
Pokemon:The New Gym In Kanto

In our well known region of Kanto the League has approved the establishment of new gym for the trainer's all over the Pokemon world to challenge and win the gym badge.The question are - Who is the gym leader? & What type of gym is it?Well why don't we find out by challenging it. --My 1st Novel . --DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING IN THIS FANFIC EXCEPT MY OWN STORY AND CHARACTER. --The cover does not belong to me found it in google images.

Daoistdragons · Komik
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29 Chs


Laila POV: -

After dinner all of us Vik, me and Grandpa talked for some time and then hit the bed. Today both me and Vik are packing our things to go to the theme park.

As we both are ready and about to leave, grandpa came.

"Okay, Little Lai and Vik both of you enjoy and relax. Do not worry about here, I will take care of everything here. So, enjoy and relax, and Lai you have not relaxed very much after you opened the gym, this is your chance to take a break. Do not rush back. Now go no need to entertain this old man any longer."

With that he pushed both of us out of the house and closed the door.

Smiling at grandpa's childishness, I whisper.

"'Thank you, Grandpa.' Okay Vik let's go!!!!"

Vik smiles at me and follows me to the airport to Orange Islands.

It took us half an hour to reach the airport, and then we boarded the flight and left for Orange Islands.

Four hours later we reached the airport in Orange Islands Pummelo Island the main Island, from their we booked a ship to travel to the 'Tangelo Island' where the theme park is located.

Tangelo Island is located in the southwestern region of the Orange Archipelago. It is a popular tourist destination due in part to its tropical climate

The theme park is like a safari where instead of catching Pokémon, we can view then in their natural habitat and take pictures of them in nature.

There is another reason this Island became famous for, it is because Young Trainers from the region typically begin their journeys here, and it is more generally the starting point for Trainers who want to compete in the Orange League. Both Professor Ivy's Lab and the Mikan Gym are located nearby.

During our time on the ship we enjoyed a lot, because as we travelled, we came across few water Pokémon and flying Pokémon.

We both took pictures of them in our cameras and ate delicious food. It was one day trip to Tangelo Island, and we had to make a stop at Rind Island to look around the scenery and continue our journey.

After reaching the Tangelo Island we booked a hotel nearby to take rest. Reaching the hotel, I tell Vik.

"Hey Vik let's get rest today and tour the Island tomorrow, then we can go to the park alright!"

Listening to what I tell him, he thinks a little and answers.

"No problem, the tickets I got expires in a week so we can go any time you want in the week. Let's take our time visiting the local hot spots then go to the park."

"Great, now we do not need to rush things and enjoy plus take our time to leisurely visit other places."

"Okay, Lai it's already nighttime, take a good rest and tomorrow we can visit them. Alright good night!!"

Vik tells me that and goes to sleep in his room.

"Right, good night to you Vik!"

I to sleep, but just as I closed the door, I remembered to message Grandpa. So, after messaging him that we reached safely, I switched of the communicator and went to sleep.

Then we spent the next five days touring the local tourist spots and eating the local cuisine. We went to the Professors lab to see if we could meet him, but his assistant told us that he went on a research trip, so we went back to the hotel and prepared to go to the theme park.

On the sixth day we went to the theme park and entered to tour the area. The whole theme park has habitats of over a dozen different Pokémon.

It has different regions such as aquatic Pokémon region, dessert Pokémon region, tropical Pokémon region etc.

Following the signs, we first entered the dessert Pokémon region. Here we saw a few Suckle's, Sandshrew's, Sandslash's and Diglet's and Dugtrio's.

Next, we entered the Tropical Region where we can see Oddish and its evolutions, Sunkern and Sunfloura basking in the sunlight, few Caterpie and its evolutions. We also saw a Beedrill nest where the park employees are giving everyone the beedrill's honey for taste.

They even got hold of a few rare Pokémon like Scyther which are a group of five and Haracross. Haracross do not live in groups except when it is the start of breeding season, so we only come across two Haracrosses in our view.

Lastly the aquatic region, this place is like a aquarium. But it is actually built underwater where water pokemon built their habitat. Many small water pokemon were present we enjoyed this region a lot more that the others.

The theme park keeps the population of the Pokémon in control. So, whenever there are excess Pokémon or overpopulation, the park organizes a special event where young Pokémon trainers can participate if they can pay enough to get a pass for this event. During this event it operates like a safari zone, trainers can catch Pokémon if they can defeat them in the wild and catch them.

The participant limit is 20 people, and each get two special poke balls from the park. So, trainers can only get maximum of two Pokémon. If one poke ball breaks, they can only get one Pokémon. If both poke balls break, they will be notified by the staff that they are eliminated from the event. After the event ends the people who caught two Pokémon will be given a chance i.e. they can keep both the Pokémon they caught or can trade them for Pokémon eggs or rare evolution items such as fire stone, thunder stone etc. or keep one Pokémon they caught and trade another one for items.

These three options are given so that they can chose. At present the population of the park is moderate, as it was just at the end of last year that the event has undergone, so the population of the park is moderate.

We both Vik and I toured every region in the park and petted many cute Pokémon and taken a lot of pictures to remember that we visited such a place.

We ate lunch inside the park and toured every corner of this place.

As we finished our tour, we exited the theme park and are getting back to our hotel, we heard a loud boom in the nearby forest.

"Hey Vik!!! What was that sound?"

Looking serious Vik answered.

"Sounds like few Pokémon are battling let's go and see."

Rushing towards the area where the sound came, we are greeted by a battle. Three people are commanding their Pokémon to attack an injured Dragonair who is trying to escape while releasing its own attacks at them.

All of them are wearing black costumes with an R on it. Recognizing the symbol on their dress I immediately get battle ready and tell Vik.

"Vik!! It is those bastards Team Rocket again; you go and inform the local Officer Jenny I will deal with them. I will keep them occupied as long as I can and if possible, capture them. You hurry up and contact the Police."

Seeing that I voiced out my opinion, Vik tells me.

"Alright, I'll inform them an come back as soon as I can. Also be careful you know what these bastards can do."

He tells me seriously.

"Don't worry this is not like it's the first time we dealt with them. Now, hurry up and go and return fast."

This was not the first time we had an encounter with criminal organizations, we encountered many small and large criminal organizations when we travelled different regions and explored ancient ruins.

Looking ahead and recognizing that one of them is an admin. I released my Absol as it is a heavy hitter and very fast which is what I need now to defeat them.

Realizing some one has come to their location the admin shouts.

"Who's there come on out or we will attack."

Even though he said that he immediately ordered the other two to attack at my direction.

Goon 1: "Beedrill launch Pin Missile!!!"

Goon 2: "Venomoth use Silver Wind!!!"

Quickly dodging their attacks, I tell Absol to attack them.

"Absol now Psycho Cut!!!"

Absols horn immediately glows and releases a pinkish slash at their two Pokémon.

Unable to dodge at time both get struck by Absols attack.


After the smoke clears Beedrill and Venomoth are both knocked out far away from their initial position, leaving a trail on the ground.

Seeing this both the goons panic and return their Pokémon.

Looking at this scene, the Dragonair on the back was amazed and has stars in its eyes and kept looking at Absol and me.

Seeing that they can not injure Dragonair again, I come near it and tell.

"Now, they cannot hurt you." And pat it on its head, while looking at it I can see signs of it being poisoned, as was about to take a portion from my pocket and administer it. The admin starts to speak.

"Well!! isn't this a surprise to see a trainer who can defeat two Pokémon at once, when they are at their final evolution. Let's see if you can defeat me."


A large red Scizor comes out from behind him.

*Scizor zor *

Looking at the Pokémon snapping its claws at me, I become slightly serious as it has a power of peak advanced level Pokémon.

He continues saying.

"Looking at your rare Pokémon I never seen, I'm sure Boss will be happy if I capture another rare Pokémon for him along with that behind you."

I really hate this bunch of stupid people they always capture, steal rare Pokémon from trainers and from the wild. So, I whisper to Absol to directly attack Scizor.

"Enough with your stupid speech it's not like you are the first admin I capture of the team rocket, 'Absol full power so no mercy use Quick Attack to get close and then a full strength Dark Pulse. '"

Seeing that I'm not taking him seriously and mocking him, he gets angry and shouts.

"Don't think I won't hurt you just because you're a gi-"

Before he can finish my Absol vanishes from its place and like a ghost arrives in front of Scizor and blasts a powerful Dark Pulse at him.


*Sciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrr 'Howls of pain'*

Scizor gets blasted away from its position and gets collided with its trainer.

Both of them get knocked out by crashing into a tree. Seeing their leader out cold the goons try to escape.

But before they get too far, I tell to Absol to get them back.

*Absoool 'Fine'*

Nodding toward me Absol leaves and comes back within a few seconds with two of the goons on its back. Dumping them on the admin Absol arrives to my side.

"Good!! Absol when we reach home, I'll cook your favorite poke blocks. Alright!!"

Seeing that it gets its favorite poke food Absol cries happily.

*Absoooooooooool 'Yeeeeeeeeeeees'*

"Alright now let's go see what happen to Dragonair."

*Absol 'Alright'*

Arriving beside the Dragonair and keeping its head on my lap, I take out the potion and spray on its injuries.

"Okay Dragonair, this will help you in healing your injuries and poison so don't worry."

Seeing that this human is really helping it, the Dragonair yelps happily and licks both my face and Absols face.

*Absol Absol sol Absol sol sol !!!!!'Don't lick my face, it's Laila exclusive. Only she can kiss me!!!'*

"Stop Dragonair!!! You should rest, or your injuries will flare up. And Absol stop complaining it's just expressing its thanks."

As I was just about to administer more of the portion, the Dragonair on my lap starts to change and become smaller and smaller. This happened until it became the size of a basketball.

Shocked by the sudden transformation, the Pokémon on my lap yelps happily.

*Ditto ditto ditto to*

As I was about to speak again, I hear voices of Vik and another person.

"Laila!!!!! Laila !!!!"

Hearing them I remember the main situation.

"Absol go and bring them here."

*Absol sol 'Yes'*

Waiting with Ditto on my lap who is sleeping due to exhaustion. Absol returns with in a few seconds, along with a police officer, Officer Jenny, Vik and an Arcanine.

Running fast and reaching me Vik fires of questions one after the other.

"Laila are you okay? You are not injured right? Should I carry you back to the hotel? What happen? Why are you nor speaking? Are you hurt anywhere? And where is the Dragonair we saw? Did it leave here? Where are the team rocket members?"

With that he starts to touch my head with his hand like he is checking my temperature, hold my hand tightly.

Blushing I reply to him.

"Stop nagging okay!!! Nothing serious happened. With Absol by my side do you think these idiot's cam harm me. Also, the Dragonair did not leave, look."

Pointing towards the sleeping Ditto.

Surprised that a Pokémon is in her lap, he takes a closer look.

"OHHH!!! This is a Ditto right. So, your telling me that the Dragonair was Ditto Transformed form."

Nodding towards him I answer.

"Yes, seeing that this Ditto battled three advanced level Pokémon. I can tell this Ditto is close to or in Elite level in power. I think this is why they want to capture it; they even sent an Admin for this Ditto."

Vik is shocked to hear such information.

"But there have never been sightings of such a powerful Ditto, even young Trainers don't catch them even if the come across one, because no one has ever raised it to such a level."

Smiling slightly and stroking Ditto slightly I answer him.

"This is why Vik the world is such a wonderful place; we never know what we encounter. We believed we can never see Legendary Pokémon on our journey. But we encountered most of the Legendries in every region except a few. Now this Ditto. I am not surprised there are even a few Pokémon even the professors do not know in the world and the countless variations of them. This is not that of a big deal. Ditto must have spent its whole life in the wild and battling strong Pokémon to become this powerful."

Looking at me Vik is still defeated by my overview on the world, he can never understand how she can keep a calm mind and reasoning in countless tough situations they were in. This aspect is one of the reasons he can never defeat her in a battle.

"You are right Laila; I don't know how but I can never seem to get your mindset. If I had that kind of mind set, I would have become the world's best Archeologist a long time ago. But I can never get sad about it because that is I of the reasons I like you."

Blushing at what he said I was about to answer him when Officer Jenny comes and asks me about what happened. The three members of team rocket were cuffed, and their Pokémon are confiscated from them and are locked up in a police van.

I first show her my Gym Leader License and tell Officer Jenny what happened, and she notes it down.

"Alright! we people of Tangelo Island thank you for your support Gym Leader Laila. I will write a report and send it to the League to discuss if there are any more people from the Team Rocket on the Island and capture them. We are sorry to disturb you when you are on vacation Gym Leader Laila."

Saying that she apologizes to me, I quickly tell her.

"Don't worry Officer Jenny, it's also the duty of Gym leaders to protect the people and Pokémon surrounding them. So, do not bother about it, I just cannot stand idle when these idiots continue to harass Pokémon on my watch. And please call me Laila."

"Then thank you Laila, and what about the Ditto you rescued."

While we are talking Ditto, who is on my lap woke up. Hearing its name Ditto spoke.

*Ditto ditto 'I stay with this human'*

Seeing that Ditto is spreading its wiggly arms around me and not letting go, I ask him.

"Ditto don't worry I'll not leave you. But will you become my family, I'll take care of you like Absol and you will become strong."

Hearing it will become strong like Absol, Ditto nods its jelly head up and down happily.

*Ditto ditto to 'Yes me become strong like Absol and me like family Laila'*

Seeing that Ditto will become my Pokémon, Officer Jenny Did not continue to ask about it. SO, she left with the team she brought to capture the criminals leaving me, Vik, and Ditto at the Hotel we stay.

I returned Absol to its Poke ball and Ditto still in my hands.

Vik and I return to my room in the hotel and I search my luggage for a spare poke ball. Finding it I point it towards Ditto and ask him.

"So, Ditto how will you want to become my Pokémon. Do you want to battle before becoming mine or just go inside?"

Wiggling slightly Ditto extends its arm and clicks the button on the poke ball and gets sucked inside.

Shacking slightly the poke ball tremors three times before coming to a stop. Signifying a successful capture.

"Yes!! Vik, I got a Ditto."

Happy that I got a powerful and gentle Pokémon I instantly hug Vik.

Releasing Ditto from its ball I inspect him.

"Vik this calls for a celebration, tomorrow let us leave immediately and get home. We can celebrate capturing ditto with everyone at home."

Smiling at me Vik Nods.

"Alright, let's go home tomorrow. But not go to bed and get some good rest. We will book a ticket and then leave."

Planning our return home, we ate the hotel dinner today and went to sleep. Ditto slept beside me on the bed and I hugged him like a toy as he was squishy and soft like a cotton toy.