
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Komik
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53 Chs

Chapter 10

After the battle between Gym leader, Brawley and Ash, it was Evan's gym battle next.

Brawley sent out his pokemon first.

"Come out meditite"

Seeing this Evan also sent out his first pokemon.


Evan took the initiative to launch an attack.

"Milotic use twister"

"Medicham, hold with light screen", Brawley took action quickly.

" Now medicham, bulk up"

"Milotic, use charm"

Charm took effect on medicham, but Evan didn't stop there and took a chance to launch an attack.

"Now Milotic use aqua tail"

Aqua tail hit medicham directly who was on the effect of charm and sent it flying out of the arena directly loosing it's ability to fight.

"Evan, you and your pokemon has a good cooperation but don't underestimate us, Come out, Hariyama"

But Evan wasn't going to hold on to milotic, the next match.

"Milotic return", Evan took milotic back and sent out a second pokemon, " The battle is yours, Sylveon".


"Aww it's so cute", May admired Sylveon's cuteness.

"Sylveon, start with fairy wind" Evan initiated the battle again.

As a close combat hariyama could only take the attack.

"Hariyama use focus punch"

"Sylveon, dodge with quick attack and use misty terrain", Evan gave a quick instruction.

Brawley couldn't help but smile awkwardly because of being close combat pokemon, it was getting hard to even catch sylveon.

" Sylveon,end it with Moonblast"


Moonblast hit it, and hariyama fell to the ground loosing it's ability to fight.

"Hariyama is unable to battle, Sylveon wins, and the winner of the match is Challenger Evan", the referee announced the result.

" You did well Hariyama", Brawley took hariyama back and came towards me and gave me a badge, "this is the knucle badge, which proves that you've defeated me, you deserve it", Brawley said as he smiled.

" Thank you Brawley, it was a good battle",Evan thanked him sincerely.

It was almost night after the gym battle we decided to spend the night in Pokemon Center before heading to the next city.

The next morning

Evan woke up early and wash up and came to the lobby.

Ash and his friends saw me coming and walked towards me.

"Evan, we are going to train on the island before heading to the next city"

Evan had a rough idea and smiled at Ash and his friends.

"It's okay I had a rough idea about it, don't worry about me I'll be heading to the Slateport city for my first Gorgeous pokémon contest, and if lucky we might meet again soon",After saying this Evan bid farewell to Ash and his friends and set out to Staleport for his first Gorgeous pokémon contest, according to the plot of anime May participated in the competition so he knew they'll meeting again soon.

Evan boarded on the boat and headed for the next city.

After participating in Slateport gorgeous competition, Evan's next goal is Mauvile gym in Mauvile city.

And this will be my first gorgeous pokémon contest, Evan smiled as he thought of participating in the first gorgeous pokémon contest.

Soon the boat docked as Evan arrived at his destination.

"So this is Slateport city", after arriving at the Slateport city the first Evan did was of course went to Pokemon Center to register for the gorgeous competition.

As soon as Evan arrivee at the Pokemon center, Evan was shocked to see many trainers and they are all basically coordinator trainers.

After registering for the gorgeous pokémon contest Evan went out to look for a hotel to stay until the gorgeous competition.

When Evan entered the hotel, one individual caught his eyes, the boy has a green hair and Evan directly guessed that he must be Drew.

After booking for the first class room, Evan went out to the beach to train with Sylveon.

After planning the move set for the gorgeous pokémon contest sylveon executed it beautifully in the first try,after practicing for a while Evan and Sylveon finally perfected the moves and decided to wrap it up.

It's been a week now and the gorgeous pokémon contest is going to held tomorrow, Evan was wondering if May and his friends have arrived but he shrugged it off.

The next morning, Evan wash up gave his pokemons his handmade nutritious pokeblocks and set off to the stadium where gorgeous pokémon contest was being held.

On the way to the stadium, Evan met May and his friends.

"Hello Evan are you heading to the stadium?", May asked Evan.

" Yes, Are you nervous May? ", Evan asked politely.

" Yes, this is my first time participating in a gorgeous pokémon contest, are you not nervous?", asked May.

"No, I'm excited actually, it's my first time participating in the gorgeous pokémon contest and brother Wallace always taught me that a coordinator should always maintain your calmness and elegance", I responded while smiling, " Well then May see you at the stadium, good luck",after greeting May and his friends Evan left for the stadium.

Evan's performance was in the beginning because he signed up quite early.

As a rookie in the field of gorgeous competition Evan was also nervous but after hearing the advice from the top coordinator like Wallace he also decided to maintain his calmness.

Will Evan be able to successfully execute his performance?...

~To Be Continued..