
Pokemon Rejuvenation

Ray a 17 year boy from the Unova journeys to the Aevium region with his guardian Nancy, however on arrival they are ambushed and he is left on his own in a new place, she finds new friends and falls in love with a young girl, however tragedy strikes when the organization which tried to kill him targets the girl, will he be able to protect her? ADAPTATION OF A FANGAME OF THE SAME NAME BY JAN AND CO

Ibrex2000 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Chapter 6: Nimble greetings

Route 2

Much different to than the forest in goldenwood, all the trees in this route were Sakura trees(cherry blossoms), the ground was also pink thanks to the fallen leaves making the environment quiet romantic.

Ray stepped out of the train car as he shoved the rest of his sandwich into his mouth, the Oran berry sandwich was a gift from Venam's mother Chasity before he left east Gearan city.

"Yosh! Now to find that cav..." Ray was reciting before he got shoved away by someone.

"Hey you!" Ray yells at the careless person who bumped into to him.

It was a strange girl wearing a blue and purple shirt and a short skirt, under was dark purple trousers that reached her shins, and she wore flip flops.

Her skin color was a bit lighter than his but was still a fine chocolate color, what really distinguished her was her bright blue eyes and two long braided pigtails on her dark purple hair.

She smiled and sticked out her tongue at him and said "Sorry kid, but you snooze, you lose! Gotta run!" Then ran off.

"What was that?" Ray asked confused as he checks his pockets and makes a discovery (My money!!!!) Ray shouts in his head, it seemed the girl had taken a hefty amount of pokken (money) from his wallet.

"Waittttt!!!!" Ray runs in the direction she went.

He meets her again but this time three huge boulders block his path on the route.

"Hehehe now ain't that a shame? Can't get passed here can you?" She laughs at him.

"Hmph time to show off something new, Rocky come out!", "Rufff rufffff!" The rock puppy shouts happily as Ray calls her out of her pokeball.

"Rocky use that new move you learnt Rock Tomb!" Ray orders.

"Rufffff!" The puppy jumps up, 3 huge rocks orbit her tail as she flings them at the boulders destroying them instantly 'braaaackkkk!'.

"When did you learn that?!!, mmm I mean that's not a problem!!! Catch me if you can kid!" The girl said like a kid having a tantrum and runs off into the tall grass.

"Are we playing tag or something!!!" He scratches his hair and runs into the tall grass after her.

He encounters several honeycomb shaped bees called Combee, he catches one and allows Rocky to handle the rest building battle experience for the young puppy.

Then a group of tourist are seen staring at a strange slim tree that sprouted inn the middle of the bridge connected over a stream.

"What's this doing here?" , "Aevium sure is strange", "could it be an imposter?" This was a handful of the comments around the tree.

Ray reached out to touch one of it's green leaves then suddenly..... "Cha Cha Cha! Chitty Chitty Chitty Chee Chee Cha Cha!" It's root come out from the bridge and it sprints to another location leaving everyone but Ray in awe (the hell is even going on anymore?) He thinks to himself as he continues.

As he crosses the bridge he sees a reporter and her camera getting footage of the biggest Sakura tree on the route, not only that they we're filming the purple monkeys with hands at the tip of their tails playing on the branches.

Ray becomes curious and opens his Pokedex.....


The long tail Pokemon

A normal type, they use their hand like appendage on the tips of their tails for everything making their real arms tiny and clumsy.

"Alright I'll just catch one quickly! Pokeball go!!!!" Ray flings a curve ball at one hitting it's cheek..

Stars appear from the ball alerting him of his capture. "Yah I just caught a ...." Before he could grab his pokeball the reporter grabbed his right hand.

"Cut, hey kid the name's Henrietta from the west Gearan news and this is my camera man Jeff" the dark skinned reporter woman said.

"Sup" Jeff said he wore a red cap and Blue T shirt, black shorts, his tanned skinned made him look like a Christmas light.

I just saw that amazing capture of your, what do say about being on our new show Trainer Tracker!" She said with hopeful eyes.

"More publicity, hell yeah!" Ray agrees immediately

"Fantastic! Let's have a double battle then, Jeff! Make sure the camera is rolling this time!" Henrietta yells.

" 'sighhhhhh'sure thing boss... " Jeff makes sure the red light is on.

The battle begins and Ray uses his Evolved bat Swoo and the ever ready doggo Rocky while Henrietta and Jeff use a Whismur(tiny pink bear) and a Magnemite (flaoting iron ball with 2 magnets as hands and a screw on it's head).

Ray has the bright idea to try a combo move, "Rocky use rock tomb, Swoo use gust to accelerate the rocks" he explains.

"Rufffff rufffff!" Rocky obeys and shoots out 3 huge boulders at her opponents however... Swoobat

"Batoooo!" The pig bat didn't send out a normal tornado instead it shot 3 blades of wind that cut up and accelerated the pieces of the boulders like mini meteorites

'braaaakkkk!' the mini meteors attack the bear and iron ball ruthlessly and knock both out.

"What?!", "How unexpected...yah right (I suck)" both Henrietta and Jeff were surprised (sort of).

"That wasn't gust?! Was that air slash? No the blades weren't enough must be Air cutter.... Wait a sec I didn't get to name that sick combo move!!" Ray grimished after missing a chance to name a new move.

"That was amazing footage tho, hey kid's what's your name?" Henrietta asked while checking Jeff's camera.

"Ray da!" Ray pointed a thumb at his chest as he regained composure.

She put a hand on his shoulder and said to him "You're gonna go places, Ray. Alright let's get this footage back to HQ Jeff!!!" She yells and heads to the train station on the route.

"sure thing boss pffttt, see yah kid" Jeff replies nonchalantly.

Ray continues his search on the west side of route 2 passing by a giant green chameleon selling things, he finds the tree again by the side of a small cliff.

"Just a normal tree doing photosynthesis..... Photosynthesis!!!"

He pokes the the center of the tree with his index finger 'bop!'.

"Kyaa! Why are you bothering a tree?!

You don't have any weird fetishes with trees right?" The tree cries.

"Hehehe! Get a load of this!" Ray goes into overdrive and gropes every part of the tree 'rub rub rub'.

"Goddamn it! I'm a goddamn tree for Christ's sake! Can you stop touching me!! BAH SCREW IT!!" The tree wiggles until it's form changes back to that of the thief girl red faced .

"Man you just don't give up! It's only P2000(pokken), you can make twice as much in a few days!" The girl yelled her cheeks still flushed.

"I don't want to hear that from you! Getting that money wasn't easy! Doing odd jobs isn't fun!!!" Ray yells back.

"Ugh whatever time to go again" 'clickk!' with a snap of her fingers the girl disappears leaving behind purple smoke that smelled like lavender perfume.

(That wasn't the work of a Pokemon or any device.... Was it magic?! Like that Karen lady's?) Ray wondered as he headed to the east in hopes of finding the strange girl.

The cave entrance had 3 vivilon stationed there like a guide, the girl was also there staring at them while Ray snuck behind her (I just have to get my cash back, then it's off to find Melia).

"All right! The final stretch girl! If you get through this cave you'll be home free!" The girl pumps herself up and gets hyped until.....

"Game over" Ray grabs her shoulder and says with a forced serious face.

"How'd you get here so fast?!!!" The girl shouts surprised.

"I'll you go to hell and back to get what's rightfully mine!" Ray poses covering his left eye with his hand.

"Hich... Hahahaha! You're a riot!" She laughs and bridges the gap between her and Ray, she grabs his hands and smiles, " The name's Nim okay? Don't forget it" she let's go and does her own cutesy pose.

Ray finally gets a clear look at her face, she's dangerously cute, her big blue eyes made him want to stare at her all day as he blushes.

"Also I didn't really steal your money, I just took it and placed it in a random pocket in your bag, it was just a funny little prank" she admits.

"It's actually here!" Ray shouts surprised as he checks his bag. "Well since that's settled, I've got no issues, my name is....." Before he could finish she put a finger in his lips.

"I already know it, Ray right?" Nim smiled.

"How?" Ray said once again surprised.

"I was hiding behind Venam during your battle, she's not very observant so didn't notice, I've seen her battle a few other trainers before but....." she paused for a bit and her cheeks got rosy "The way you battle just caught my eye that I knew I had to meet you myself" she was smiling profoundly at with with stars in her eyes.

"So instead of "a hello nice to meet you" you had us play tag?" Ray asked with a confused face.

"Exactly!!! Also I won't let you pass through this cave unless you battle me! Be warned I'm alot stronger than Venam!!" Num puffed up her chest in pride.

"Well I'll take this as more training then, let's go Rocky! Time to tussle in the forest!" Ray accepted as he called his rock puppy who was busy sniffing some grass.

"Oh we aren't battling here, we'll be going elsewhere!" Her body then levitates into the air shocking Ray.

"Tee hee, your face is so adorable when you're surprised" she blushed and rubbed her cheeks while staring at him making him a bit uncomfortable.

A golden aura surrounds her body and her blue eyes turn gold as well.

"HYRUUUUAHHHH!!!" The powerful voice echoes from her throat as both her and Ray vanished from the route making the other people there surprised.

Altered Dimension

Ray opens his eyes to see the new location, they were huge blue rocks everywhere and the floor was purple and black, no vegetation anywhere just rocks.

His stepping on a Pokemon field made with white chalk and on the other side of the field is Nim panting.

"Hmph hmph, Note to self, it takes.... Double the energy... To bring more than one person... here hmph hmph" she struggles to say as she wobbles her way up.

"What is this place Nim?, it's weird as heck" Ray asked as he looked around.

"I'm not entirely sure, I like to call it the Altered Dimension! In this place both me and Pokemon's psychic powers are much stronger than usual!" She poses again this time trying to show off her muscles.

"Hey ain't that cheating!!!" Ray points out to her.

"Shut up! You're going to be thrown into situations that aren't favourable, get used to it!" She hissed back. " Now Solrock, Lunatone, let's go it's a 4v4 double battle!" Nim tosses out 2 rock and psychic type Pokemon shaped like the sun and crescent moon respectively.

"Grrrrrr no problem, rocky go! Bellsprout wake up!!", "Bell .....", " Rufffff!!" Since the puppy was already out it showed her readiness to fight however as Ray sent out the plant it was asleep.

"Rocky bite!, Bellsprout Vine whip!" Ray commanded.

"Rufffff!" Rockruff attacked the sun shaped rock with blackened fangs however the field they were in deduced the power of dark attacks.

"What!" Ray was surprised as Rocky attack did almost nothing.

"Hehehehehe the field is weird ain't it?! Solrock psywave!" Nim commanded and the silent rock shoved away the puppy with a wave of purple energy.

"Roooccc!"rocky fell to the ground hard and bellsprout rush towards Solrock, "Bellsprout bellll!!" Will a swiped of it's elongated leaf arm the whip hit the center of the sun rock causing a critical hit alongside the super effective grass move.

"......" Solrock silently fell to the ground being knocked out by the plant.

"Bell.....zzzzz" the plant once again dozed off angering Ray "Wake up! Behind you!!!"  He pleaded however.

"Lunatone it's sleeping use psybeam now!" Nim took the opportunity to attack "...." The silent moon rock shot a beam of psychic energy knocking out the sleeping plant with a super effective move(psychic>poison)+ terrain power up.

The two trainers returned their Pokemon and sent out the other.

"Leo you're up!" , "Knock em dead Inkay".

Ray sent out his trusted lion Cub Litleo while Nim brought a floating gray squid like Pokemon(also a psychic type).

"Inkay smokescreen!" Nim yelled.

"Kayyyy!" The squid released a fog of black smoke from it's pink lips concealing itself.

"Fine then Rocky use rock tomb on Lunatone!" Ray ordered his puppy to attack the visible target. "Rufffff rufffff!" Rockruff fired 3 huge boulders at the Moon rock however.

"Lunatone protect yourself with cosmic power!" Nim raised her fist to the sky and in an instant a black shield with white stars blocked the stones aimed at Lunatone 'braaaackkkk' the stones shattered on impact leaving behind a ton of dust.

(Lunatone just increased it's defence and special defence, I'll have to go after Inkay then) Ray thought to himself as he gave hand signals to Leo that hid inside the dust.

"Inkay use wrap on that dog, we'll stop his movements!"Nim ordered hoping to crippled Ray's attacker however....

As soon as the squid floated out of the smoke, Leo charged at it with his fangs.

(What another Bite attack? So disappointing Ray, don't you learn....) Nim thought to herself before realizing..

Leo's mouth was on fire and with that he bit down on the squid hard 'blammmmm!' "inkayyyy!" The squid was hit hard and sent to left side of field it's left side was charred.

As if that wasn't enough Rocky charged at it landed a punch with her paw 'slammm', the squid was down and out.

Nim returned her Pokemon and started to laugh "Hyahhahahhah! Ray you got me there, I really didn't think you thought that Cub any fire attacks" Nim wiped a tear from her eye.

"Yah, I've been training both Leo and Rocky behind the scenes, even tho they ain't my main starters they are important to my team!" Ray declared.

"Leooo lit!!!!", "Rufffff rufffff!" Both of his Pokemon appreciated the gesture they didn't want to fail him either.

"However I was only using 1% percentage of my power!!! Get ready for my full strength Hyahahhah" Nim likes through her teeth and laughs it off.

"Espurr let's go" Nim sent out her last free Pokemon a gray purple psychic kitten with closed ears. "Ess purr!" The cat replied with determined eyes.

The cat got on top of moon shaped rock and started glowing bluish pink.

(What's she planning now)"guys stay on your toes!" Ray advised his Pokemon.

"Espurr psyshock!, Lunatone rock slide!" Nim happily commanded.

5 powered up psychic laser beams shot out from espurr's surrounding while multiple rocks were created and sent in the same direction by Lunatone.

'swissssuhhh!' the attacks flowed together like entangled snakes forming a psychic rock beam.

Leo could feel the power of the attack through his fur, knowing at 1 least of them had to Stay in the battle he did a courageous thing....

"Leooo!", "Roccc!!!" Litleo head-butted Rockruff out of the way taking the full blast of the opponent's attack 'blammmmm!'.

Dust settles, revealing a charred Litleo with a few stones and dirt on his back, knocked out.

Ray and Rocky had horrified faces on, Rocky didn't take to likely to it.

"Return... Sorry Leo, if I had thought of something sooner..... Pip avenge Leo!" Ray returns the fallen and sends out his starter the water penguin.

"Pippplup....." Pip arrives full of energy but something feels off to him.

"Grrrrrrooo!" Rockruff's eyes are no longer blue instead a deep crimson, her fur is standing up and her fangs are out.

"Looks like your Rockruff is fuelled up with rage" Nim noticed.

(Better finish this quick then, I'm not a fan of having a pissed off Pokemon) "Rocky use...." Before Ray could finish the dog had already charged at her opponents.

"Lunatone attack with rock slide" Nim strategized. The moon rock sends dozens of huge rocks at it's opponents.

"Ruff ruff ruff!" Rockruff didn't wait for Ray's command, she headed straight into the rocks destroying them yet sustaining damage.

"Damnit Rocky!, Pip bubblebeam use it to separate the two when they are distracted.

"Piplupluplup!" Piplup sent out a blast of concentrated bubbles at Lunatone and espurr. "Essssp!" The cat cried as it was forced off the moon rock.

"Rufffff!" Wasting no time Rocky attacks her pray with a devastating headbutt cracking the shell of the moon shaped rock 'craccck!'.

"Lunatone you fought well" not wanting the rock monster to sustain anymore damage "Espurr finish this with psyshock!" She yelled in frustration.

"let her have it Pip!" Ray also allows his starter to do what he does best.

"Es purrrrr!" The purplish cat sends out 5 purple laser beams from it's back all hitting Piplup hard however...

"Piiiiiiiii!" The penguin glows white as his hit and keeps moving closer to espurr.

"Luuuuuuu!!!" Suddenly a wave of white energy is expelled from his body washing over espurr "purrrrr!" The cat is overwhelmed and knocked out.

"Another new move? That looked like bide!" Nim says surprised she didn't expect him to grow this much in such a short time.

"You guy's were amazing, Pip and rock...." Ray was congratulating his team until he saw Rockruff's face.

"Grrrrrr!" The puppy growled at her master, her expression was pure anger, her eyes were still crimson and her fangs were out.

"What's wrong with you? Chill out in your pokeball for the time being okay" Ray returns her to the ball and looks at it with a sad face.

"Your power inspires me!, But darn you're too strong for me! I knew you were strong but you keep getting stronger I really thought I had a chance!!" Nim softly pulls her braids in frustration.

"Well you really gave me a run for my money (literally) thanks to this field increasing your psychic powers" Ray added.

"Speaking of psychic powers, here" she hands him a silver spoon that's been twisted like a screw.

"That's a twisted spoon i made it myself! It boosts psychic attacks like this field, keep it close, it'll be like I'm always by your side..... always" she says smiling creepily.

"I know that was creepy but I've already crossed that line long ago" she says rubbing her head.

"I'm also not a perfect depiction of normal, that just means the two of us are unique" Ray gives her a thumbs up and smiles accepting her creepy side.

She smiles deeply and holds her red cheeks "Let's go now you are a busy guy after all" she takes a deep breath

"HYRUUUUAHHHH!!!"  In a bright flash of golden light Ray returns to route 2.

In front of the cave he looks on and takes a step inside, "I'm coming Melia"

He says with a face of pure determination.

"You better save her Ray....." Nim's voice echoes in his mind as he continues further.

What's wrong with Rocky?, What's Melia's current condition?

To be continued!!!