
Life as a Trainer 1

"What the hell! this kid is really something. I got to tell the rest what they missed. It looks like this city finally has an S-rank talent." ????? Said and left.

Austin grabbed the pokeball and left with eevee. The other torchics were scared of eevee's aura. After he left the room, he thanks the workers and trainer. Then he took the subway back to the Pokémon center. He decided to take four missions a week. The rest of the time would be put on training and resting. He also found out where old electronics and gear (garbage) were thrown and began to gather them to build his backpack.

Two days passed since he caught Torchic. Today was the rest day as he took a mission the day before. He bought weights for Torchic and began to train it alongside eevee. Eevee almost had work up down. It would soon begin its Iron tail training. Torchic felt a bit miserable as it found it hard to move with the weights. Austin also began teaching it tackle and peck with them on. As long as it completed the training, a large amount of delicious berries are waiting for it.

Phillip met Austin after the mission yesterday and they decided to go today after training to help him catch his second Pokemon. He told Austin that Ginnette caught a wooper and Jacob managed to find a growlithe. Hugo caught a cubone to replace his dead zubat. Phillips was relieved knowing that he got over his first partners death.

Philips meowth was trained really well and it also reached the mid-class lvl. It knew scratch, cut, slash, pay day, dig, Oder sleuth, bite, assurance, faint attack, and screech. Philips put a lot of time into his Pokemon. He only did three missions a week and spent most of his time on meowth. He also told Austin that his meowth almost mastered fake out. Austin was impressed by the kid's dedication.

Noon approached rapidly and Philip found Austin training togepi. Austin never missed his own training as well. He would wear weights almost all the time. He also would try and use hidden power to see if it has other effects. He would practice parkcor and flipping(without weights). Right at this moment he was teaching togepi charm. Philip even heard him say, "charm them to death!", while togepi was just chirping happily.

Once Austin noticed Philip he gathered his Torchic and eevee. He introduced them to Philip before returning them to there pokeballs. They went to the Pokemon center to heal their Pokemon and grabs meal in the cafeteria. After the meal they took a subway to the western gate. This gate led to the forest. It's the one Jacob entered through the Ordeal.

They exited the gate and Austin summoned Torchic and Eevee. Philip called his meoth. They began to roam the area, austin also told Torchic that it can't use ember at all. Although it knew it, it didn't train it. He didn't want to be the cause of a forest fire. They roamed quietly while remaining alert.

As they went through the forest every now and then they would get into a fight with bug type beasts. One moment it was a caterpie, the next a wurmple, other times it was a weedle. They hated weedle as that meant a nest was near. This means that they might have to fight a group of beedrill. All of a sudden they heard a Pokemon squealing.

The group approached the source of the sound and found a group of rattata hanging on a seedot. Austin whispered something into Philips ear. Philips order meowth to use fake out quickly. It was successful and stunned one of the rattata. Then he ordered it double team then slash against the closest one. Following Austin's advice it used payday on the most the further one. That one seemed injured from a bide attack from seedot.

The battle was finished quickly and Philip although a little hesitant went toward the injured seedot slowly. He offered it some berries and asked him if he wanted to join his team. He promised to make it strong and he point at meowth. Everything went according to Austin's plan and seedot joined Philip. Whether its pokemon or human the place that has food is where they want to live. Seedot was hurt and still had distrust in Phillip, but he offered to heal it and give it food which was better than how it was living so far.

They returned to the Pokemon center where Austin separated from Philip towards the training ground. He then called out eevee and Torchic. He put a large amount of food for them to eat. After resting for a bit they began to train again.

Enjoy dudes. I will post another pole tomorrow verifying the choices in more detail.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts