
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Komik
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53 Chs

Chapter 12

Pokémon Gorgeous pokémon contest, Slateport city, May was defeated on the first round.

Soon after Evan fought with a rookie passerby, defeated easily and advanced to top 4.

In the second round the opponent Evan faced was Drew.

"Although your performance was beautiful, I won't show any mercy." Drew started posing as soon as he came up.

"Flame thrower! " Seeing Vivian signaling the start of the game, Evan did not hesitate and directly launched a sneak attack.

Drew was caught off guard but he reacted quickly "Roselia magical leaf. "

The power of magical leaves wasn't enough to overwhelm Sylveon's flame thrower.But the magic leaf which was on flame was falling towards sylveon.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Evan gave instruction to Sylveon, "Sylveon blow it away with fairy wind. "

Drew's point was deducted.

"Hmp.. Roselia use stun spore" Drew changed his strategy but Evan was smiling calmly, seeing Evan's smile Drew git ominous feeling.

"Sylveon use safeguard and end it with fire Blast" Sylveon successfully avoided stun spore and executed fire blast perfectly.

Di didi... Just like May, Drew also got a battle off immediately.

"This rookie's tactics are very mature" Robert in the lounge frowned "he uses tactics not like a coordinator but like a combat trainer. "

"Oh my god I didn't expect newcomer Evan to advance successfully to finals" Vivian announced loudly.

"Every move is accurately predicted by the Sylveon's trainer, this kind of combat awareness is really cool" Mr. Contesta commented.

"Oh I like it" Sukizo also commented.

"It's really excellent, the trainer and pokemon performed flawlessly" Nurse Joy also gave her evaluation.

The finalists were given 5 minutes before the final round.

The five minutes ended quicky, and Evan went to the stage gracefully.

"Okay audience, the finals of Staleport conference, Evan vs Robert us here, the game begins" Vivian did not waste time and directly announced the start if the game.

"Come out, Milotic" Robert's milotic appeared elegantly.

"Alright Sylveon, let's shine" Sylveon appeared gracefully.

The game has officially started.

"Sylveon use swift followed by fairy wind" As soon as the game started, Evan initiated the battle with a combination attack.

"It's really beautiful, but it's a pity-Milotic use reflect" Robert was quite calm, he was not like a green haired guy Drew.

"Sylveon moonblast" Evan also calmly gave his orders.

"Milotic use aqua tail"

"Sylveon use Disarming voice"

Their points were being deducted constantly.

"Milotic Surf and then iron tail" Robert became serious.

"Sylveon safeguard and use Play rough"

Ding 5 minutes have fast and battle came to an end, Evan and Sylveon was deemed victorious.

Amid the enthusiastic applause from the audience, Evan received his first ribbon.

May secretly vowed to get ribbon next time.

After the award ceremony, Evan left without saying anything with Sylveon.

And with that the Slateport pokémon contest came to an end.

Next day

After spending the night at the hotel in Slateport city.

Evan And Sylveon was making their plans to travel towards his next destination.

Mauvile city.

After an hour Evan and Sylveon finally arrived to Mauvile city.

After arriving to the Mauvile city, Evan first went to the Pokemon Center with Sylveon to check up the pokemons.

After checking the pokemons, Evan and Sylveon went towards the Mauvile gym, it's been a long time since I visited a gym, Evan was excited.

Evan pushed the door of the gym gently after arriving but the door fell down, after a second Evan and Sylveon were riding a roller coaster, just went Evan and Sylveon thought it ended they saw a domineering Raikou blocking the front.

Just looking at glance Evan knew it was fake and ordered Sylveon to attack "Sylveon blast it with fire blast."

"Syl~veonn~" Fire blast hit fake Raikou's body and finally it exploded.

Then the side door suddenly open and a loud voice of laughter could be heard "hahahahha, I didn't expect the Raikou robot no. 2 I made would be easily destroyed by you. "And old man with a white beard and a young man wearing glasses came out from the side door.

"Welcome to Mauvile gym,I am Wattson, the gym leader of Mauvile gym and himself he is my assistant" An old man introduces himself.

Evan also came forward and introduces himself "hello, I am Evan and this is my partner Sylveon, I'm here to challenge the gym. "

"It's been a long time since there's been a challenger as energetic as you, hahahaha" Wattson laughed and then brought Evan to the battle arena.

"Now the challenge of Mauvile city is about to begin, the number of pokémon you can use is limited to three, and when all pokémon of one side are unable to fight, the game will be over." The assistant announced as the referee.

"I'm going to use voltorb, manemite and magneton to fight, I've been with them fir a long time" Wattson reported confidently.

"Let's start go magnemite" Wattson took the lead and sent his magnemite.

"Sylveon, I choose you" Evan asks Sylveon who was beside him to go to the arena.


Evan also used inspect on magnemite.

[ Pokemon : Magnemite

Level : Mid Gym

Qualification : Elite ]

"Magnemite use swift" Wattson didn't hold back and took the initiative to launch an attack.

"Sylveon, safeguard" Swift collided with a shield around sylveon! Boom!

"Magnemite, flash canon" Magnemite condensed a purple light and shot it against Sylveon.

"Sylveon reflect and use flame thrower" Flash canon got reflected and was hit by flame thrower which made magnemite loose the ability to fight.

"Magnemite looses the ability to fight sylveon wins"

"Hahahahaha it's really fun, let's go next, voltorb"

[Pokemon : Voltorb

Level : Early Gym


'Compared to magnemite just now it was weaker' Evan thought to himself.

"Voltorb, use screech"

"Sylveon , attack with fairy wind" Voltorb was sent flying out the arena directly.

"Voltorb is unable to battle, Sylveon wins"

"You did well voltorb" Wattson took back voltorb into a Pokeball and sent out his last pokemon magneton.

[ Pokemon : Magneton

Level : Mid Elite

Qualification : Elite]

"100,000 volts" Wattson lead an attack.

"Veoooon~" Sylveon was hit hard.

"Sylveon are you okay"

" Veon~sylveon~~" Sylveon showed a determined action.

"Alright then Sylveon, use shadow ball"

"Magneton counter it with tri attack"

Boom* the shadow ball and tri attack collided together.After a collison arena was filled with dust.

After a while seeing Sylveon was alright, Evan commanded " Sylveon full power fire blast."


Fire blast hit magneton and it was very effective being a steel type pokemon.

"Magneton is unable to battle Sylveon wins, and the winner is Evan from Rustboro city" The assistant announced.

"Hahahhaha,it was a fun battle" Wattson came towards Evan with a smile and handed the badge to Evan "this is the proof that you defeated me, dynamo badge!"

Evan took the badge and raise it "very good, I got the dynamo badge"


~To Be Continued...