
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Komik
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53 Chs

Chapter 27

After the trip to Mosdeep city, Evan and Ash successfully obtained the seventh badge, Mind Badge.

But today in order to go to the next city, Evan and his friends came to a certain island to take rest.

"Evan, let's have a Pokémon battle" Walking along the port of the island Ash extended an invitation to Evan enthusiastically.

"I decline, we can fight in the Hoenn region, just make sure not to loose in the preliminary round and other trainers" Evan declined the invitation directly.

"Hey the trainer over there, let's have a Pokémon battle" Ash was worried that there would be no trainer for a Pokémon battle but unexpectedly found a random trainer.Evan and others walked to the side of the road indifferently and watched the battle with May, Max and Brock.

The opponent was using Scizor, and Ash chooses to fight with his torcoal. The opponent's scizor was obviously undertrained and Ash defeated the opponent almost effortlessly.

"As expected of a trainer who earned seven badges, you are strong" The trainer of scizor came forward and shook his hands with Ash in a friendly manner.

After bidding farewell to the challenger, Evan and everyone decided to have a lunch and found a restaurant that looked good, they sat down and chatted for a while.

"The match just now was completely one sided" May said with an emotion.

"That's because torcoal had it's type advantage" Max replied to his sister.

After winning several matches Ash was getting Carried with it.

"Ash don't get carried away too much" Brock said to Ash who was being overconfident.

"I'm not getting carried away, I just feel like no matter whom I fight against right now , I won't loose" Ash raised his head confidently.

May glanced at Evan "that's a bit exaggerated" And Max nodded in agreement.

After waiting for a while their meals they ordered were delivered.They chatted as they ate.

"May which Pokémon are you going to use next for the next Gorgeous Pokémon contest" Brock asked curiously.

"I haven't figure it out yet" May scratched her fingers and thought about it.

"The Gorgeous Pokémon contest, the most important this is to coordinate with your Pokémon, it's better to choose your partner calmly and carefully"

When Evan and his friends were interacting and chatting with each other , an old man wearing a captain coat with bare chest came up and interjected.

"Drake!! " Evan looked up at the old man cautiously.

"Drake of the elite Four?" Max also recognized the old man at a glance.

" Oh you recognized me" Drake raised his head with a serious expression, "I was watching the battle between you and your opponent just now, the timing of your command and coordination with your Pokémon is pretty good"

"Thank you for the compliment!" Ash thanked sincerely getting an acknowledgement from an Elite Four.

Afterwards everyone introduced themselves and Drake invited them to his ship, which Evan and his friends accepted.

Wearing a captain's coat, Drake was standing on the port waiting for his ship, feeling the sea breeze.

"Sir.Drake looks cool" Max couldn't help but praise Drake.

Evan almost laughed out after hearing those words from Max who didn't know that his father Norman would be the successor of the Elite Four, Drake.

Soon Drake's huge sailboat approached the port, and everyone boarded the deck in amazement.

"This ship is really huge" Looking at the thick deck, Evan nodded slightly.

"Sir.Drake can we see your Pokémon" Max asked bluntly and curiously.

"Sure but wouldn't just watching be boring, do anyone of you wanna battle?" Drake asked.

"A battle!!!" Ash and the others were surprised.

"I want to try" Evan was the first to step up.

"Wait a minute Evan, he is not an ordinary trainer but an elite Four" Brock reminded anxiously.

"Don't worry Brock I've been fighting with brother Steven and brother Wallace" Evan responded to Brock.

"Oh you know Steven and champion Wallace" It was Drake this time who was surprised.

"Of course I know since I pretty much grew up in their arms" Evan responded to Drake.

"Are you perhaps Steven's brother who discovered the evolution tree of eevee and discovered the fairy type attribute?" Drake asked Evan and he nodded in agreement.

"Wait a minute I want to battle too" It was Ash this time how could he as a battle junkie give up on such an opportunity.

"Then lets do a 1on1 battle, you two will compete with me orderlyorderly, how about it?"

"Fine by me" Evan responded.

"Me too" Ash agreed excitedly.

"Alright, I need someone to be the referee"Drake called out one of his crew to be the referee.

The first is the match between Ash and Drake.

" So Ash this will be my Pokémon, Go Shelgon" Drake sent out his Shelgon which was the pre evolve form of Salamence.

[ Pokémon:Shelgon

Level:Late Gym


"In that case, Pikachu, I choose you" Sure enough Ash chose his most trusted Pokémon Pikachu.

In the beginning Pikachu used thunderbolt to take the lead and hit shelgon but Drake didn't even command Shelgon for a move.

"Why does Sir. Drake doesn't give out his order, at this rate won't he loose?" Brock asked with a frown.

"Because it's unnecessary" Evan folded his arms and started explaining patiently, "Shelgon has excellent defense, strength and stamina but it has low speed and dexterity, so dodging would be a waste of its stamina, just wait and watch you'll understand what I mean"

Sure enough Pikachu's every thynderbolt hut Shelgon successfully making May suspicious "maybe not all elite Four are strong after all."

"Do you really think so?" Evan interrupted May's ridiculous thought "the gym leader may have a weak combat power but Elite Four are different, so you better watch the match to an end before coming to a conclusion!"

Just as Evan finished speaking the situation completely reversed, Pikachu who was charging aggressively towards Shelgon with an iron tail got hit by a dragon breath followed by dragon claw, after only two moves Pikachu fell to the ground loosing it's ability to fight.

"So powerful" May was surprised by the sudden reversal.

"Pikachu lost" Both Max and Brock lost their senses.

"Then it's my turn next" Evan stepped forward replacing Ash.

"Evan... " Ash looked at Evan pitifully.

"Okay stay on the sidelines and enjoy my battle" Evan pushed Ash to Brock and looked at Drake cautiously.

"Shelgon's defense us extremely high Ash, you made a mistake in your judgement, so you have to admit your mistakes and learn from it" Evan shook his head and explained to Ash.

"That's right little boy, you attack was very violent but without calculating your opponents physical strength, your approach is very dangerous" Drake also kindly explained to Ash.

"Okay lets start our match Evan, I'm looking forward to how strong Steven's little brother is, come out Altaria" Drake's Altaria level was at Early Elite.

'I wonder how much level his Salamence might get Evan thought to himself.

"Salamence prepare to fight" Evan took out his Salamence since he was the only one who could fly.

"Oho, to think you also owned a Salamence" Drake expressed his opinion.

"It's Salamence, it looks like it's going to fight on the air" Max looks at the two side in surprise.

"Altaria fly up" At the beginning Drake chose to increase the height.

"Alright Salamence Dragon dance" But Evan didn't follow it up instead chose to increase its strength with dragon dance.

Drake narrowed his eyes slightly "Altaria sky attack"

"Take it with Dragon tail" The two collided and Altaria flew back above.

"Altaria dragon breath"

"Salamence we use dragon breath too" The two dragon breath collided making an explosion on the sky.

"Altaria brave bird" Drake knew something was wrong so he was trying to end the match as soon as possible.

"Dragon rush" Evan also decided to see the outcome with one move, salamence unfolded the phantom of the dragon and turned into a white ray of light and swooped down.

And boom the Collison of brave bird and dragon rush made a huge explosion.

After the dust settle, Evan and Drake stared at the battlefield.

And they saw both Altaria and Salamence fell on the ground, but Salamence got up immediately making Drake loose the match. And Evan won the match with a level advantage but a win is a win whatever method you use.

"How come-" Everyone was shocked.

"Evan actually won against the Elite Four" Max was surprised with Evan's battle and started dancing and cheering.

Drake and Evan step forward to check Altaria and Salamence's body and breathes a sigh of relief because it wasn't serious.

"It's nothing serious but we better go to the Pokémon center at the port for a check up" Putting away Altaria Drake said with a serious face.

"I think so too" Evan took back Salamence into its respective Pokéball and nodded in agreement.

After a hearty battle, Drake expressed his opinions about Evan and Ash which lights Ash's mood again, later they had dinner together.

With an unexpected encounter and getting a new experience our heroes will continue their next journey.

~To Be Continued....