
Pokemon: The Steel Tyrant

Folker embarks on a Pokemon Journey as he slowly uncovers the mystery behind sudden disappearance of his parents. MC is not a reincarnator I do not own Pokemon Franchise Cover Photo not mine Do check out my other work if you're interested. The Rift: Masked Phantom

Jims_Rid · Komik
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101 Chs

Dangers of the Pokemon World

"Pikachu, use [Double Team]" Frank shouted. Pikachu then moved swiftly as clones surrounded and encircled Magnemite's figure.

"[Magnet Rise]!" Folker shouted as he waved his arms. Magnemite channeled electric type energy as it defied gravity and levitated higher, about 3 meters from the ground.

Frank frowned as he looked up to Magnemite's figure. He planned to utilize Pikachu's speed and overwhelm Magnemite with it. But now, he can only use its speed advantage for dodging.

He then looked at the surrounding trees as his eyes suddenly lit up with an idea.

"Pikachu, climb those trees and use [Iron Tail] to smack it down on the ground!" Frank said with a smirk on his face.

Pikachu, alongside its clones, climbed on the surrounding trees and leaped in Magnemite's direction as it hardened its tail with steel type energy. It then performed a smacking motion on Magnemite's figure.

Folker, on the other hand, just rubbed his chin as he looked at Magnemite's figure with confusion. 'Something is definitely wrong with Magnemite today. Is it evolving?' Folker thought to himself.

Nevertheless, he was still able to respond despite his thoughts on Magnemite. "Magnet, use [Flash], now!" Folker said as he closed his eyes for a while. Lucario and Scizor also covered their eyes.

Magnemite then flashed out a blinding light at the airborne Pikachu, blinding it for a moment and lowering its accuracy. Pikachu was unprepared for the blinding light as it canceled its attack and tried to land on the ground safely.

"Follow it up with [Supersonic]!" Folker shouted as he raised his left fist. Magnemite then emitted bizarre sound waves from its body in Pikachu's direction.

Pikachu was able to land safely despite being blinded but it was hit by [Supersonic]. Pikachu grit its teeth and just attack the nearby trees with [Thunderbolt].

"Snap out of it, Pikachu!" Frank tried to snap Pikachu out of its confusion. However, Frank appeared to have caught Pikachu's attention as it channeled electric type energy.

He suddenly had a bad feeling as he looked at his Pikachu's figure. Folker also frowned as he noticed what Pikachu was about to do and signaled Lucario to help Frank.

Lucario just nodded and quickly rushed towards Frank's figure but it seemed that it couldn't make it on time. It then whirled its fists to form a round blue light, ready to intercept any attacks on Frank's figure.

Scizor also rushed in front of Folker's figure and stood with its arms forward, ready to take on the [Thunderbolt] attack if it accidentally tried to land an attack on its trainer.

Frank closed his eyes as he raised his left arm forward, bracing himself for whatever comes.

Suddenly, Pikachu fired a [Thunderbolt] on Frank's direction. Fortunately, Lucario was able to save him on time and intercepted Pikachu's [Thunderbolt] with a [Vacuum Wave].

Frank then looked at Lucario's figure with a grateful gaze and nodded. He then turned his gaze towards Folker and said "Thank you". He then eyed Pikachu's figure as he smiled bitterly.

Pikachu then snapped out of it and felt guilty as it looked at Frank's figure with a guilty expression. It crouched on the ground with its eyes watery as it looked down on the ground.

"Let's stop this battle for now" Frank looked at his own Pikachu and tried to comfort it. There's no way Pikachu can continue to battle with a heavy heart. Folker nodded as he looked at his own Pokemon.

Folker decided to save Frank's ass on impulse. He doesn't particularly have a hero complex but he recalled Hillua's figure saving him. If it wasn't for his timely arrival, he would have been dead by now while his Pokemon would be severely injured.

Folker realized the danger of being a trainer. He had heard stories of the dangers of the pokemon world when he was younger. He had experienced a few dangerous situations like the one back on Viridian Forest or on Mount Moon. This time, he had realizations on the dangers of the pokemon world.

'I've heard about the saying that people are more dangerous than pokemon but pokemon are equally dangerous. I'm not talking about wild pokemon here but a trainer's own pokemon' Folker thought to himself as he frowned.

Wild pokemon are dangerous because they act on their instinct and attack trainers and pokemon when they feel threatened. Trainers are even more dangerous because you never know what comes to the human mind. As for friendly pokemon, they're the ones who can be trusted, especially if they're your own pokemon.

Tamed pokemon would never think of harmful ideas towards their trainers and usually would not hesitate to put their lives in danger just to save their trainers.

There are plenty of rookie trainers who bite off more than they can chew and catch dangerous pokemon, only to die from being attacked by the pokemon they caught.

Trainers need to spend time with their pokemon to establish a relationship with their own pokemon, only then would they listen to the demands of their trainers. Some pokemon are easy to tame, while some are very difficult. There are pokemon that you almost never have a chance of taming unless they're young.

Once you tamed your pokemon, your pokemon would not hesitate to lay down its life for you.

However, what happened just now, is an instance of a trainer's own pokemon being dangerous. It shows that just because you already tamed your own pokemon, doesn't mean you no longer have to put up a guard against them, especially when they're battling.

Folker wasn't particularly depressed at the thought since he wasn't the one who was almost killed. But it's enough to leave him in thought.

'Today, Frank was almost killed by his own pokemon. Will I also face the same fate in the future?' Folker thought to himself. Frank was rather lucky that there was Lucario who was fast enough to act and save him. But what about Folker? Would he also have someone to save him in the future?

Lucario looked at Folker's figure and knew what's on his mind.

"There are times where things are beyond our control but don't worry about that. You are a capable trainer. Also, don't look down on us" Lucario said through telepathy as he looked at Folker with an assuring smile.


Scizor also assured Folker as he raised its right arm forward on Folker's chest.

Magnemite tilted its body, looking confused at everyone's reactions but it approached Folker's figure anyway.


Folker's heart warmed as he looked at his own pokemon assuring him.