
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Komik
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53 Chs

Chapter 20

As Evan, Ash and his friends have decided the next destination, they decided to visit Prof. Birch's laboratory before leaving.

Under the surprised or everyone, an old jeep drove down from the cliff. Under the terrified expression of everyone, it drifted gracefully and stopped in front of everyone.

"Hi... It's been a long time since I've seen you guys, what are you doing here? " Prof. Birch turned around and greeted Evan and the others.

"We are traveling to Fortree city, so we decided to visit you before leaving" May explained the reason to Prof. Birch.

"Professor where you going somewhere? " Asked Ash strangely.

"Yes, I'm going to pick up Prof. Oak,I was so immersed in my research that I lost the track of time" Prof. Birch explained the situation.

"Then can I join you Professor, as a fellow researcher Prof. Oak has been my role model" Evan asked Professor Birch.

"Sure" After getting Prof. Birch's permission Evan and Ash hopped on the Jeep leaving Max, May and Brock to wait for them.

On the way Evan introduced himself as this was the first time they met.As they were leaving for port they almost had an accident with a cart.

"Wait Professor I saw Professor Oak on the cart" Evan said to Professor Birch and then turned around.

"Professor Oak" Ash called out loudly.

"Oh Ash, Professor Birch and wow I can't believe I got to meet you Prof. Evan" Professor Oak greeted everyone.

"Just call Evan Professor Oak, researching is just my hobby, I'm an aspiring trainer aiming to become a strongest trainer" Evan responded with a smile.

"Alright we can talk at the lab, let's go first" Prof. Bitch said.

After a few minutes they arrived at the laboratory.

"Long time no see, May, Max and Brock" Professor oak greeted the siblings and Brock.

"Ah it's Professor oak, a real professor oak" Max was excited and took out a stack of prof. Oak's photos "these are the photos I collected from a magazine, Professor can I have your autograph" Max asked with admiration.

"Sure" Prof. Oak signed the photo for Max in an approachable manner.

Max asked to see a pokémon from kanto region and Professor oak released the reserved kanto starters for new trainers, 'Bulbasaur, charmander and squirtle.'

"Wow it's Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander", Max was overwhelmed with surprise.

Now there were six starter pokémons of Hoenn and Kanto region standing together. Each and every pokémon had a potential of becoming champion.

When suddenly Prof. Birch said an unexpected words.

" Actually one of the pokémon is reserved for Evan" said Prof. Birch.

"Huh! Why I'm not even a new trainer" Evan replied concealing his greed for the pokémon around him.

"Yes,in fact it was reserved for you before starting your journey, it's just that you never came to receive your first pokémon reserved for you by the alliance.

Evan understood that his father might have paid tons for the alliance that they reserved a pokémon for him and his father, Joseph doesn't feel like necessary to tell him about it.

"Then can i pick one? " Asked Evan.

"Of course since a spot was reserved for you, you may pick one among Torchic, Mudkip and Treecko" Professor Birch responded to Evan.

Without thinking furthermore, Evan directly chose a pokémon "Treecko, do you wanna come with me? " "Treeckoo~" Treecko responded excitedly.

After getting treecko's agreement Prof. Birch handed the pokéball of treecko to Evan. As for why Evan picked Treecko is because he didn't have a grass type pokémon for his lineup yet. And don't forget about it's final evolution form, Sceptile who looks cool and dashing.

[ Pokémon : Treecko

Gender : Male

Type : Grass

Level : Mid Ordinary

Qualification : Champion

Favourability : 60%

Skills : quick attack, tail whip, pound, bullet seed, agility, energy ball, dragon breath ]

Hopefully they didn't caught up in Team Rocket's scheme like the original and had a calm day.

It was already dusk, so they decided to spend the night at Professor Birch's institution.Had dinner with Prof. Oak and Prof. Birch talking about their adventures, sharing ideas about breeding with each other. After a long talk they finally went to bed.

The next day they took the ship at the port for the next town.

As they departed from the lab, Evan and his friends we're walking through the woods, whereas Ash and May were arguing about how they could forget May and left her at the Pokémon center.

Suddenly the two couple appeared in front of them and started introducing themselves.

"I'm Oscar" The green haired man introduced.

"I'm Andrew" The blonde girl also introduced herself proudly.

After introducing themselves they started challenging Ash and May for a tact battle.

Although Ash and May were arguing they decided to accept their challenge. Abd Brock who was blind for older woman decided to become the referee.

The couple sent out Nidoking and Nidoqueen, while Ash and May sent Corphish and Skitty respectively.

Unfortunately Ash and May loose because they had no cooperation.

After winning a battle, Oscar and Andrew bid their goodbye and left holding hands together.

Two hours later, Evan and others were lost in the forests again and there was also no signal, leaving navigator completely useless.

When everyone was feeling flustered, a noise came from a bush and Skarmory came out. While Evan and others were running, May's skitty came out and started challenging to a fight.

With a direct dive Skarmory was about to fight with skitty when suddenly May hugged her skitty and was grabbed by Skarmory flying over.

Seeing this Evan released his Salamence and hopp onto it's back.

"I'm going to go after them" said Evan rushing towards Skarmory.

Skarmory was flying all the way grabbing May,

Salamence used flame thrower chasing behind it.

As they were chasing Skarmory eventually gave up and left May on the cliff behind.

"May are you alright? " Evan asked May.

"Yes I'm fine" Responded May, "Look it's a Bulbasaur" said May pointing at the Bulbasaur who was doing something on the cliff and was about to fall but May grabbed it on time.

Just as they were spending time with Bulbasaur a tone of wild grass pokémon appeared. Seeing this Evan decided to let Treecko handle the situation since it's an exp pack for Evan.

"Come out Treecko, I choose you" "Treecko~"

Treecko fought an unending battle and directly rose up to level 20 gaining 10 levels but, it was already too tired and wild pokémons were still unending.

Suddenly a huge Venusaur with Bulbasaur appeared and explained the situation that they helped Bulbasaur.

[ Pokémon : Treecko

Gender : Male

Type : Grass

Level : Mid Ordinary

Qualification : Champion

Favourability : 60%

Skills : quick attack, tail whip, pound, bullet seed, agility, energy ball,dragon breath, leech seed, absorb, mega drain,slash, giga drain, detect ]

"You did well Treecko, now you should rest" Evan took Treecko back in relief. Evan has suppressed Treecko from evolving with ever changing stone to let it have more fighting experience before evolving.

After a while Venusaur led May and Evan to the exit of the forest and arrived at the fence,and the fence also opened as they arrived. Apparently Ash, Max and Brock were about to find us but we arrived before they could even start finding us.

"Let's go May" Evan said to May, Just as the fence started closing reluctant Bulbasaur suddenly came running towards May and jumped onto her arm.

"I think it wants to come with you May" Evan said to May, " Good for you May" Max also congratulated his sister.

" I caught a Bulbasaur " said May excitedly holding Bulbasaur.

In this way, Evan got Treecko and gained fighting experience. And May won the trust of Venusaur and gained new companion. Evan and his friends finally decided to leave the forbidden forest and head towards the new town again.

~To Be Continued....