
Pokemon: The Journey Begins!

The goal of all pokemon trainer is to have their pokemon battle against other pokemon in order for their pokemon to get stronger. If a pokemon gets enough battle experience, it could evolve into another, more powerful creature. In order to be a good pokemon trainer, you must capture a lot of pokemon, train some of them to be really strong in pokemon battles, and most importantly, you must get your pokemon to love you and trust you, or else they won't obey you! This Pokemon fan fiction follows the adventures of Clan Eclairè, a pokemon trainer from Twinleaf Town, who will travel through the different regions of the pokemon world with his friends, meeting all kinds of people and pokemon, stopping evil organizations from stealing and controlling rare pokemon, battling against other trainers and gym leaders, and all the while, Clan Eclairè tries to fulfill his dream of becoming a someone great. .... In every chapter, it contained 1800 - 3500 words in average. ... I'm a 3N person. NO Harem. NO System. NO Cheats. ... If you want to support me in my own journey as a Pokemon Author. An Author that would focus in making Fan Fictions of Pokemons, go to the website: Patreon . com/(not yet available). In here you can find yourself reading chapters ahead of others but in exchange of donating/paying me for the service. For those who are interested, you may go to the website for further explanation.

GRVYRD · Anime & Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Chapter 011

Clan returned Torchic in his pokeball when he walked through town. He fetched his free pokeballs at the Town's Pokemart after showing the clerk his pokedex. Apparently, only those with pokedex in their person could gain the previllage of recieving their first five pokeballs on a Pokemart. After that, the trainer would have to pay, if they would buy one.


The worn-out, dirty road that led to Route 202 left Clan somewhere near the entrance of the forrest that outlined the north-west boundary of Sandgem Town. Clan had released his Torchic out of the pokeball, allowing said red chic to slowly walk beside him. It wouldn't go on for long considering it's short legs, it was bound to fall tired after a while. Clan had no issues with slowing down a little if it meant spending more time with his adorable starter.

He decided that now was as good a time as ever to become more acquainted with his starter.

"I've been thinking." Clan said as they walked, he turned towards his partner.


"Would you like to have a nickname?"

Torchic perked up at that, considering his words for a few moments.

"Chic." Torchic finally answered, chirping and nodding her head.

"I've already thought of a few when I decided to have you as my starter which should fit you. But I would like to hear you're opinion on what name you want for yourself. Tell me what you think of them."


Torchic shook his head in distaste.


Torchic took some time to consider that suggestion, but he shook his head again after.


Another no, come on dude. That's just unoriginal. Torchic gave Clan the stinky eye.

Clan ignored that and continued. After listing a few names they finally came to a stop to one that Torchic liked.


This time Torchic nodded almost immediately and gave a happy thrill.

"Solaris it is then."

It is a little girly to Clan's liking. But, it is his pokemon's name not his.

The newly dubbed Solaris gave Clan an affectionate rub on his feet. He laughed and scratched the part under his wing, Solaris cooed happily.

"You know, Solaris." Clan said to gain his pokemon's attention. "I wanted to reach the top, and become the strongest. But I had to admit I am not quite sure what that looked like yet, but I figured the best way to start should be to challenge the Gym Curcuit and hopefully compete in this season's conference." He then explained to Solaris what a gym leader and a conference was. When Solaris heard that it was where trainers and pokemons battle together to win, he was pumped up. He loved to battle, battling was within his blood. The inner flame in his body flared, but outside Solaris only glowed and produced a warm heat that Clan felt.

It never ceased to amaze Clan about that ability of his pokemon. According to the pokedex he could produce a flame up to 1,800 degrees F.

"To do all that, we need to train. I want to help you become the strongest Blaziken... ever."

Now that Solaris fully agreed on. He turned towards his trainer and thrilled agreeably. Like most pokemon, Torchic held a nearly insatiable desire to become strong. His trainer wanted to become the best in the world, and so do Solaris. That sounded like a melody to the ears of the fire-type. Both of them need to give it their maximum effort. Clan expected for Solaris to become a pillar to his future friends.

"Of course we couldn't do it with just us two. Together, we will venture around the places of this region, we will catch pokemons to add to our family. But, I only want to catch those who gave a feeling that they are... special, you know? I'm extremely passionate about potential, even more so with my friendship with the pokemon I catch."

Solaris nodded. This was an attitude Solaris could get behind. He too, as a pokemon, have his own standards when it came to the pokemons he would train together, fight and bond with for the rest of his career. How could a pokemon with no potential or won't have the determination to be strong give the Torchic a challenge? It will only hinder his growth as a passionate fighter.

Clan was then got into thinking. He wondered how his friends, Dawn and Barry are doing. He hoped they already got their pokemon, he knew Dawn wanted to become a Pokemon Coordinator and Barry would become a Trainer like him, battling the Gym Curcuit of Sinnoh. His thoughts then trailed to the girl he met earlier the day.

Bell Moonthief, she was for sure a rival Clan would eventually meet. He was looking forward on that day's arrival, he can't wait to repay for the teasing she did. Honestly, how could he blush at that instant? Dawn never made me experience it from her, when they are together all the time. He'll make sure to prepare.

And then lastly, Paul... That guy made Clan wrote him on the bad side in his books. His outlook in pokemon was just too... horrible. But, he couldn't judge, he doesn't even knew the dude too well.

His eyes then rested towards Solaris, who was walking beside him with his short legs. They smiled at each other when their gazes met.


Later, in the afternoon, it was now 05:30PM. It had been hours since they have left Sandgem Town. He and Solaris encountered many pokemons through the forest, but none particularly catches his attention, they have covered more than half of the ground shown by the map application in his pokedex.

With the pace they were going, they needed another over two hours to arrive at their destination according to Clan's rough estimate. He really want to arrive at Jubilife City within this day, but he didn't want to be complacent. He can't risk going through the route at night, he wasn't confident enough, there was a possibility they would even encounter a strong wild pokemon. He couldn't risk it, he just started his pokemon journey, he haven't even have training done with his starter. Anyone could get lost when it goes dark, although Solaris and his flames would come in handy.

They continued on walking on the dirt trails of the route a bit longer before reaching a place that would be comfortable to sleep in. It was a small clearing shrouded by trees. The clearing have decent cover from any surprise rainfall they might get and was out of the way enough to keep them out of troublesome wild pokemons.

Clan laid a spot on the ground he was comfortable with, his sleeping bag. With the help of Solaris, they looked around the clearing for dried branches and logs or withered leaves that would easily combust flame.

He surrounded the woods they gathered with rocks so the ashes wouldn't scatter from the wind. He still did not light it up though, since there was still sunlight out, he just prepared it as precaution.

*Grumble* *Grumble*

A loud growling noise suddenly sounded out from Clan and Solaris's stomach, they looked at each other and laughed sheepishly. Clan wanted to start training badly, but they couldn't train on an empty stomach can they?

Luckily, pokemon food was something he made sure he include in his supplies so Solaris's meal is already set and ready. He took out a white bowl from his bag and the pokemon food his parents bought for him.

After filling the bowl with the can of pokemon food, Solaris began eating with moderate pace. He thrilled contentedly when he tasted the food. 'It was a good thing he liked it.' Clan thought with a smile.

It was to be expected since this pokemon food developed by the League that contributed fats, carbs and proteins with spicy wild berries were the ones generally preferred by the fire-type pokemons.

Also, Clan knew that a good quality meal plan for his future team was not exactly cheap but he wasn't too worried about it since, as a trainer, he was bound to earn more than enough money for such things. Monetary compensation for the winners in pokemon battles between League sactioned trainers was quite the motivator for not slacking off as a pokemon trainer.

Clan made his own simple meal. He assembled two sandwiches, a protein bar and a canteen of water. It wasn't the best, he even began missing his mother's cooking by now but he make do, he can't be choosy.

Clan smiled when he saw Solaris staring at his sandwiches, he decided to put the other one on his bowl fondly, which earned him a affectionate and gratefull warm chirp from the pokemon.

He took a bite from his sandwich and chewed thoughtfully for a few second. According to his pokedex Solaris already knew quite the diverse moves. He even already unlocked a dark-type egg move, Night Slash which would counter Dark, Ghost, and Psychic pokemons. Additionally, the other egg move, Peck, a flying-type move would be very effective against pokemons inhabiting the forest on routes along with his Fire-type moves.

But, unfortunately even with this impressive moves, this didn't cover the fact how this would become useless when he would battle the Oreburgh City Gym Leader, Roark. He was in extreme disadvantage because the Gym Leader is a rock-type specialist. Which was brutally a hard counter to his Solaris.

Nevertheless, even with that, Clan was still firm to use Solaris in his ever first gym battle. He was his partner, he could not bring himself to not use his very own first pokemon to battle his first ever gym battle. Call it carelessness, Clan won't care. They just have to train, how hard could such a hurdle be if they would hit it their maximum effort.

This left Clan with two solutions to their problem after he organized his thoughts. One, he should catch a pokemon that would be effective towards Roark's rock-type pokemons. Two, he would train his Solaris, build a physical foundation by training him physically into shape and by refining his current moveset that would be up to satisfactory.

After finishing up their meal and allowing their body to digest their food. Clan led Solaris, who was following behind him, to the center of the clearing.

"Alright, Solaris. I believe our meal had settled in nicely so what do you say about a bit of training? I'd like to see your mastery of your current moves before we start battling wild pokemons and other trainers." Clan smiled at Solaris.

Solaris who was cleaning his wings from stucked dirt with his beak, chirped in acceptance as his deep shining black eyes gleamed in excitement as he shot to his feer in attention as he looked eagerly at his trainer.

Clan laughed in delight. "I like that attitude of yours." Clan looked around before spotting a perfectly round rock. It was a perfect practicing target for them. They walked towards it before Clan pointed at it. "Let's start with Ember. Use it against that rock."

Solaris chirped before he reared his head back and opened his beak. Clan could catch sight a few small tongues of flames trailing out of the corner of Solaris's beak before the chic pokemon brought his head forward and released, with a thrill, several small bullet sized flames shooting towards the rock. Upon contact it exploded with small explotions of flame and smoke. Clan saw that while they didn't destroyed the rock, they left quite a significant scortch on the rock, it was black as Clan could ever imagine.

"Woah! That was awesome!" Clan complimented with amazement on his face. He had saw a Chimchar do Ember from a video, and he can bet his life that Solaris's Ember was a little bit more powerful than what was shown on by it.

His compliment resulted in Solaris puffing up his plumage in pride. Clan chuckled. "Alright, alright. Now, try Growl."

Unlike the other times Solaris thrilled before, this time it was noticeably deeper and there was a certain weight at it and when he lastly chirped boomingly, it had caused Clan to shuddering slightly. Clan knew that the move targeted the primal insticts of pokemon weaker, or at the general level, of the user of the move, making them hesitant to attack. It could be useful during low level battles.

Clan nodded at Solaris, doing his best to not show that he had been mildly affected by the move. "Good, good. Now let's see your Slash."

(I know I said that I wouldn't update anymore chaps, but I have to swallow my words back again, can't help it.)