
Pokemon: The Advanced Adventure

A Dark world of Pokemon has risen... In a world where crime runs freely and Team Rocket stands at the top of it all, A single young man must brave the full brunt of the wave in his quest to become a Pokemon Champion. Red will not allow anything to deter his goal of becoming the Pokemon League Champion of the Kanto Region and is determined to beat every trainer in his way towards his goal but will the world allow him to achieve the goal without a fight? Find out in Pokemon:- The Advanced Adventure

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76 Chs

First Pokemon

2nd December, 1994

Kanto Region, Viridian City:

Five Poke per ticket was not really expensive but to take a return ticket back to Pallet town would cost a lot more.

Red walked down the streets of Viridian city, little pellets of snow were dropping from the sky and he wore a trench coat. 

Where was he going? The Viridian city Pokemon Academy. 

For what reason? To collect his Pokedex.

Some people who had concluded their courses would come in on Bikes and cars to look cool as graduates but Red didn't care about the fame. 

He gritted his teeth as the chilling wind blew against his face. You'd expect the league to sponsor the number 10 candidate in getting a Pokemon but they didn't.

The rewards for getting into the Top 10 was free Pokemon food for all of your Pokemon, Free renting of Pokemon center rooms, Free medical fee at the Pokemon Center, 50% discount at the Pokemon Mart. All of these were active for 5 years so Red decided to make full use of it, once he got a Pokemon of course.

He arrived at the Viridian city Pokemon Academy and the memories blew against his face, especially his time with Leaf Green... who had stopped talking with him entirely due to some reason.

Nevertheless, He opened the sliding door of the Viridian city Pokemon Academy and entered.

He came back out with a Pokedex. The Pokedex was a high tech encyclopedia with multiple uses but it's major use was viewing the data of captured and seen Pokemon as well as viewing the status of a Trainer's Pokemon.

Red logged into his Pokedex with his User ID and Pass.


Name: Red Ketchum

Age: 15

Rank: Junior

Team: Empty | Empty | Empty| Empty | Empty | Empty

Gym Badges: 0


Red stuffed his Pokedex in his pocket and sighed, He was heading to the Ranger guild which was a big building where one could take or give missions.

"I think I'll settle with a Pidgey, Rattata or even Spearow," Red said with a slight groan, "I just wish Mom's money was big enough to get me a Pokemon from the breeding center,"


Red turned to the right, he was passing through the less bustling areas of Viridian city, A street for the poor.

A Charmander, incredibly malnourished was feasting on some scraps from the trash can and at that moment, It pained his heart.

The light snow had started falling more intensely and Red studied Charmander closely.

He had always wanted one.

He walked to Charmander with a smile and the Pokemon looked at him. It's eyes wary.


"Charmander, are you hungry?" Red asked.

Charmander turned to him and let out a whimper.

Red put his hands in the pocket of his trench coat and produced a packet of Chocolate chips.

"I know this isn't healthy but it can at least sate your hunger," Red said as he put some chips into his hand and bent over to Charmander, extending his palm.

Charmander stared at his hands, it's rumbling stomach giving it away as he took the chips and tasted them.

A series of new tastes filled it's mouth and it sprung at Red.


"Charmander, If you come with me, I'll make sure that you'll never get hungry," Red said, "Do you agree?"

Charmander nodded and Red took out his only Pokeball, An empty one.

"I'll put you inside here for now," Red said as he put his finger on the button and it glowed before the ball enlarged. Red tapped the Pokeball on Charmander's head and the Pokemon got sucked inside.

Pallet Town:

Blue smiled as he stared at Green who was next to him in the park. What were they doing in the park? It was simple.

"Green, What was your position in the exam?" Blue asked.

"21st," Green said with an expressionless face, her mind trailing somewhere else.

"How would you like to let my Grandpa sponsor you?" Blue asked, his hands on his chin as he sat on a bench.

"What do you want, Blue? Red got 10th, Why don't you ask him?" Green asked while rolling her eyes.

"Why would I ask someone that has a crush on my sister?" Blue asked, "But you're right about one thing, I asked you about this because I want something,"

"And that is?" Green asked while rolling her eyes.

"For you to be my girlfriend," Blue replied with a proactive smile.

"No," Green said.

"Oh come on," Blue said.

Cerulean City:

Matt Waterflower looked at his younger sister, Misty and patted her head.

"You got 15th in the exam, I'm proud of you," Matt said.

"Big bro, I want to become a great Pokemon trainer like you," Misty said and then the two other older sisters entered the room.

"If you want to be as strong as Matt, then you have to train much more," Violet said with a smile as she hugged Misty, "Also the boy you bring home... should be cute,"

Misty's face turned red while Matt's face showed a little bit of brotherly affection.

"Don't bring any boys home," Matt said.


Author's Note:-

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