
Pokemon: Trainer's Story

Tye Septem is a new up-and-coming Pokemon Trainer that starts his Kanto Journey by going to the prestigious Pokemon Technical Institute. --------- Updates: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. English first language, but I can barely speak it, First Fanfiction as well. Never played any Pokemon games before.

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16 Chs

Chapter 2

"Rio, Rio!"

A doglike creature formed out of the light, it is primarily blue with black fur framing its eyes, nose upper body, and legs, with yellow fur looking like a collar and red eyes, and finally two white round iron ovals on its forearm.

Riolu and Tye looked at each other before Riolu looked around a bit before looking back at Tye.

Riolu's eyes glowed slightly before he raised his arm as a fist, Tye did the same they pumped their fist.

"My name is Tye Septem, 10 years old and a new Pokemon Trainer, looks like we will be partners for the years to come."

Riolu nods his head and said, "Rio!"

Tye looked at the pamphlet, it was neatly designed and looked well-made.

{Your Starter Pokemon and You}

[Once you received your starter Pokemon, the first thing to do is to give them a name, giving a Pokemon a name can give said Pokemon individuality when in a crowd of said Pokemon, the trainer will be able to find out which is theirs.]

[Pokemon names can vary from anything, from your favorite food to a concept, give a name you will remember.]

Tye looked at Riolu who was punching a Sitrus Berry Tree that was planted there, he called out to it as Riolu looked in his direction.

"Want a name?"

Riolu looked at him blankly before it shrugged, Tye took that for an agreement and began thinking of a name.

After a couple of minutes of thinking, he thought of a name, "What about the name Lancelot?"

Riolu nodded his head excitedly, showing his agreement with the name.


Tye went inside and introduced Lancelot to his Mother and grabbed his suitcases, and backpack, and loaded them onto his Kalos Style Bicycle, instead of a regular bicycle, it was made for the rider to sit upright rather than lean forward along with a truck in the front.

Pokemon Technical Institute is a boarding school with strict rules, a school made for trainers that don't want or can't do the traditional journey, although it is at a higher standard than other Pokemon schools.

If you fail to graduate you will be held back for an indefinite amount of years until you can manage to pass.

The path from his home to the school was linear, Tye along with Lancelot sitting in the front basket, began riding on the path, Tye went slowly since he didn't want to knock over any of the luggage.

After a minute of riding, he passed a multitude of Pokemon, from Pidgey and Sparrow in the trees and on the ground, Caterpie and Weedle in the bushes to Oddish sunbathing in the open. He reached a short wooden bridge that was over a small lake, after riding over it, he saw a group of Azurill and Maril throughout the river, looking over towards Riolu he had a thought in his head.

'I'm a Pokemon Trainer, and one of the main things trainers do is catch Pokemon, a future Azumarill will be perfect.'

"Lancelot let's catch ourselves a new team member," Tye swapped the bicycle mode and the wheels gained traction.

"Rio, Ri!" Lancelot answered as Tye rode the bicycle down the small edge unto the sand.

Tye singled an Azurill out of the pack, as Lancelot jumped out of the Basket and landed on the sand.

As Tye was about to call out a move, he then remembered he never checked Lancelot's move set, he berated himself for his blunder and quickly think of a move any Riolu should know.

Azurill bounced on its tail before it breathed deeply and let out a stream of water.

"Dodge to the right and use Quick Attack!" Tye commanded as soon as he saw it breathe in.

Lancelot moved off as the Watergun hit where he was, he dashed forward covered in a silver light tackling the Azurill, both of them crashing into the ground.

"U!" "Az!" They both cried out, clearly hurt from the attack.

Tye frowned as he fished out a Pokeball from the inside pocket of his Jacket and threw it at the Azurill.

Sucking Azurill into the ball, the button blinked red as it shook a few times before letting out a bell and went silent.

"Yes! First Catch!" Tye shouted as he ran up and grabbed Azurill's Pokeball off the sandy ground. Lancelot let out a sigh as he also showed signs of excitement, they both ended up doing a high five.

A few minutes later, Azurill and Lancelot could be seen looking at each other, but no hostility could be seen from either of them.

"Welcome to the team Azurill, my name is Tye your new Trainer and this here is Lancelot the Riolu."

"Rio," Lancelot held out its arm as Azurill pumped his fist with Lancelot.

Azurill looked at Tye before nodding and showing a happy smile, "Azu, Azu!" Azurill bounced around on its ball-like tail.

"Azurill, want a name?" Tye asked Azurill as it near instantly nodded when he asked.

Tye began thinking of a name before one instantly clicked to him, "How about Bedivere."

Azurill took a while to give a reaction to the name, Tye almost began to think that he didn't like it but before his thoughts ran off, Azurill nodded along with the name, agreeing with it.

"Azu!" Bedivere let out a cry.

Tye smiled as he patted the head of Bedivere, he was surprised that he was mostly covered in fur for a water-type Pokemon.

He sat Lancelot and Bedivere into the basket of the bicycle and went back unto the path and cycled their way to school.

While Tye in his mind listed a couple of things he would need to do once he got into the campus and had himself a Pokedex.