourself, they do a wide range of sports and have free access to the only gym on campus.

More than anything, he wishes to have access to the gym other than during Physical Education class, since specialized machines, weights and structures will help more than using a poorly made object that's outside.

The main club room was located in the 3rd twelveth grade classroom, as he entered only one person was sitting behind the teacher's desk, he looked remarkably similar to Tye, but his features had more of an edge, as well as his hair and eyes being blue.

Since the club room was located on the twelfth-grade block which is the furthest away from the most central area, this was intentionally made so that the twelve graders wouldn't have to deal with disturbances of foot traffic, this also means that this area was mostly empty.

"Good Afternoon, I am interested in joining the Human and Pokemon Self-Improvement Club."

Tye's greeting caused the boy behind the desk that was writing out forms to look up at him before saying,

"Welcome, my name is Kanye Simpson the President of the club, to join you only need to fill out this form."

Tye nodded as he filled out the form, it was simple, his name, age, homeroom class and contact, it didn't even take 5 minutes to fill it out.

It was 40 minutes later as the classroom was filled with students of varying ages, but the age scale leaned towards the older than younger, as Tye was the youngest one there.

"Alright everyone, welcome to a new year of Human and Pokemon Self-Improvement club, nothing has really changed from the previous year, but we do have 1 new club member with us today,"

Kanye pointed towards Tye as he continued, "This is Tye, he's in the first year so be kind."

Everyone greeted Tye in their own way as they made a gesture towards him as he responded with his own.

"This month is empty and next month's calender will be posted on in the group later as there are a few changed to some people's contact information so they will need to be readded to the group, and new members have to be added anyways."

Kanye took a breather, "Since that's out the way, any ideas on what should we do today, a reminder we can't use the pool until November due to repairs."

Took it a few before the first person spoke up, "President, what about some track races."

Hearing this suggestion another voice popped up in agreement, "I vote for track races as well, been a while since we did any."

"Yeah, I'm pumped to do some tracks!"

"I could try out the new running technique I learned."

"I'm down with whatever..."

"I'll lap everyone year." "Didn't you have asthma?"

A myriad of voices all collectively agreed with the suggest tracks as President sighs as he had a smile smile on his face.

"Alright, since everyone agreed with Track, we'll meet up on the track field in ten minutes, remember to get your gear and clothes for running."

With the meeting concluded, Tye went back to his dorm to change clothes and collect Lancelot.

He showed up to track field as it was at the right side of school, it was sepreted from the school through a large field on one side and a football field on the other side, the track itself was surrounded by a large metal fence.

Instead of his uniform, Tye wore a white long sleeve t-shirt, white leggings and green short shorts over them, along with 2 different towels dropped over his shoulders, his long green hair that was normally let down to just above the around was tied into a ponytail with a white hair tie.

The field was filled with about 20 different people with a lot of different Pokemon cheering on the runners as well, with 8 different people sprinting down the 100 meter lane.

He announced his presence to the group as he let out Lancelot and Bedivere, and placed his bag in the stands with the others.

The race ended with a girl with purple hair winning by a hair's length with a boy with blue hair came in second.

"Didn't you say that you were gonna lap everyone here, why did you come in second then?"

The girl said to the boy with a smirk on her face as the others laughed at his expression.