
Pokemon: Story of a Master

This story will take you to the journey of a trainer who became pokemon master through his adventures. I tried making it realistic as much as possible, but still you may find some content or some part absurd. My English isn't that good and I don't have a translator to translate it for you all, but will still try to make it as understandable as possible. May have similarities to some novels (My own which I stopped due to work load, Pokemon-Master of Steel)

devil_trainer · Komik
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19 Chs


"ETHAN WAKE UP", this shout startled pidgey who was sitting peacefully on the window of a House in one corner of Mulberry City.

Finally, today is the day our MC will be leaving for Pokemon University, after a wait of one year, Ethan finally received his letter of admission from Pokemon University along with scholarship from University for scoring highest marks in Poke-test organised this year.

In his room our MC is sleeping peacefully and dreaming about his battle with current champion of Kanto League, Gary Oak.

"ETHAN", another shout came from the kitchen, it was mother of Ethan who was busy preparing meal for the journey of her son and husband to Vermilion City.

"Amelia, let him sleep a little more, you know he slept late last night." Said William Smith, father of Ethan. But in reply he only got a glare from his wife, William quickly shut his mouth and continued reading newspaper.

"William, can you look in the kitchen for a while, I will go wake Ethan." Amelia said and she walked towards stairs. William looked at his wife and then at Scizor who was sitting beside him, both Pokemon and human shook their head, and William kept his newspaper on table and walked towards kitchen.

*Knock, Knock* there was a loud knock on door of Ethan's bedroom, which startled Scyther who fell from bed on the floor, he kept rubbing his head with two tears in the corner of his eyes. (ಥ﹏ಥ)

*Knock, Knock* "ETHAN, WAKE UP AND OPEN YOUR DOOR" Amelia shouted from other side of the door, finally Ethan woke up and open door while rubbing his eyes with left hand, "Mom, what happened ?" he asked with confused face.

"You are asking me what happened ? Don't you know what day it is ?" Amelia glared at her son who was still half asleep.

This line gave a jolt to Ethan and he fully opened his eyes, "I..I..Its today when I will be leaving for University. Mom, what time it is ? Why didn't you wake me up earlier ?"

Amelia: ( ●__● ) ?

Ethan didn't look at blank face of his mother and ran towards bathroom, after around Half hour Ethan came downstairs in living room with Scyther. He saw his dad sitting leisurely on sofa and drinking his Coffee, William looked up and saw his son who just came downstairs, "Good Morning Young Man, all ready for university ?"

"Good Morning Dad, yes I am ready, when are we leaving ?" Ethan asked excitedly and went on the side of his Father.

William smiled at his son's enthusiasm and said, "Wait for your grandpa to return, then we will leave, It will take only around 4 hours to reach Vermillion Port on my Pidgeot and timing of Your Ship is 5 in evening."

When they were talking, Ethan saw his Grandpa and Grandma coming holding a bag. His grandma's trusted Vileplume was also with her, Vileplume was a Peak Pseudo King level pokemon.

"Grandpa, Grandma" Greeted Ethan with a big smile on his face.

"I guess someone is too excited for today." Mr. Smith said with a smile as he put down the bag he was holding on table.

"Yes Grandpa, from tomorrow I will be an University Student." Said Ethan excitedly.

"Well, Well Ethan, congrats for getting enrolled in university, here your Grandpa and me went to get some useful things for you and Scyther." Said Mrs. Smith.

Ethan looked towards the bag, you can see the excitement on his face. Mr. Smith opened the bag and first he took out an electronic device which was of size of a mobile phone. "This is Poke-phone we bought for you, so that you can be in touch with us. Also if this Poke-phone has its own space where you can store items, but first you will have to register your ID on this Poke-phone so that you can use it properly." Said Mr. Smith.

Ethan quickly gave his Trainer ID card which he received last week from Pokemon University as his confirmation for enrollment. Mr. Smith registered Ethan's ID card in Poke-phone and gave that to Ethan to check the functions of it.

"Poke-Phone can have some additional functions as well but some functions like Pokedex can only be added by authorized Personal or Pokemon University admin via a chip card." Said Mr. Smith, which increased curiosity of Ethan. Ethan already learned basic about Pokedex in Pokemon School, its a device invented by Prof. Oak, which later got modified and converted in Chip-card so that it can be easily installed in Poke-phones of trainers, and not all trainer can have access to Pokedex, only students of Pokemon University (They can only receive it after they successfully pass exam of First year and get promoted to second year) or some Elite Trainers who are recognized by League for their extraordinary contribution towards league.

Second Mr. Smith gave some other stuffs like some poke-cubes which were good for Scyther's development. After one year of training under Pseudo-King and Elite level pokemons, Scyther was at Initial Intermediate level and he also learned move X-Scissor from Scizor.

"Ok, you guys can talk here on table, come have breakfast." Amelia said who was arranging food on dining table.

"Alright" Everyone said in unison and went towards dining table. Family of 5 had a sumptuous breakfast.

By the time they finished their breakfast it was already 10:30, Ethan ran upstairs to pack his books and other stuffs.

He came downstairs with a big bag, Mr. Smith laughed looking at Ethan and said, "Didn't I told you that you can store your things in Poke-Phone storage function."

Ethan looked blankly at his grandfather and then slapped his head, "Sorry I forgot Grandpa." After saying this Ethan quickly organised his stuffs in the Poke-Phone.

After they were ready, it was already 12:00, so William called out his Pidgeot and went outside to wait for Ethan, who was saying his good bye to others.

"Ethan, you should eat on time and remember not to be careless when you are in University." Amelia Chided.

"You can ask us for more Poke Cubes if Scyther finishes all I gave you, don't hesitate as Scyther is in growing stage and will need more nourishment then average pokemon or his growth will be blocked in future." Said Mr. Smith.

Ethan kept nodding, he knew his family cares about him alot, he was a little sad himself that he will meet them back again after 1 year, but it was necessary for his future growth as a trainer.

Even after waiting for around 30 Minutes, when Ethan didn't come out, William went back to his house and said, "Ethan hurry up or you will miss your ship, you can talk to us on Poke-phone too."

As they saw it was almost 12:30 others also didn't stop Ethan further and bid good bye to him, Ethan recalled his Scyther back to Pokeball and went with his father towards Pidgeot.

Amelia was looking at the Pidgeot who was flying farther and farther away in horizon, "Don't worry, Ethan is more mature then all other kids of his age, he can take care of himself." Amelia heard these words from Mrs. Smith and looked at her, then she wiped her tears then she nodded and smiled towards Mrs. Smith. Then they walked back into the house.

Chapter Ends.