
Pokemon: Reborn as Ash and Transformers crossover

Hello everyone, I was reading a few cross over comics that included Batman and Spiderman crossover to Captain America and Transformers crossover to fanfics that included Pokemon and Transformers crossovers. It looked like fun so I decided to write this while I am having a bit of writers block. BTW this will be like a short novel, less than 30 chapters. It will not be a full fledged book. If anyone wants to make these ideas full on books go ahead. Just give me a heads up because I would love to read them too. :D

Ellora25 · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Transformers - Alien Contact

Ash was very happy to meet Optimus and Megatron again, "You made it."

Megatron picked him up, "How have you been sweet spark?"

Ash grinned, "I have been well. How are you?"

Optimus was looking him over, "We could be better, your actions last week almost gave us a spark attack!"

Ash was smiling sheepishly, "You saw that? What am I saying of course you did."

Optimus looked at him exasperated, "We just can't let you be, can we? We need to have a long talk later on about some of your more questionable run ins with certain people."

Ash tried to placate him, "Sire, please, it was not that bad. Besides, I have friends to help me."

Megatron, "Friends who are no older than you. That is not very comforting, my sparkling."

Ash protested, "We can take care of ourselves and besides it's not like we fight with those people everyday."

Gary and the others watched the exchange with various degrees of exasperation, interest and disbelief. The brunette loved Ash, he is his first friend, childhood friend, first crush that was till he got together with Leaf, but even she admitted to liking Ash at one point as a kid. For the two of them, it was a crush on a mutual friend that had eventually brought them together. Gary looked at Leaf and he noticed she had a, 'I'm so done with this guy's shit, but I still love this idiot', look on her face.

Gary cleared his throat, "Ash! Please come here for a bit."

Ash, "Huh? Sure!"

Ash looked at Megatron, "Could you put me down Carrier?"

Megatron grunted, "Fine!"

Red muttered, "Is it just me or are they acting like overprotective parents?"

Roadblaster, "It's not you. They basically adopted Ash while he was sent to Cybertron more than once. It helped in keeping him safe and away from questionable people."

Blue, "Huh! Well I guess Mrs Ketchum would be relieved to hear that."

Red nodded, "I know I am."

Lance was watching the whole thing looking like he received the biggest migraine in the entire universe. He could already see all the paperwork this was going to cause him, no wonder Ash spent an entire month in Pallet town getting a lot of paperwork done. He knew, he should have questioned him instead of just letting it go, he will next time and not be blindsided again. Lance watched as the large being, Megatron gently let Ash on the ground and hovered over him like an overprotective dragon. Gary narrowed his eyes at the large being getting a raised eyebrow.... from Megatron. He and his girlfriend corralled Ash to the side with them and started talking together.

Cynthia chuckled, "Never a boring day with him around."

Ruby laughed, "No kidding. Misty and Rudy looks quite smitten by Aquamark and the Blackmarsh."

Cool Aid, "Little boss's friends are really nice."

Bonnie, "Why do you call Ash little boss?"

Molly, "He doesn't like that, you know?"

Max nodded, "He doesn't like being anyone's boss, period."

Cool Aid chuckled and started to explain why he decided to follow Ash. The three youngest humans listened wide eyed as Cool Aid told them how Ash had saved him and a bunch of others as a youngling. He told them how Ash would visit Cybertron thanks to the Legendary Pokemon and how he helped them change a lot of things. It started small with growing interest in subjects that were usually looked over or considered unimportant. Shadowsteel joined him in the explanations and explained a little bit of how the society in Cybertron work.

Max understood what Shadowsteel was not saying in her explanations and winced at the implications of what Megatron might have been through. No wonder Ash became so attached to him, his older brother figure has always respected those who fought back against the unfair oppression. In fact, Ash had a soft spot for people like that, it was one of the reasons why he helped Jessie, James and Meowth overturn Team Rocket. If Megatron went through the same thing then, Ash would definitely support him just like he supported Meowth, James and Jessie.

Jessie, "You know I can see why Gonzalez was so obsessed."

James, "Yes, he saw his potential just like we did, only not how far his luck would take him."

Meowth muttered, "We nid ta mak sure he is safe. I dun trust dis guys."

Tomo, "But they are friends though?"

Jessie looked at her son, "We don't know that Tomo - chan. Your Ash nii - chan is very kind and forgiving."

James, "Someone might try to take advantage of him."

Tomo nodded watching the news, "I'll become strong and then make sure nii - chan is safe."

Jessie, "I know you will Tomo."

Sunstreaker, Sideswipes and Makeshift on the other hand had hunted Cyrus across three regions all the way back to Kalos. The three grumbled about the Psychic Pokemon which were with Cyrus but thanks to an old friend they met they caught up. Trevenant had a personal bone to pick with that particular human, especially after the little hedoin tried to kill his Meema. They went after Cyrus and fought his Pokemon, well Sunstreaker, Makeshift and Trevenant fought them while Sideswipes went to apprehend the man.

Sideswipes, "That's enough! Stand down unless you wish to loose your human."

Cyrus snarled, "Don't listen to him. Get rid of them!"

Sunstreaker gave a devilish grin when the Pokemon hesitated, "Looks like your Pokemon have more sense then you."

Makeshift, "Indeed! Little sparkling will be pleased."

Trevenant, -We are in Kalos, we can tell Ash the news ourselves. Is Boulder here?-

Cyrus growled, "Ash Ketchum! It always comes down to that brat doesn't it? I should have mmmmmmfffffffd?"

Sideswipes had closed his mouth, "Yeah, not another word out of you."

Sunstreaker, "We could just kill him and be done with it."

Makeshift, "Agreed!"

Sideswipes, "We could, but I don't think Ash would be happy if we did that. I do believe he has a few bolts to pick with him as well."

Trevenant nodded, -Yes, indeed, we can let the international federation deal with him. I have no doubt Ash would prefer that.-

Cyrus glared at them as he was put in the backseat and his Pokemon returned to their respective pokeballs. Trevenant nodded to them in gratefulness and followed his bond to his Meema all the way to Lumiose City. It was a large bustling City with many people and Pokemon moving about, though there was a bit of excitement in the air. The people were all chatting about the new alien arrivals, curious about who they are and why they were here.

Makeshift, "Lord Megatron, we are coming in with the quarry."

Megatron, "Excellent work soldiers."

Sunstreaker, "Sure sure! Gave us a processor ache for a while but we got it done."

Optimus, "Interesting, I expect a full report later."

Megatron turned to the gathered group of people, "Champions and Leaders of planet Earth. We have much to talk about. Our soldiers captured someone who is a wanted criminal on your list."

Alder, "Why would you do that?"

Optimus, "We wished to show you that we meant it, when we said we would protect planet Earth no matter what. We thought helping in the capture of a criminal in the home front will help."

Cynthia was grinning, "Oh I love how you think. We will get along just fine."

Delia, "Who was it?"

Heatwave, "It's someone called Cyrus, ma'am."

Dawn, "You guys caught Cyrus? Like for real?"

Blade, "Well it was Makeshift and the gladiator twins that actually caught him but yeah."

Dawn had a dark look in her eyes, "Good, he won't hurt my friends anymore then. Are the twins and Makeshift that good?"

Chase, "Yes, they are... Why?"

Casey, "What are you thinking Dawn?"

Dawn, "I have a request for them. If they are willing to help."

May went after Dawn as she went off, "Wait Dawn."

Blades, "Was it something we said?"

Verity watched them go having a sinking feeling of who they were after, "No more like they have a few bones to pick with someone."

Heatwave looked at them, "You kids have been through a lot, haven't you?"

Serena, "A lot of good stuff and a lot of bad."

Blades, "I see!"

Gou, "They are going to a meeting.... Guess that's that."

Ash, "Hmmm... Well hopefully things turn out alright during the meeting."

Sunstreaker hummed watching Ash intently as he mingled with the group of humans around him. He could tell that some of the humans were interested in him as a mate and narrowed his optics wondering why they didn't try to court him. Perhaps they tried but Ash turned them down? He would need to ask around about it, perhaps from the younger ones who loves Ash like an older sibling rather than a sparkmate. Elita One was looking around the City out of curiosity, she was one of Optimus's best friend's since before he became a Prime.

Elita, "This planet is very peaceful, despite all the stories and news online."

Flamewar mused, "Yes, I wonder how Optimus and Megatron are dealing with all the news flying around."

Elita laughed, "Yes, I don't want to be in the youngling's position when Optimus gets him."

Flamewar, "Prime is going to coddle him till he is old."

Elita, "Oh! What's this?"

Flamewar, "A Pokemon battle I believe."

The two femmes watched as two trainers commanded their Pokemon to battle and fight and after a few minutes used the mega evolution stones. The two watched fascinated as the Pokemon became stronger and faster then before and the battle became even more intense than before. Flamewar was very interested and started analysing the stones and the keys the Pokemon and humans were wearing. Wheeljack and Preceptor who were checking other places out joined them and Flamewar shared her observations. The two scientitists were very fascinated by the power coming off of the trainers and the Pokemon, especially when their powers started to affect the environment.

Wheeljack, "So fascinating. I'm glad I agreed to come here."

Preceptor, "Agreed."

Flamewar, "I kinda want to battle them but the rules are a bit..... "

Elita, "You mean Optimus and Megatron forbade us."

Wheeljack, "Which is a pity, I would have loved to observe the difference."

Preceptor, "Me too."

Meanwhile back with Ash and the group who were in the meeting were going through a large amount of contracts. They decided there would different types of agreements between Earth and Cybertron. One contract was for the different armies on the regions of Earth and the armies of Cybertron to work together and protect the two planets. Another was a contract for the scientists of the two planets working together to understand and figure out the mysteries of the universe. There was another contract for artists and travellers to move between the two planets for cultural exchange.

There were more contracts to be made but before that was done they would need to build a few buildings for the Cybertronians to stay on Earth. They would need to build a proper communication tower first and set up a proper communication channel with planet Cybertron. That took a few months and during these months Ash travelled around Kalos taking part in gym battles and Pokemon contests. The young Cybertronian adults would watch his performances and battles with delight and Sunstreaker one day had presented him a gift.

Sunstreaker, "I believe humans call it ear cuffs."

Ash, "It's beautiful, did you make it?"

Sunstreaker nodded, "Yes, I made it from my own body armor and I noticed you adored aquamarine and ember stones so I decorated it with those."

Ash smiled at him, "You noticed that?"

Sunstreaker sat beside him, "Hard not to..... Say, you do know your friends over there want you as their mate right?"

Ash was quiet, ".... I know."

Sunstreaker, "So what's your answer?"

Ash smiled sadly, "I can't... I just can't. I have way too much baggage and mental issues. It would be unfair to them and myself because I would only use them as a crutch."

Sunstreaker, "I see... Well I don't mind being a crutch for you."

Ash blinked, "What? Why? I mean you are a Cybertronian, I am a human. Even if my life span has been increased due to the active aura. I won't live longer than two vorns of your time."

Sunstreaker, "I know, but it didn't stop Optimus or Megatron from claiming you as their sparkling."

Ash looked at him exasperated, "And I have them a earful for it last week after understanding exactly how bad it can be for a Sire and Carrier to loose a sparkling. Jeez! Why do you do this to yourselves?"

Sunstreaker, "You are easy to love."

Ash grumbled, "That is not a good enough of a reason."

Sunstreaker, "Ash, you should understand, we are gladiators first and foremost. For us gladiators, life can be fleeting. There is no guarantee that we will survive the next combat. So when we start to love someone we love them with all of our very being."

Ash looked at the ear cuffs fingering them, "Sunstreaker.. Did you loose.. "

Sunstreaker, "You finally said my name. That makes me happy. And yes, I lost four lovers before. Three to the gladiator pits, one to the war, same for Sideswipes."

Ash, "Ah! Why are you talking as if you may die? The Civil War ended, didn't it? At least that's what it seemed like last time I was there."

Sunstreaker, "It did, don't worry. But the Quintessons learned about your presence and are coming this way."

Ash, "You are joining the front lines?"

Sunstreaker nodded, "Yes."

Ash, "I must confess. I don't have much knowledge about relationships, especially romantic ones. The only relationships I have are family and friendship based."

Sunstreaker stared, "Are you saying you are a virgin?"

Ash looked at him, "Almost all of my friends except for those who have a lover are virgins."

Sunstreaker stared at him heatedly making Ash shuffle under the stare before opening his servos and motioning at Ash to climb on top of it. Ash sat down and told his friend that he would be back soon getting an okay from Molly and Bonnie while getting narrow eyed look from Serena and Gou. He wanted to show Ash a nice spot he had found. When the yellow gladiator shared this information with Sideswipes the red and silver bot laughed maniacally. Prowl hit him over the helm for scaring the others and quietly demanded the reason from him. Sideswipes grinned and shared the information with him getting a hum from the tactician.

The tactician was not surprised like Sideswipes had thought he would be and asked him why. Prowl simply shrugged and said it was obvious why, me at of the humans start their rite of passage or rather journeys very young. An age where the idea of getting a mate does not even cross their processors and most of them are more interested in meeting new people and Pokemon, building up their team, visiting new places, etc. A mate would be the last thing on their mind, Prowl concluded and Sideswipes reluctantly agreed with him.

The red and silver bot could easily see how that is possible and couldn't help but wonder if things had been different on Cybertron for them, then how would he and his twin turn out. Prowl pat his shoulder plate and left him to his musings. A few weeks after that Sunstreaker had taken Ash to a more isolated part of the forest, he and his friends had stopped by. Ash looked around and saw many lily flowers blooming freely in the wild. He smelled in the air which smelt sweet and sat comfortably with Sunstreaker wondering if this was a date.

Ash, 'Oh Mew! I don't mind the idea of dating Sunstreaker, I actually don't.'

Sunstreaker noticed the slight flush, he had been monitoring him for a while, 'Heh! I still got it. Only this time, I'm very serious.'

Ash turned to the large bot, "Hey Sunstreaker."

Sunstreaker, "Hmm?"

Ash, "I have been thinking about it and I'm willing to give us a try."

Sunstreaker, "Really?"

Ash nodded, "Yes, I'm honestly not against dating you. In fact, I'm curious about how it will go."

Ash, 'More like he is technically older than I am so I have no problem. Not the same moral problem I have when others my age start trying to date me.'

Sunstreaker smirked, "Good! Just so you know. I'm a very possessive Mech and once I have you. I refuse to let you go."

Ash, "I can live with that."

Unknown to them their conversation was overheard by Makeshift who narrowed his optics at the yellow gladiator. He was not interested in Ash as a mate but he did however wanted him as his sparkling. He did not like the interest the gladiator was showing his sparkling and wanted to rip his spark out and crush it. Makeshift calmed himself down, it wouldn't do to loose his calm, how sparkling would not be impressed with him if he did that. No, he would have to plan carefully and deal with the yellow Mech first, then he would have his little bitlet to himself.

[A. N.: Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Yup this will be Sunstreaker x Ash.

I am a little upset he didn't show up in the movies, so I'll put him here. lol]