
Transformers - Calm Before The Storm

Ash was sleeping comfortably on top of Megatron of all people, if someone had once told him, he would be napping on top of Megatron. He would have sent them to the psycho ward, that was the Warlord of Cybertron they were talking about. But now he was asleep very peacefully in the Alola Isle enjoying the sun, sand and cool breeze coming from the ocean. Kalos was a crazy region, despite being careful he still got captured by Lysander.

Something that a certain couple were not at all amused about and planet Earth learned that day why you don't piss off a Prime and a gladiator who are parents. Delia, Sycamore, Sabrina, Brunet, Kukui, Caroline, Norman, etc, basically every parent figure in Ash's life at that particular moment, approved them staying on Earth. Oh Arceus! The many governments from different regions were very much surprised by their vote, they had originally elected to observe, especially the regional Professors. It was very surprising when the vote came but no one was against it, they could use the help in putting Kalos back.

Megatron held him close, "Little spark, are you alright?"

Ash, "Yeah, I'm good. Don't worry."

Megatron touched a scar on his arm, "I should have killed him."

Ash, "It's no big deal, don't worry about it."

Optimus joined them, "There you are."

Ash, "Hi Oppi! Here to join us?"

Optimus laughed, "Yes, the meeting is done. How are you little one?"

Ash huffed, "I'm fine, do not worry. Besides most of my cuts and bruises have healed by now."

Megatron growled, "You should not have gotten hurt in the first place."

Ash patted his servo, "I know, I know but sometimes things happen. It's no one's fault except for the one who tried to hurt us."

Optimus, "I wish you would not down play your hurt, little one."

Ash, "I don't do that."

Megatron gave him a look, "Yes, you did and still do. Child did you think we would not find out about the details?"

Ash, "It was not that bad.... I swear it was not, we are okay."

Optimus poked him, "Of course, they weren't, that's why your birth family made us promise to keep you safe."

Ash, "They did what? You don't have to."

Megatron, "We would have even without the promise."

Ash turned red, "Ah! I'm going swimming."

Optimus chuckled, "Alright."

Megatron laughed, "He gets flustered so easily."

Optimus's optics twinkled, "I have noticed he becomes flustered when you are involved."

Megatron, "Does he?"

Optimus nodded, "Yes, it's something I'm sure everyone has noticed, even Sunstreaker."

Megatron, "Is that why the gladiator tries so hard to serenade him? I saw one of his pieces at one point. It was ridiculously sweet."

Optimus laughed, "I see."

Megatron, "What are you thinking?"

Optimus, ".... I was thinking. In the beginning I was planning on taking Ash to Cybertron in the beginning. I thought what we build would be enough... But after looking around this planet, I realize what we build does not even come close to what he needs."

Megatron snorted, "We have time compared to humans anyway. I'm honestly a little more worried about Sunstreaker serenading at this point."

Optimus turned to where the laughter was coming from, "He has many wonderful friends too. I believe he would not want to leave them so soon."

Megatron, "Sunstreaker and Soundwave are very taken by the many forms of art that exists on this planet. It's not just Ash who would be reluctant to leave so soon."

Optimus mused, "Bumblebee and Blades have even formed a connection with a pair of human triplets. I believe their names are Cody, Russell and Raphael."

Megatron, "The two red helmed and yellow helmed sparklings? Yes, they are very bright and balance each other out. Russell is obviously the leader among the three, Cody the voice of reason and young Raphael the genius."

Optimus, "I believe the two followed the triplets to a new region called Paldea which opened her borders a few months ago."

Megatron , "Ah! Yes, Our sweet sparkling was very exciting about adding that region to his, places I must travel to, at least once list."

Optimus rumbled, "No one in Cybertron would think about making a blog for travel. I believe Shadowsteel and Cool Aid adore the idea and wants to create a similar one for future Cybertronians."

Megatron hummed as he stood together with Optimus watching over the group of humans and Pokemon frolicking around in the ocean water. It didn't matter which race it was, the young and innocent ones always found a way to enjoy and have fun with their natural surroundings. The two Cybertronians were joined by Delia, Professor Kukui, Professor Brunet and Lady Lusamine. Lusamine was always interested in learning about Cybertronian culture much like their young one but unlike Ash she was more enthusiastic and obsessed. Professor Brunet and Kukui were happy to just have more people watch over their kids.

When the two had shown the Cybertronians the percentage of trainers who were lost due to several reasons like poachers, hunters, evil organizations and environmental hazards, none were happy. They half questioned why they let their young go off on their own at such a vulnerable age which got them wry looks. The two explained even if they did ban them, most kids would sneak out and go on their journeys, most of the lost numbers belonged to those kids. The Cybertronians looked at each other before deciding to keep an eye out for children who entered areas that could not be monitored easily.

The adults thanked them and wished them best of luck for it. Bumblebee was not sure he liked their, I'm not sure if you will succeed but you are welcome to try, attitude. But then again he supposed, they lost quite a number of sparklings to feel positive about the whole matter. Blades grumbled and the rescue team plus a few other young Cybertronians had spread around Kalos during the reminder of Ash's journey helping out some of the other trainers. During that time Bumblebee and Blades had come across the triplets who were obviously beginners.

Ash was surprised in the beginning to hear the familiar names before grinning very brightly and congratulating the two Cybertronians for finding them. That got raised optics and eyebrows from the adults who had met up at one of Kalos's city, they were not expecting him to act like he knew they would fine the three kids. Later on when asked, Ash mentioned he had an interesting talk with Mr Maccaddams who was kind enough to indulge him and answered a few questions for him.

Blades, "Huh? I didn't realize you became good friends with Maccaddams... When did that happen?"

Ash, "Remember, when you had to stop a brawl outside the oil house? That's when we talked. He is the closest person you have who could pass to be an aura user."

Riley hummed, "You really think so?"

Yellow, "It would be interesting to get a perspective on aura from someone who is much older and more experienced."

Cool Aid, "Wait! Wait! Maccaddams? An Aura user? Are you sure? I thought that was a human thing?"

Riley smiled, "Aura is a living thing, not just human. Pokemon use aura everyday also you all are alive just like us. There is no reason why you can't use aura."

Yellow nodded and the two started to give the Cybertronians a crash course on aura, how every living creature had their own aura and it didn't matter where the living being originated from. If you are alive then it means you have aura, now whether or not you can access the aura was a different matter entirely. Humans just like Pokemon needed to be trained in order to use aura safely or else there was a higher chance humans could kill themselves through over use. Optimus gave Ash a hard stare remembering how he had used aura before to help them, his instincts were once again screaming at him to find out about it and it's connection to Ash.

Ash felt a sudden shiver go down his spine as he watched the leader request a private meeting with Yellow and Riley. And when Prime came out he shared what he learned with Megatron who was not amused and the two had taken turns following Ash around Kalos. After a few weeks Ash's group had gotten used to the two leaders following them around the region though it had not stopped Lysander. The furry man learned first hand why no one should ever mess with a Prime and his Gladiator's sparkling.

Ash had to calm them both down using his aura while telling Lucario that it was not funny at all. Greyninja retorted the man deserved everything coming to him, even ridicule for attempting to hurt the region. Zygarde was very pleased however, he didn't have to show his true form and he could stay with Bonnie, Molly and Ash as three smaller pods. He later thanked the two titans for apprehending the Leader of Team Flare and stopping him, that orange furry had been trying to capture him for months. Megatron had nodded at the Legendary pretending to be a lower level Pokemon.

The Warlord wasn't sure what to make of the creatures of this planet most of the time, he could tell that Squishy was powerful and yet he allowed people to believe he wasn't. It was not just him, even his sparkling would rather start the new regions with his weaker Pokemon not his strongest. Essentially Ash is one of the strongest trainers and no doubt could win the League but he refused to just go through the region. No, instead he would meet new Pokemon who were observing young and weak and train them from scratch while the older ones would rotate for the Ace battles.

Optimus found the behavior of their sparkling fascinating and observed closely as Ash would shift between being a General leading a fight, to being a wonderful parent, to a teacher, to an oblivious sparkling. All in one day, and he didn't seem to notice that he did that at all and when they mentioned it, he just shrugged and said most Pokemon trainers were like that. The Prime was not sure if that was a great thing or not. Yes, it was not unique to their sparkling as he originally thought but it didn't make him any less loveable. It did however raise a few questions about how being a trainer influenced their maturity.

Rodimus adored Pokemon trainers for that one reason only, they could be serious when necessary and then a fun loving person the moment. The young Prime was working hard to build a colony that could help in housing the first humans who would reach Cybertron in the coming vorns. From what he learned Blade and Bumblebee had also bonded with triplet human children while on Earth and they planned on bringing them back home plus the scientist and engineers. He was very happy for his friends, he knew how they were planning on having sparklings of their own and they had excitedly messaged him about the three of them.

Windblade being curious as she was took a deep interest in what new information had been brought forward about aura. It sounded similar to what she did as a City speaker, she wondered if Maccaddams would answer some of her questions. He didn't seem to mind answer Ash's questions when they met before, perhaps she could ask for a clue if not a direct answer. If her City speaker abilities were similar to what aura users did then, she could compare notes and find out more ways to use her abilities.

Starscream did not care much about other planets out there except maybe as a scientist he did but outside of that not much. Earth was fascinating, he will admit but not fascinating enough for him to leave Cybertron on their own or to the Council. He would be damned before he let Cybertron fall for some small ridiculous reason or another. He remembers talking to Ash about this or rather he was ranting to the young boy about his worries. He had been expecting the young one to say something along the lines of him being paranoid or to tell him to relax.

Instead he had surprised him by saying if his instincts were screaming at him something was wrong then something definitely was wrong. Ash had told him not to ignore his instincts that were obviously trying to warn him of danger somewhere. Skyfire started to protest that there was no danger when Ash pointed out that none of them saw the danger the sparklings and younglings were facing either and they almost died. It was a harsh reminder but it did the trick and Windblade agreed admitting she felt something was wrong but was too focused on the fighting to pay attention.

Now there was news of the Quintessons showing interest on planet Earth. The Seeker would never wish those bastards on his enemies let alone his friends. The Seeker talked to his advisors in Vos before going to talk, read nag the Council. Dealing with the Council was a processor ache and a half and he understood why Ash avoided dealing with the leaders of his own world. Grrrrr! If he could he would kick them all out and pick someone who took the job more seriously, perhaps he should. He gave a dark grin which made the Council shiver when they saw it and demanded what he was thinking.

Starscream shrugged, "Nothing much, don't worry about it."

Laserwave who had lessened his time in the Council raised his optic on hearing that, "I see, interesting."

Ratbat, "You don't look that surprised?"

Soundblaster who was friends with Laserwave for a long time hummed, "Hmm.. I always knew he was a clever one."

Ratbat snorted, "Is that so?"

Laserwave, "I remember his Sire, he was a fine Councilman."

Soundblaster, "Yes."

Back on Earth Heatwave and the Rescue Bots successfully created a Rescue Human, Bot and Pokemon Academy. The red Rescue Bot had become good friends with Misty from Kanto who was one of the best human firefighters on Earth. As for the Pokemon firefighters there were many Pokemon groups spread across Kanto and Jhoto who would answer to the Cerulean Gym or the Blastoise group. They worked following a routine which had a lot of places for adjustments.

Chase was very flabbergasted by it and questioned Misty about it. Misty understood why he was confused about it and explained that not all rescues and emergencies were the same. Some rescues were straight forward and easy but there were some rescues which could go FUBAR for everyone involved and sometimes things could get downright nasty especially if criminals got involved. Chase winced remembering Lysander and how he almost killed one of his dear friends, it was only through quick thinking Clemont got the man's attention away from Boulder.

Misty, "Hey, I know! How about you help us out with a rescue mission at Mt Quena. There was an earthquake there recently."

Chase, "Alright.... I suppose that we are teleporting?"

Heatwave, "I'll never get used to that."

Misty grinned, "Don't worry, Gardevoir and her team is teleporting us. So it's not like a group of strangers are doing it."

Blurr, "Well that's true but didn't she just return from another mission a few cycles ago?"

Gardevoir, -It's been three days, and I have fully recovered. I thank you for the concern though, my friend.-

Blurr, "Ah! Okay! If you are alright then."

Salvage grinned nudging Blurr, "You like that femmeling."

Blurr, "More like worried mad! Did you forget the condition she returned in?"

Salvage hummed, "If you want to adopt her, you should talk to Ash I think. She is his sparkling first, though knowing how things work here... I have a feeling he won't mind."

Boulder laughed, "You can say that again, in fact almost every adult acts as a parent figure to the younger generation. I think it's really amazing."

Blurr gave a huff, "They are used to it but... I'm not so sure how I would have handled having more than one pair of Guardians watching over me."

The rescue mission as Misty had warned them went FUBAR very fast especially when human poachers got involved. The high level Pokemon trainers helping them had no qualms about taking the poachers down permanently. But it still made it a little queasy for them to watch the dirty blood bath, one of the trainers had advised them to focus on saving the Pokemon. It was the Pokemon who suffered the most in this incident, she had said but after the ordeal was done they had kept an optic on the trainers too. They were all suffering from nightmares and insomnia which Blades told them was unhealthy for organics.

Blurr, "Hey, AJ, right?"

AJ nodded, "What's up?"

Blurr, "Why would you do that? I mean we could have dealt with them too you know?"

AJ gave them a smile, "Because Ash asked us to watch out for you."

Casey, "He also told us, you were Rescue Bots not killers. That your strict programming and code does not allow you to kill."

Ritchie, "However that would be enough for others to kill you. Ash did not want that, so he requested us to watch your backs while you do your job."

Heatwave was contemplative, 'When did he learn that?'

Chase, 'I don't know... Now that I think about it..... Ash seems to know intricate secrets that about us that normally even a Cybertronian would not realize.'

Casey, "Oh! And before you all jump to conclusions. Ash has been observing you for a while and so have we."

AJ, "You Rescue Bots have an innocence that the others who are not Rescue Bots and high level Pokemon trainers lost a long time ago."

Chase, "Ummm... Is that so?"

The three trainers nodded before the Head Ranger called for a head count for everyone only to realize they lost five humans on their side as well as two Pokemon. Heatwave felt terrible about it and apologized only for Sparky to thunderbolt him and scolded him telling him, it was not his fault. The trainers all agreed with Sparky after Ritchie explained the reason why his Pikachu shocked the red Rescue Bot. The trainers made it clear they knew exactly what dangers they were walking into and that there was a higher chance they would not return alive.

[A. N.: I have been watching the Predator series... I might do a crossover with it.

That book however will be darker and will consist a lot of death.]