
Pokemon Rejuvenation

Ray a 17 year boy from the Unova journeys to the Aevium region with his guardian Nancy, however on arrival they are ambushed and he is left on his own in a new place, she finds new friends and falls in love with a young girl, however tragedy strikes when the organization which tried to kill him targets the girl, will he be able to protect her? ADAPTATION OF A FANGAME OF THE SAME NAME BY JAN AND CO

Ibrex2000 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 7: Web of despair

Amethyst cave

"Geo dude Geo dude Geo dude, proobo, carrrrr binkkkuuu!" Different rock type Pokemon fused together to form a rock wall in front of the young teen Ray in his pursuit of Melia.

"I'm sooo done with obstacles! Bellsprout Vine whip!" Ray sends out  his lazy ass plant from it's ball.

"Bellllll! Sproutoooo!" The yellow headed plant stretches it's long leaf arms like whips and in mear seconds the stone wall of Pokemon are broken down and left unconscious.

"Good work you sleepy fly trap, I'll catch a few of these for Zumi's update" Ray congratulates his plant as he gets ready to catch some rocks then....

"Belllll.......!" The plants legs disappear leaving only it's head behind and in a green flash of light it's head grows to the size of Ray's knee and it's long arms move to the ear position, finally a single brown branch pops up from it's head.

"Weeeepppp.....zzzzzz" before it could even finish it's cry it fell asleep.

"Pfft even your evolution is lazy, alright Pokedex lay it on me" Ray comments as he opens up his silver Pokedex.


The flycatcher Pokemon and the evolved form of bellsprout,

A grass and poison type

This Pokemon hangs on to trees with it's rear branch and falls asleep sometimes if it moves around in it's sleep it finds pray on the floor.

The masculine voice tells Ray.

"Such a lazy Dex entry as well 'sigh' what am I going to do with you?" Ray returns the plant to it's ball to continue sleeping while he catches the rocks.

5 minutes later

Deeper into the cave Ray sees it's getting darker and the only thing lighting the way are pinkish crystals scattered all over the place however, on the part of the cave he stepped in was brighten up by the cave.

"Is this place alive or something?" Ray asked himself as he moved forward.

"Hey it looks like Ray finally got here!" A familiar voice reaches his ears, it's Ren Ray's rival and Venam his off and on again friend near a mine cart on the rails.

Ren is smiling at him, his wearing his normal gray jacket and dark trousers, his dark red scarf hangs on his neck like a Ninja's his black hair swaying to the left.

While Venam's expression right now didn't fit her punk rock black, red and white appearance, her purple hair curling up like a torch.

"Hehehe I had some psychic issues to take care off(making reference to Dr Jenkel and Nim from previous chapters)" Ray rubs his head as he joins them near the railing.

"Heh... I see you've made choice" Venam says dryly to Ray.

"Yah I have" Ray's expression becomes more serious alerting Ren of the change in atmosphere.

"Am I missing something here?" Ren asked confused.

"Nevermind, now which way do we go?" Venam ignored his question and moved on.

"Well the exit is north which heads to Sheridan village,so it's possible she went there" Ren concludes his reasoning.

"Okay then, let go!" Venam leads the charge north as the trio, walk on top the narrow railway.

By the end of track, they encounter something strange a hooded man stood in front on them, but the crystal have no light around him, what could that mean they thought.

The pale skinned man wore a purple cloak that covered his eyes, he wore a dark purple shirt with gray linings and his slacks were black.

"Who are you?!" venam was the first to asked in a threatening manner.

"She didn't go this way" the man says in a deep voice startling everyone.

"How would you know?!" Ray grows hostile towards the figure, something about the man didn't feel natural at all.

"Start answering our questions bub! Who are you?!"  Ren backed up his friends by pulling out his pokeball.

"You haven't experienced true fear before have you?" The man released a nasty Aura that kept the gang on their toes.

"Fear makes people take terrible decisions, in this cave a young girl alone in the dark would take a wrong turn, remember fear blinds the mind, cripples the intellect" the man explained.

"Melia's smarter than that, no way she took the wrong turn!" Ray swiftly moved his hand with a slashing movement.

"Ren, what do we do? Should we trust him?" Venam asked the most rational person in the group.

"Consider this, if she went north,then she's safe remember Sheridan village has a powerful gym leader" Ren explains.

"Oh yah that Sensei guy!" Venam smiles as she remembers the gym who bested her once in a battle long ago.

"So if she went north she has someone to protect her now but.... If she went east she'd be cornered by team Xen" Ren continued, both Ray and Venam seemed worried with that theory.

"So you want us to trust?!" Ray asked agitated.

"It's for the best results" Ren answered calmly.

"Smart boy, listen to him brats, his got the mind of a leader" the cloaked man complimented Ren making his head grow bigger.

"Yeah yeah whatever let's go!" Venam pused Ren north while he was still high on the compliment however...

Ray didn't budge, he looked the stranger right in his purple glowing eyes "Best be going now" the man hissed.

Without a word Ray turned and  went east, (that man.....), Ray felt something suspicious about him but this wasn't the time.

10 minutes later

The trio continued east, venam had taken and early lead while Ren and Ray were still behind her until

"Huh a joltik?" Ren says confused as he sees a yellow four legged insect on top of a crystal.

Ren picks up the small spider like Pokemon in his hand, "these weren't here before...  Something's off" Ren noted.

"Oiiii ! Guys!!! I found something!!" Venam shouts from all the way ahead.

Both of them rush towards the sound, there they see Venam had tied up a male team Xen grunt wearing a black and red military uniform.

"This punk says Melia was last seen in the lower Chambers meaning we have to go deeper into this bloody cave!"Venam hissed as she kick the grunt in the stomach and moved deeper into the cave with Ren and Ray still behind.

Lower Chambers

Even though this place was deeper underground, the crystal were more making it bright, Ray encounters a moon shaped Pokemon (Lunatone) one he had fought before, get offers it some treats and it joins his Pokemon team.

After that the trio encounter a cavern with Crystal lake broken and shaped like Xs, in the middle of that cavern was a familiar face.

"Zetta! You bastard!" Ray shouts and runs towards him.

Zetta the blonde Xen admin stared daggers at Ray.

"You.... Your that trainer that was with Melia.... Ray right? You've caused a lot of damage dumbass!" Zetta insults Ray in a cruel tone.

Ren holds Ray back as he and Venam step forward.

"The one who caused damage was you! Not Ray" Ren defends his friends.

"Who are you anyway? Are you the Xen boss?!" Venam asked.

"The boss? Heheheheh, I'm far from that,very far" Zetta laughs.

"Then stop wasting our time! Where's Melia?!" Venam yells.

"Oh Melia......." Zetta paused

"She's dead"

Those words stabbed at everyone present the shock on their faces were unexplainable.

"Don't screw with me, the hell are you saying?!!!" Ray could no longer keep his cool.

"what are getting at?!" Venam added her own fury.

"This isn't the time for jokes!" Ren yelled as well.

"Pfft, I ain't joking, take a look at this" zetta tosses them a torn red bag that had bite marks on it.

"That's....." Ren struggled

"Melia's bag" venam finished.

"Guys it can't be right?! It's a trick!" Ray yelled again.

"It has to be!" Venam added.

"There's no mistake, everything's ruined, eaten by a dumb spider! All this cause an idiot tried to play hero!"

Zetta points at Ray.

Ray's body couldn't take it anymore, he fell to his knees, the two pokeballs in his left pockets l, fell out 'pooop!' Piplup and Rockruff were released from their balls.

"We needed her for so many things! But now because of you Ray! Cause of your nonsensical meddling!!" Zetta continued to abuse the boy.

"My.....Fault?" Ray's voice came out softly he didn't know what to think anymore until....

"Don't you dare try to blame Ray for this!.... If team Xen didn't attack her none of this would have happened!!" Venam defended Ray with all her heart.

"Even though we're her so called best friends.... We couldn't do a thing for her, yet Ray a stranger had to bear that burden alone! So don't you dare blame him!.

"Guys..... " Ray's eyes light up again.

Zetta lifts his hand up and behind him on the cave wall, a yellow dimensional rift opens up behind him.

"Not this again!" Ray remembers the time he was sucked into one, a horrible memory while Ren and Venam just look confused.

"Heheheheh! You guys might be clueless about this but Ray sure ain't, that terrified looking on his face is classic!" Zetta laughs

"The dimensional rift is back baby! And it's yellow this time! With it I'll obliterate the lot of ya! You shall know team Xen's pain!" From both hands Zetta unleashed his Pokemon.

"Rawrrrrrrrrr!", "Gloooooo!" The beast with a rusted helmet returned Type null, while gloom a new member was introduced,it was a blue bipedal plant with a giant yellow flower on top of it's head.

Ray tries to stand up Ren puts a hand on his shoulder "And you shall know the pain you put Melia through!Frogadier!" Ren sends out a frog like Pokemon.

The evolved form of Frokie, Frogadier it's appearance is different now it's body is now dark blue with lighter blue strips it has a scarf of white bubbles around it's neck making it more ninja like.

(When did he evolve his starter, while Pip....) Ray thought about his own shortcomings while looking at Ray's starter.

"I'm ready to unleash hell!" Venam sends out her strongest Pokemon Seviper the black viper like Pokemon.

The battle begins with no side backing down.

"Type null crush claw!" Zetta shouts

"Rawrrrrrrrrr!"the dark beast lunges at the frog.

"Use smokescreen Frogadier!" Ren orders

"frogaaaaaa!" The frog let's out a fog of dark smoke from it's mouth concealing itself.

"Raaaa?" The beast lands on the cloud of smoke but the frog is nowhere to be seen until...

"You've got to be kidding me!" Zetta yells in front of his Pokemon, are about 20 clones of Frogadier.

"Bear witness to my combo of concealment! Smokescreen+double team! Shadow clone attack!" Ren shouts out as all the clones attack type null.

"Damn it, Gloom, use petal dance" seeing as he can't do anything for type null, he shifts his attention to his plant.

"Gloooglooooglooom!" The plant being spins around in a circle send out pink petals to attack Seviper as it also defends itself in a petal tornado.

"Seviper hang on!" , "Viperrrr!" Venam struggles with this strategy as she looks for an opening while Seviper is pelted with petal bullets.

(There has to be an opening but where) venam thinks as she observes the target.

(There it's feet!)"Seviper use night Slash on it's feet" Venam commands as she notices the concentration of petals are avoiding the foot area.

"Viperrrr!", "Oommm!" The snake uses it's sword like tail to whip the right foot of the plant making it trip and stop it's petal tornado.

Observing all of this while still on the floor was Ray who started in awe(those guys, there amazing, while... I'm still we...) Before he could finish a sharp pain emerged from his right hand "Ouch!!" He screams.

"Grrrrrr!" The rock puppy growled at her owner, as if he could understand, her crimson eyes shouted the word Coward.

"Pipp!", "Rooo!" Piplup as the oldest of Ray's Pokemon, slapped the puppy away with his flipper making her angry

"Rufffff!" With a final shout the puppy took a 180° turn and ran towards the darkness of the cave.

"Rocky! Rocky!!" Ray cries out for his Pokemon but she's long gone leaving Ray and Piplup behind.

The battle reaches it's climax.

"Frogadier double team again!" Ren orders "frooogadierrrr!" The ninja frog holds it's hands together as 5 clones appear from it's shadow and rush towards it's opponent.

"I won't let you! Hyper beam!" Zetta yells "Rawrrrrrrrr!" Type null unleashes a beam of yellow energy from it's masked mouth blasting a majority of Frogadier's clones however.

'grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!' the frog is seen grinding a blue ball of water against the beam as it runs making it stronger

"Impossible!" Zetta yells in utter shock.

"Take this! Water pulse!" Ren shoves his right hand forward like his throwing a punch.

His frog follows that movement and implants the water sphere in type null's chest "Frooogadierrrr!!", "RAAAAAAAA!" the beast cries as it's sent flying in a spiral motion and knocked out against the cave wall.

"Damnit return type null!, Gloom sludge bomb!" Zetta orders his last Pokemon to attack.

"Gloooooo!" The plant launches 3 brown poison mud balls at Seviper.

"Overwhelm him with Venam's kiss!" Venam blows a kiss to her sanke and it goes to work "Sevvvvipeerrrr!"the snake spewed out a Venam shaped poison fog that engulfs the mud balls as well as Gloom knocking it out.

"Tsk! It looks like I lost again! This time a ninja wannabe and a punk gym leader!" Zetta yelled in frustration as he returned his Pokemon.

"Now give up and turn yourself in!" Ren shouts.

"Hell no! Time for plan B, ohhh rifty!!!" Zetta mocks them by speaking in a girlish way.

Suddenly the yellow rift begins to suck in dust and rocks as well as Ray's party.

The 3 kids start running away from the Rift but they are forcefully drawn towards it like a magnet

"What's happening, this thing is too strong!" Ren cries.

"I can't fight it, it's like running through pudding!" Venam remarks as she tries to run

"Goddamn it! Here we go again!" Ray already knows this was inescapable as he and his friends are sucked in 'zipppppp!'.

Rift Lethal Forest

Ray opens his eyes again expecting the hellish world of rift dragon gate, instead he awakes to a different setting.

The trees are purple, and the lake water is pink, the grass is also dark red, the air seems spicy but is still breathable.

He looks around and sees his comrades Ren and Venam looking around as well.

"Hey what is this funky place Ren?" Venam asked curiously.

"The Rift most likely, another dimension" Ren puts a hand on his chin and looks around.

"Well this place looks cool it's right up my alley,... Hey look at the water! I'm going get some for my gym" Venam absentmindedly gets closer to the river and extends her hand.

"Don't touch that it might be corrosive!" Ren points out.

"Geh! Good point...." Venam recollects herself and steps back.

"Well let's just look for a way out, before a giant serpent appears or something" Ray cautions his friends.

While looking around Ren finds a joltik like before in the cave however....

"Hey guys come check this joltik it's black and purple instead of yellow and blue" Ren says pointing at is.

"Is it a shiny?" Venam asked.

"Nah, my Pokedex says the shiny color is green" Ray confirms.

"Then  what's this little....", 'zisususus' Ren touches the spider like creature and it turns into blue ash.

"You killed it?!"venam screams.

"I just touched!!!" Ren defends himself.

"Let's  keep looking, avoid touching those things with your bare hands" Ray speaks out.

""Hai hai"" both Venam and Ren say in unison as the continue looking.

Ray finds 6 more joltik around the forest and they gathers near a big purple egg, then suddenly 'beep' 'beep'.

Ray's Cybernav alerts him of something so he opens up the silver tablet like device

"Finished Rift data download

Location- Lethal Forest

Inhabitant- Code Materna: Galvantula

Ability- Parental bond, avoid destroying it's young or suffer it's Wrath" the same masculine voice from his Pokedex says.

"What's this saying anyway?" Ray ponders what his Cybernav is saying while Ren and Venam discuss.

"Hey why do you think all the joltik gathered around this egg?" Ren asked the punk girl.

"I mean they are near an egg so that must mean... you know...." Venam winks at Ren.

"Uhh! Hell no?!" Ren says disgusted.

"I meant as in to watch it hatch! You sicko!" Venam's face turns pinks.

"Oh my bad hehehehehe" Ren tries to laugh away his embarrassment.

"Um guys.... It's hatching!!!" Ray rejoins the conversation and points at the crack in the egg

'Crackkk' "Galllluuuu" a large part of the top shell falls off revealing a large purple and pink scorpion tail.

Everyone starts to freak out as the joltik spider things start circling the cracking egg.

"That's a tail, a tail!" Venam freaks.

"I've never encountered something like this?! What do we do?!" Ren shouts in confusion.

"let's calm down first! It might be a friendly Rift monster" Ray tries to calm them down until...

"Garrrrrrrr!" The creature breaks free from the shell in an explosion of dark energy.

The horrific creature body was purple with hazy fuzz on it, it's 3 conjoined head looked awkward with 3 eyes each.

A long sharp leg came from the chin of each head making 3 in total. But what made it stand out more was it's long pink and purple scorpion tail oozing out venom.

As it caught sight of trio it's first action was "Gaaaaalllllrruuuu!" The beast shots out numerous needle shaped beams of poison energy at the group 'shshshshhssh' like rain drops, creating a purple dust cloud.

"Sevipppp!" The cloud clears revealing a serpent coiled around the group like a shield however...

"Goddamn it! Why always me?!!! The poison! The poison!" Noticing a long purple Needle in his shoulder Ray falls to the ground in pain.

"Here eat this" venam tosses him a pink pecha berry, "I'm a poison type expert you won't die from a single needle" Venam eaters battle position.

"Oh" Ray pops the berry in his mouth and instantly feels better.

"Stand up Ray!, We'll need all of us for this, Growlithe come out" Ren remarks as he sends out an orange and black puppy like Pokemon.

"Sure thing boss! Swoo let's go!", "Swoooooo!" The pig bat emerges from Ray's ball to fight.

"Swoo air cutter!"

"Growlithe flamethrower!"

"Seviper night Slash!"

The trainers yelled together and their Pokemon attacked.

Swoobat shot out 3 wind blades, Growlithe roar out a torrent of flames from it's mouth, while Seviper used it's sword tail slash at the enemy however....

"Jolll,tikkk,lii!" Numerous cries from the joltik Ray gathered cried out as every single one shielded the giant beast From the attacks and turned to ash.

"Galllluuuu!!!!!" The beast cried in fury as it started moving it's tail around like a whip with dark aura oozing from it's body.

"Valcuuuuu!", "Viperrrr!!!" The insect slammed it's tail into Seviper cracking the very earth it was on 'bammm!'.

"Seviper!" Venam cried out as her powerhouse was knocked out in a single hit.

"What the hell was that?! Swoo look out!" Ray turned his attention away for a second and that would cost him

The best shot out a purple electric web from it's tail entangling Swoobat, "Swoooooo, baaaa baaa baaaa!" The bat cried in pain as it fell to ground and struggled until.

"......" The electricity in the web had paralyzed the bat and immobilized it.

"Damnit return Swoo" Ray quickly retracted his Pokemon before further damage occurred.

"Growlithe use flame....." Before anything happens, Growlithe is on the floor covered in purple needles.

"Did it just get a major stat boost?! There's no way it's supposed to this strong" Ren makes mentioned as he returns his fire puppy.

"Avoid destroying it's young or suffer it's Wrath? So that's what it meant am so stupid!!" Ray yells at himself.

"All those joltik we killed were it's kids and killing them just made this Galvantula a lot stronger!" Ray explains.

" 'Sighhhh' Alright then, I've got a plan first we try to reduce it's stats and hinder it's performance then..." Ren explains until.

"Then we kick it's ass with our strongest attacks!" Venam finishes his sentence.

"Got it! I can do that do Leo I need you!" Ray releases his lion Cub from his pokeball " litlit leooo!" The cub roars in anticipation.

"Sableye I choose you!" Ren sends out a dark purple imp looking ghost Pokemon.

"Golbat your up!" Venam also sends out a purple bat with a large mouth.

"Dodge it's attacks and use Noble roar!" Ray yells as Litleo runs and dodges the spiders tail whip attacks.

"Leooooooo!" A powerful roar cries out from the Cubs throat lowering the attack and special attack of the spider.

"Now's our turn, burn that thing with will o wisp, sableye!" Ren orders.

"Sabblleeeyyyeee!" Jumping from shadow to shadow the imp shoots out a blue flame from it's right hand inflicting a burn status on Galvantula further reducing it's attack Stat.

"Finally to end it off, confuse ray Golbat!" Venam gives the order and Golbat... "Golllllll!" The bat shoots out a black Ray of light confusing the beast further.

"Galllllllguuuuuugaaaaavallllllllll!" The spider in it's confusing jumps a horrific height and crashes on the floor

'slammm!!!' the ground explodes causing numerous rocks to fly out damaging everyone present.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!,gyahhhhhhh!, kyahhhhh!" The kids are battered by Stones but they shield their eyes and other important parts however....

All 3 Pokemon sent out were exposed to the stone attack up close and fainted instantly.

Suddenly Galvantula stood up it's middle head covered in pink blood, with 3 eyes of rage pointed at the gang

"Galllllll"! The beast cried showing it's out of confusion.

"I've got only one more left" Venam hisses as she sends out the bag of garbage she caught {chapter 2 reference}

"Me too, and his pretty weakened from the battle with Zetta" Ren releases a panting Frogadier from his ball.

"Piplup it's all on you,(Rocky is MIA, and Weepinbell is weak to this bug)" Ray sends out his starter.

"Venam we've got to pull off a combo move! It's our only chance to end this in one blow" Ren states.

"Why not all 3 of us try one?" Ray asked

"A 3 person combo move isn't a good idea for this dire situation! Any mistake right now can cost us our lives!" Ren debunkes Ray "Just attack after we do!" He says to Ray who just nods his head.

"Got it trubbish use poison spikes!" Venam orders

"Truuuuuubbbb!" The garbage monster shoots out 3 purple stars at Frogadier.

"Frogadier mix it with water pulse!" Ren yells.

"Frogadier!!!" The ninja frog creates a wall ball that fuses with the poison stars turning it purple.

"Combo move: poison water spear!" Venam and Ren say in unison as the attack takes the shape of a spear head and launches towards Galvantula however....

"Pipluppppp!" From out of nowhere the penguin jumps in front of the combo attack taking the full impact 'booom!'.

"Pip what the hell are you doing?!!!" Ray yells at his Pokemon as Ren and Venam have confused faces on.

"Pippppppppppppppppppppp!" Piplup then faces Galvantula straight in the face and releases a white explosion "shiiiiiiiiiiiiii!'.

"Bide?! He used bide without my command!" Ray braced himself as he was also caught in the explosion along Side his friends.

Piplup knew the attack wouldn't have worked so he took matters into his own hands by multiplying it with bide at the cost of his own health (I have to do this! I'll save us all!) The thought ran through the penguin as he exploded.

"Galllllllllllllllll!" The beast cries but nothing can be done to save it.

(Rest forever Galvantula) a feminine voice reaches it's ears as it closes all 9 of it's eyes and accepts fate....

Galvantula is destroyed along with the Lethal Forest.

Amesthyst cave

Lower Chambers

'Boommmmm!' the Rift explodes sending out Ray, venam and Ren before collapsing in on itself.

"Impossible! How did you survive, not once but twice! My rifts are unbeatable!"

"Shut up Zetta! Just give up already!" Ray yells holding the almost lifeless body of his starter Pokemon.

"No you Shut up!, I don't know what trick you 3 used but you aren't leaving here alive!!!" Zetta snaps as he tries to pull a metallic object from his right coat pocket.

"That's enough Zetta, stop talking" all of a sudden an angered female voice echoes through the cave.

"That voice? The woman from gearan labs" Ray and ren takes notice of this.

"Who the hell are you?!" Zetta cries in confusion.

Suddenly in front of him a beautiful woman appears...

She has long black hair that covers are left eye which is an intimidating crimson color, she seems to be wearing light make up as well as a purple flower ornament in her hair.

Her clothes are that of a classic Lolita with black frills all over her skirt and a white top connected by black suspenders.

She wears dark red stockings as well giving her thighs a more appealing aura.

"The name of this elegant woman who has sacrificed her pride to appear? I believe the name Crescent will do, yes such a beautiful name" the woman says in cutesy voice but somehow still sounded intimidating.

Zetta tried to move away from her but behind him was the sadistic Gothitelle

"Gotttt!" The humanoid pokemon held his back and refused to let go while smiling.

"Let go! Stay back!" Zetta struggled to get away his face painted with fear.

"Is that fear? Hehehe you should know that's what monsters like me feed on" Crescent licks her lips as she reached for his face.

"Noooooo!" Zetta's eyes are now pouring with tears

" SA YO NA RA " Crescent touches his forehead and in a spilt second he vanishes as if he was never there in the first place.

The 3 kids look on in shock at the display of Crescent's power.

"What did you do to him?" Venam was the first to ask.

"That's inconsequential, further more didn't I warn you two? Ray and Ren?" Crescent points at the 2 boys.

"I said only despair awaits you yet you came anyway?"

"We followed the path we'd regret the least!" Ren stood up for his friend.

"It still amounted to nothing, but blood on your hands, Melia is dead no changing that" Crescent didn't sugar-coat her words making it sting more.

"We tried to save her!" Venam yells in objection.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night honey. Ray I warn you again, don't get involved in this, leave team Xen alone, go do stupid teenager shit! Leave this region's problem to those with actual power, Aurevoir(good bye)" Crescent leaves her final message and vanishes with Gothitelle behind her.

Venam moves to the right aide of the cave and punches the wall in frustration 'bamm!'

"Damn her! Melia's.... Melia's gone" Venam said sadly.

"We'll avenge her, we'll end Team Xen for good" Ren reassures Venam.

"No I'm going back to my gym, I'll get so strong that that bitch Crescent or team Xen won't even stand a chance against me!" Venam roars .

"I'll get stronger as well! When the time comes I'll join you in the fight!" Ren raises his fist towards her.

"Heh! I'll hold you that" the bump fist and their attention turns to Ray.

Ray is holding Piplup in his right hand and picking up a card from Melia's bag with his left.

"I'm also going to get stronger but not just for revenge, call me crazy if you like but Melia's alive" Ray says this with a straight face causing Venam and Ren to question his sanity.

"I'll find her definitely!" With eyes of determination he clenched his fist.

" 'Sighhhhhhhh' good luck with that " Venam says as she walks away not even giving him a glance.

"Ray, you should continue your gym journey as well, north is Sheridan village home to the next gym leader it's close to goldenleaf town... " Ren hesitates for a moment.

"That's my home town and it's currently in a dilemma which I have to get strong enough to fix" Ren continues.

"If you need help with that I'll be there in a heartbeat" Ray says with a smile.

"I know.... We'll meet again! Stay strong buddy" Ren smiles as he shakes his friends hand.

Ren the disappears north leaving Ray alone.

"Come on Pip, I'll heal you up when we get to Sheridan, no matter how much life tries to put us down we'll stand right back up!" Ray said trying to keep his spirits up until....

"Awroooooooooooooo!" From the darkness of the cave a howl is heard.

Ray quickly understands "Rocky!" The dark skinned boy cries as he runs towards the sound.

There on a huge slab of rock, a creature standing on it's hind legs howls in the dark.

"Rocky!" Ray repeats himself.

The creature jumps down and runs to Ray giving him a closer look.

It had white fur with red strips on it's body, with 3 sharp rocks around it's neck, in simple terms it looked like a white and red rock werewolf

Ray checked his Pokedex

Lycanroc(midnight form)

The wolf Pokemon

A rock type

The evolved form of Rockruff

It's the hardest lycanroc form to train out of the 3, it only listens to trainers who can draw out their full power.

"Midnight form, this is 2:00pm! That altered dimension Nim took is to must have mutated you somehow" Ray says as he rubs her fur.

"We've got a lot of work to do guys"

Ray notes this as he gets ready to embark on a new journey

To be continued in the Sheridan village (Aelita's debut!)