
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Komik
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53 Chs

Chapter 2

It's been a week since Evan received a system, he tried the skills he received from a system if it's really effective and after confirming he accepted the reality about the crazy thing that happen to him.

What was more exciting and surprising was the skill 'pokemon items(shop)', Evan could literally buy every items needed for the pokemon all he needed was to buy it with money as you know money wasn't a problem for Evan as he was born with a golden spoon,unfortunately there was no pokemon eggs or mythic pokemons in the shop as the skill name said it was a shop for pokemon items like keystone,mega stone etc.

Today Evan is preparing to go to Sinnoh region as the semester is starting for the students.

"Dad, I'm heading you must take good care of your health, eat well, sleep well, do not overwork, if I heard that you overwork again" I winked at the butler.

Seeing this Joseph Stone nodded trembling,Evan hugged him for the last time before leaving for academy.

"Have a safe trip and take good care of yourself" Mr. Stone said to his son who was leaving.

(Note:Joseph Stone and Mr. Stone is the same person)

Evan after boarding the ship directly went to the first class seat as his father has already booked for a first class seat for his son's comfortable trip.

Several hours later, "wow this is Sinnoh region, it's more amazing than I thought"Evan couldn't help but surprise at the sight of new surrounding.

Evan took a taxi and directly went to a academy.

Evan couldn't help but surprised again after seeing the sight of huge compound of academy, He directly went to the registration counter.

"Hello, can you please show me your invitation for the registration" The registration

Officer looked at the young boy Evan with a smile.

"Yes, here" Evan handed the invitation to the registration officer.

After a few minutes, the registration officer handed him a uniform, booklet about the school rules and classes accordingly,and an ID and started explaining about how the ID works,"the ID will work as your identification and you can buy many things with the credits you got after getting achievements, it also works as the pass to buy items and pokemon eggs from the academy vault with the credits, so don't loose it".

"Yes thank you for your kind explaination" I sincerely thanked and left looking for a dorm.

The dorm allocated to Evan was very spacious and luxurious, he layed on bed and started looking at the thick booklet Containing about the basic information of classes.

Among these 5 classes, 1 class is for the students which is specialized for the purpose of training a combat trainer, 1 class is for the students which is specialized for the purpose of training a gorgeous coordinator, 1 class is for the students which is specialized for the purpose of training a Researcher,1 class is for the students which is specialized for the purpose of training a Breeder,and the last class is the 'special class' which specialized for the purpose of training geniuses where I was allocated to.

The teachers who have the ability to teach in this academy are at least gym level trainer and elite.

And in order to graduate from the academy you have to get a great achievement which is even harder than getting admission into, the average age of graduating from the academy is 15 years of age and if you don't get an achievement it might even take 20 years of age.

Therefore, Evan already made his plans in order to get a graduation as early as possible.

The students who are allocated to special class are free to do as they want to,they just need to get an achievements in order to graduate of course you can also ask for a help from the professors.

The next Day

Evan decided to at least attend the first class before starting the plans that he have already decided to achieve in order to graduate at the age of 10.

However, there was not a single soul in the special class.

Seeing this Evan decided to start his project.

~To Be Continued...