

Austin finished feeding onix in the wild and returned to the city-State. He got on a the subway and went towards the gym. Once he entered he saw several people conversing with the gym leader. There were three people each of them had a badge that was very eye catching. The badge was gold with a roaring entai face. In the mouth was S shaped diamond.

Once Austin stepped in everyone in the room looked at him. Austin ignored them all and stared at the gym leader.

"It looks like you have a visitor Muliere."???? Said to the gym leader.

"Guys this is the annoying kid I told you about. Also nicknamed mission demon." Then Muliere looked towards Austin. "What do you want kid."

Noticing he got the gym leader's attention Austin answer with just one word. "Torchic."

Austin's answer pissed off the gym leader. The 3 S-ranks were also annoyed for some reason. They felt that Austin didn't even see them.

"Come on kid explain. I know you hate to talk but this is too much?" Muliere said.

Austin gave him a confused look then sighed, " Ok I will explain something so simple old man. You asked what I wanted and I answered a Torchic. I don't think there is much to say as it's self explanatory. You must be losing it old man you should take a vacation to reboot."

The people around Muliere couldn't hold it in and began to laugh. Muliere has no time to feel embarrassed and just says, "What I meant was why do you need a Torchic."

Austin sighed again and even began to rub his eyes. This made everyone except the gym leader laugh louder. Muliere was getting angry but lost it all when he heard Austin's next phrase.

"Could you guys leave your too loud. Let me simplify it for you Old man. A trainer catches Pokemon and trains them to be stronger. Now as a trainer what other reason would I want a Torchic." The people laughing got annoyed at the kids remark. We are S-class trainers a junior like you should show respect is what they thought. Yet Austin's gaze was pure indifference.

The gym leader frowned at the second part but after seeing how these fools were also berated he was happy. He took a piece of paper signed it and handed it to Austin.

Austin checked the paper it was a permit to take a Pokemon from the cattle district. He then nodded as a thanks and turned to leave.

As he was walking toward the exit he heard, "Kid you should show some respect to your superiors."

Austin looked back at them and spoke innocently, " When did I disrespect you? I've shown nothing but respect." The way Austin spoke make them question themselves of the previous scenes even happened. This kid seriously thinks he's done nothing wrong.

Austin seeing that they weren't responding sighed and turned to leave. He mumbled softly," Dealing with old people is more tiring than surviving in the wild."

How could Austin know when someone reaches S-class they usually have strong aura. Everyone in the room heard his remark and were annoyed.

"Old fool Muliere where did you find this hateful brat."??? Said.

"Ya how can he not realize he is disrespecting hero's of this city."???? Asked.

"Hump!"????? Was so angry he just made a sound to show his stance.

"This is the problem with this kid, he is smart, observant, but too brutally honest." Muliere responded with a calm voice.

He continued, "So that's why I didn't warn him how difficult it is to raise a Torchic. Their is only one trainer who managed to raise it to blaziken and that person is from Hoenga city-state."

Hearing the gym leader's remark they were happy because they wanted to see the brat suffer a bit.

Austin went to district 11 section C by subway. It took an hour to reach there. He was then directed to the Torchic house. Austin pulled out the permit and gave it to the supervisor in charge.

"Take me to the eggs that will hatch or have hatched today and had not been drugged yet." Austin said.

The supervisor complied And said, " your in luck about 30 eggs are going to hatch right now."

Austin pulled out his Pokédex and got ready to check the Torchic who were about to hatch. He wanted something unique like from the fanfic journey towards greatness. The main Mc got a rare gobble that was red and black.

He noticed in the room the eggs began to hatch. Austin would scan every single one. The look was nothing unique just some slight differences. The stats didn't differ too much. 20 eggs have hatch so far and nothing seem to enter Austin's eyes.

The next egg to hatch was a Torchic twice the size of a normal torchic and its stats were at the top of the rookie rank near 50 each. It's beak was longer than a normal Torchic and it's legs seemed thicker and stronger. Austin fell in love at first sight.

As he was admiring its beauty he saw many workers sounding alarms and yelling another mutant Torchic. This Torchic scared them completely. He notice B-rank trainer coming to kill it. Austin stepped forward showed him his permit. This thing is mine. The trainer stopped, but warned Austin that this mutant is the strongest one compared to the past hatchlings.

Austin waited for the rest of the eggs to hatch like the previous one nothing different. The last egg though had its hidden talent blaze already unlocked which was already awesome. Austin still decided on the biggest on and walked towards it.

Austin summoned eevee, the little guy grew a bit bigger than before. It's stats are already in the mid class Pokemon. He thought that if he fought that haunter again he would win this time. He had trained eevee for 2 weeks and battled all day yesterday. The effort was worth it.

The Torchic stared aggressively at Austin. He simply said, " Do you want to remain stuffed as food for others... or would you like to become the strongest with me. If you wanna join my family enter this pokeball."

Austin's actions surprised everyone he was in an area filled with Torchics. Yet he decided to tame the strongest one and even sat crosslegged in front of it. One of the S-class trainers couldn't help yell "what balls this kid has." He came to see the kid be humiliated but instead he saw the brave this kid really is. He is very straight forward in doing things.

Torchic saw no fear nor did it see any deception. It felt a little fear from the eevee which surprised it. Torchic walk towards Austin. Austin without showing fear activated his hidden power secretly. His heart was beating fast and he was scared but he could not let this Torchic see it.

It suddenly stopped and willingly pressed on the pokeball. The ball blinked a bit before stopping. This was how Austin caught a Torchic.

Enjoy dudes, I was going to make this two parts but squeezed it into one. Next another training/ mission arch.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts