
Pokemon: Reborn as Ash and Predator crossover

Trigger Warning: Death, murder, stalking, gore. If you hate reading about any of these, steer clear! Steer Clear! Out in the final frontier the Rayquaza clan was furious and battling a group of unwanted visitors. They managed to chase away most of the spaceships but three smaller pods broke off from the main ship and entered the planet's atmosphere. The trainers were minding their own business and journeying through the regions with their Pokemon. Unfortunately for them a new player has entered the game. How will Ash and his friends deal with being stalked and hunted by alien hunters? I have seen very few crossovers based on Pokemon and Predators. Hope you all enjoy my rendition. XD

Ellora25 · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Predator - Victor

Ash grunted as he pushed back at his enemy, 'Stubborn.'

Naaguk, "Not bad ooman. I can see why Baauli hates you. If I killed you he would be ten times furious."

Ash cackled, "I can see he is very popular."

Naaguk tilted his head, "Better than killing, how about I make you mine. Only mine, no one else."

Ash, "Pfffffffft! I see, how flattering. But I must say, unfortunately for you, I have already given my heart to Raai'kiel."

Naaguk, "I see, what a pity!"

Raai'kiel was beaming, "Ash, my flame."

Urrr'kiel, "He is doing well brother. It is almost time for us to join."

Raai'kiel, "Let's prepare."

Gary meanwhile met Baauli, "Hey, you are the fool who challenged Ash."

Baauli, "Who are you calling a fool ooman?"

Gary, "The one in front of me."

Baauli hissed, "I will kill you both. Both you and your infuriating brother."

Gary, "Big words sweetheart! Let's see if you can back them up."

Altaria screeched as she dived in to attack and Alakazam took a position over Gary on a branch to protect him while Haxorus rumbled standing in front of him. Gary was watching with sharp eyes as Baauli cursed when Altaria attacked him with a powerful twister forcing him to crouch down. Baauli held on to one of the thicker roots to avoid getting blown away and hitting one of the hard trunk trees. Baauli got up once the attack ended and rushed at Gary who took a stance and the two got engaged in hand to hand combat. Gary was grinning as Baauli got hits in just like he did, no wonder Ash was interested in fighting him despite being threatened.

Gary, "You are amusing. No wonder Ash did not kill you right away."

Baauli, "As if a soft meat could kill me."

Gary, "You are an organic creature too, dumbass. The only creatures who can get away with calling others are rock, steel and ground types. You are literally none of those."

Gary was tempted to throw in a very condescending boy to his comment, 'Stay calm Gary. Tease later.'

Baauli snarled, "Do not make fun of me."

Gary deadpanned, "Do I look like I am joking to you?"

Baauli, "I almost forgot you come from that section of the Universe."

Gary, "Heads up!"

Haxorus came down with dragon claw, "Rus."

Baauli was about to say something but paused hearing a horn, "Tsk! That bastard will be here as well. This is not over."

Gary waved him off, "Aye, aye!"

Ash grinned on seeing Raai'kiel, "Hello lover."

Raai'kiel, "My mate. I have come to claim you."

Ash, "Mn.. Come claim me then."

Ash ran through the foliage, laughter ringing through the trees as he beckoned Raai'kiel to prove himself to everyone. Pikachu, Lucario and Trevenant grinned at Raai'kiel as they ran after Ash as well challenging him to prove himself. Raai'kiel purred and chased after his minx of a mate with a promise to thoroughly claim him once he caught the ravenette. Meanwhile Gary was watching Urrr'kiel as he attempted to climb up to where Altaria had placed him. Gary happily waved at Urrr'kiel who huffed and started to climb only to notice Traauli was there too.

Urrr'kiel, "Traauli."

Traauli, "Urrr'kiel, I challenge you to a death match."

Urrr'kiel, "My my! How brave!"

Trauuli pointed at Gary, "Winner takes the prize."

Gary twitched, "Rude! I did not agree yet."

Alakazam, -Let them fight each other.-

Gary, "Fine! Oi, down there! At the count of three you may begin pummeling each other."

Gary, "1"

Alakazam, "2"

Gary, "3! May the strongest win."

Urrr'kiel, 'Little minx! I will make you mine.'

Gary was grinning as he watched the fight, "Oh, he is giving it his all."

Haxorus grunted beside him, "Hax."

Gary, "Yeah, he is not perfect. No one is but that is exactly why we need each other."

Orr'tiet who was watching, "Oh? Interesting thought process."

Yagouti, "Elder, Urrr'kiel has caught up to his mate as well and Baauli too."

Orr'tiet, "Bring it to the screen."

Ven'kiet, "This should be an interesting fight."

Ash, "Not you again."

Baauli, "I challenge you to a death match Raai'kiel. The prize is that ooman."

Ash deadpanned, "You really have a kink of being defeated don't you?"

Baauli, "Not forever Lou-dte kale. I will make you my bitch. Naaguk keep the ooman and his little one's busy."

Lucario, -I believe I can deal with your little friend myself.-

Naaguk, "Brave little cub. But why not? Show me how well you fight."

Then three different fights happened simultaneously making the watchers move their eyes from one screen to another. It was not surprising as it happened from time to time over the years. Urrr'kiel and Traauli grappled against each other as the female tried to chop the male's head off. Gary was watching the fight with a very heated gaze while Alakazam, Haxorus and Altaria crept downwards. The Elders wondered what those three were planning and decided it would be very interesting. From the looks of it, the three Pokemon were currently only watching the fight but that could change.

Traauli, "You insulted my tribe. You will pay with your head."

Urrr'kiel, "You killed my mates parent. I only returned what was rightfully his from the very beginning."

Traauli hissed throwing him off, "He is an outsider. What does it matter?"

Urrr'kiel, "His happiness matters to me."

Traauli, "And the right of conquest of the rest of us doesn't?"

Urrr'kiel, "If you want it back you will have to kill for it. Those are the rules, I did not break them, you fool."

Gary, "I love it when people claim you broke the rules but when you think or actually check the rules. There is not a single rule you have broken. It is hilarious."

Traauli snarled, "You find this amusing?"

Gary got up jumping down, "You just insulted the man I love without anything to stand on. Of course, I find it very amusing, bec now I personally want to get rid of you."

Then Gary started to fight with Traauli himself while Urrr'kiel stood back and watched with heated eyes. The three Pokemon were creating a cacophony as this time Gary was aiming for killing unlike before, no one could claim he was soft after this. The green eyed man half wondered what his Gramps would have thought then realized his Grandpa did not become the strongest in Kanto by being soft. He became the strongest because he took action when others could not and did what he had to do in order to keep his family safe. Gary was on full offense as he attacked the female Predator with the intent to kill which made him attractive to Urrr'kiel apparently.

Ash, "Baauli dear, I hope you did not forget me."

Baauli looked around, "You would endanger your cubs."

Ash laughed, "I may treat them like cubs but I assure you they are anything but innocent cubs. Only a fool would make that mistake."

Then the ravenette attacked with precus which forced Baauli to jump away while Raai'kiel watched as his mate tool over the fight. Raai'kiel had known his mate well enough by now to understand he does not take any insult to himself or his cubs lying down. Raai'kiel watched as his mate unleashed his full expertise in using the staff forcing Baauli to go all out as well. The ravenette had already stolen the others self destruct button so the only option left was to truly fight to death. The elders watched as Naaguk stopped fighting as he actually acknowledged the cubs and was acknowledged back by them.

The two oomans were now fighting no holds barred and despite getting hit and bleeding were not stopping. This honestly unnerved some of the watchers as they looked at each other wondering if the oomans were mentally stable. One of the Elders then suggested they should get both Urrr'kiel and Raai'kiel to keep an eye on the oomans to make sure they will not snap. The creatures they command are already more powerful then they were showing on the screen. If they truly turned on them, it would be a big problem especially when one of them could manipulate the nature around them. On the screen both oomans had defeated and killed their opponents and the two warriors had claimed them.

Ash, "Well that's one way to get married."

Raai'kiel, "We can do it the ooman way too."

Ash, "Really?"

Raai'kiel, "None of us are against a party as long as there is hunt available."

Ash, "Mnn.. Then we should prepare the hunt first and then have an official ceremony the human way."

Raai'kiel, "Would you like to invite your family?"

Ash, "Would that be allowed?"

Raai'kiel, "For mating yes and future mate's too."

Ash, "Right, you claiming me and your brother claiming Gary would mean our families are under your clan's protection."

Raai'kiel nodded marking him, "Yes and that includes encouragement of coupling and mating between the family."

Ash, "Sounds fascinating."

With Gary and Urrr'kiel his dragon Pokemon were feasting on the Predator while Alakazam cleaned the skull. Gary chuckled as Urrr'kiel purred while marking him with his name permanently for the entire universe to see for themselves. It was an interesting tradition but Gary did not mind, the sting from the tentacles Urrr'kiel had helped in grounding and calming him. After a bit Alakazam presented the skull to them making Urrr'kiel chuckle darkly and mutter how their rival clan lost more then dead trophies. Gary could not fault him on his judgement, the living were more important than the dead but who was he to deny a death match.

Gary, 'It is the way of life here.'

Urrr'kiel, "Come, our ship is here to pick us up."

Gary, "What about Ash and Raai'kiel?"

Urrr'kiel, "My brother has his own for his mate and himself for now you are mine."

Gary, "I see. One sec. Haxorus, Altaria, Alakazam I want full report on your injuries, make sure they are taken care of."

Alakazam waved them off to another part of the ship saying he would make sure they were okay if they made sure they were alright as well. Urrr'kiel agreed while chuckling and pulled Gary along to a healing chamber where the water would help with the bruises and cuts. Gary entered the water followed by Urrr'kiel who helped him take off the armor from his person while helping him clean the cuts. Urrr'kiel nuzzled Gary as the cuts started to disappear and the two spent around three hours in the chamber having an intimate moment. Ash and Raai'kiel were involved in a very similar activity except this time they went at it more than once.

Ash grinned as he dried off, "You were really excited, huh?"

Raai'kiel, "You do not know what you do to me my sweet mate."

Ash, "You can show me my darling mate."

Raai'kiel eyed him heatedly, "I will tonight, prepare yourself. You will not rest, even if you fall asleep I shall make you feel the need to wake up."

Ash shivered, "How exciting!"

Raai'kiel, "For now, we need to meet with the Elders and get their blessings."

Ash, "Very well."

Ash followed Raai'kiel after the two were made to wear armor meant for a couple and signified a strong connection. Ash looked at the material of the armor and had to admit it was fancier and no doubt for celebrations more than battles. On the way they met with Gary and Urrr'kiel who looked pretty satisfied and energetic as well. Ash saw the marks and smirked at Gary who smirked back on seeing his marks. Then the four of them entered the main hall of the mother ship greeting the Elders by bowing to them in respect. The Elders spoke of what they had observed and complimented and criticised on how they performed which the four listen to.

They were not phased by the critique and if Ash was to be honest, he had received worse criticism online. Especially when he performed in Contests aside from taking part in the Gym challenge, some of the more fanatical zealots were not happy he was doing both. Compared to that, this critique was actually helpful and would be very useful while training. When one of the Elders asked about the Pokemon Ash explained they were mostly sleeping as they hardly slept during their camp hours. At that reminder the Elders excused them as well and the two couples returned to their designated rooms.

Raai'kiel slammed Ash against the wall after the door closed, "Now, my little minx, no more distractions. I am going to puck and mate you till you are unable to move ."

Ash, "Take me! I dare you to keep your word my love. I am an Aura Guardian after all., I heal fast."

Raai'kiel, "We will see my sweet mate."

Gary was laying on top of Urrr'kiel, "So, now I am going to work under Orr'tiet as a scientist."

Urrr'kiel, "He is a strange one but he is trustworthy."

Gary, "You do not like the idea."

Urrr'kiel, "Only because I worry you would work without rest. I have been observing you my love. You lose focus of your health when work is concerned."

Gary chuckled, "It is an Oak curse. Lucky for me though I have my Pokemon to remind me to rest."

Urrr'kiel, "And your brother, but now he would be busy in another sector."

Gary snorted, "Ash knows if my health is in trouble. His aura is just wired that way. If I go too far he brings me back."

Urrr'kiel, "Is that what you would like me to do as well? Bring you back to senses?"

Gary gave him a couple look, "Yes, that way my little brother would stop worrying about me and you."

Urrr'kiel rolled them till he was caging Gary, "I will do so then. I have a few ideas on how to do it too."

Gary, "Perfect!"

A few hours later they landed back on Yautja Prime where everyone had seen the live broadcast of the fights. Some of the Predators eyed Raai'kiel and Urrr'kiel with envy while others congratulated them on getting fine mates. The aliens who were in the beginning worried about the two humans now avoided their eyes, they were just as crazy as the Yautja. But the four only politely thanked them for the wishes and headed to their living quarters which were now upgraded and located near the centers they were working at. Ash despite worrying about Gary's habit trusted Urrr'kiel to take care of him but if anything happened to call him.

Urrr'kiel, "Do not worry, my brother's mate. I swear I will take good care of your brother."

Ash, "I will hold you to that."

Raai'kiel, "Come, we need to prepare hunt."

Gary, "What for?"

Ash flushed pink on the communication screen, "I want to have a human wedding as well and if possible have our family there."

Gary's eyes shone, "Great idea. We left in such a dramatic way, they probably think we are being treated poorly."

Raai'kiel, "I would never allow that."

Ash, "Yes, bit our families do not know that, do they?"

Urrr'kiel, "A union between your family and our clan is not a bad idea. I have noticed your family produce very respectable fighters and carers."

Ash, "We do, don't we? But I think that is mostly hard work."

Gary, "We will help you gather live games as well. It will be a wild party I say. We might have to explain some stuff to our trigger happy siblings first though."

Ash, "Understatement. Let's meet up tomorrow. We will not have work till next cycle was it?"

Raai'kiel, "Next two cycles, the first is for the couples to settle and the second to mate or the reverse."

Gary, "Works for us. See you tomorrow?"

Ash, "Sure."

Raai'kiel held Ash as the screen logged off, "Already planning things with your brother my little minx."

Ash chuckled, "Yes I am. Did you expect anything less?"

Raai'kiel, "No I did not. Now, you are mine."

Ash, "Yours."

Ash lost count how many times they did it that night even after fainting from exhaustion Raai'kiel kept going. The next day he met up with Gary who looked thoroughly satisfied and the two checked their options on the tablets they were given. They looked at the beasts that were available and caught the interest of their Pokemon. Gary went off on a tangent more than once about the things he collected and Ash let him much to Raai'kiel and Urrr'kiel's amusement. The other Yautja around them eyed them but did not try to approach them yet instead watching from a distance. The oomans seemed to be in their own world while their Yautja brothers in arms look absolutely smitten.

Too'kiet, "Oh! What do we have there?"

Ven'kiet, "It's those two couples. They are so nonchalant it is unnerving sometimes."

Too'kiet, "Most Yautja are up in arms about keeping their mate safe but those two... "

Naa'shatra, "Sounds like they already had a strong bond from the beginning. Is that even possible?"

Too'kiet, "All we can do is observe them for now, have they gone to the birth centre yet?"

Matuuri a young warrior looked at his screen, "They are scheduled at the end of this cycle Elder."

Ven'kiet, "I look forward to how their cubs turn out."

Ash, "I feel like someone is talking about us."

Raai'kiel, "We are be watched and many are curious about us."

Gary, "Got it. See you tomorrow. I still have stuff I want to buy."

Urrr'kiel, "Till tomorrow brother."

Raai'kiel nodded, "Very well brother."

Ash, "So, since we are here, shall we enjoy our date?"

Raai'kiel was amused, "That is how oomans court others."

Ash, "So, can I court you properly?"

Raai'kiel, "Of course but at night I am in charge."

Ash laughed delighted which was heard by the observers who's curiosity grew but looking at the warrior holding him they refrained from asking. The two enjoyed the rest of the cycle together going on dates in the day and being intimate at night to spending a lot of times with the three Pokemon. Most would have thought those powerful creatures would be going off on their own to do their own thing but no, they stuck with the couple like glue. It was cute yet terrifying how those three acted so innocent in the couples hands but during a fight were vicious.

At the end of the two cycles Gary was officially part of the science division while Ash was part of the cub centre. They had already gone to match and splice their DNA to create a few cubs for them as the Elders demanded. As he had promised before Ash helped train Yagouti and her batch alongside the Pokemon who put a decent pace for them to follow. Yagouti did not disappoint and neither did her batch as they kept up with the Pokemon though the pace became more tiring as time went by. The plans for the party had to be put on hold as no one was going to Pokearth yet but they would soon.

Ash, "I wonder how the others are doing."

Raai'kiel, "I apologize for causing distress."

Ash, "You were following tradition you were taught, do not apologize for that. Even if you did not get me they would still worry about me. That's how they are."

Raai'kiel, "You worry about them too."

Ash, "Yes I do. Mother would love to meet her grandchildren."

Raai'kiel perked up, "You think so?"

Ash nodded, "We just need to wait thirty cycles which is what roughly eight humans months?"

Raai'kiel, "Yes, you will have your hands full not only the students bit also little ones."

Yagouti, "Master Ash, we finished the course."

Ash smiled, "Good job! It is late now, so go grab dinner and I will see you all tomorrow."

Yagouti, "Master, we were wondering why we are not being taught to fight in the dark yet."

Ash, "In time, let your bodies adjust first, rushing in has never truly helped anyone except a suicidal fool."

Yagouti nodded, "I understand."

Ash smirked, "Do not relax though. You all are progressing well, so I might introduce that training earlier than planned."

Raai'kiel watched amused as Yagouti left looking a little nervous, "It never fails to amaze me how you turn from a harsh mentor to a loving Carer then back again."

Ash, "Part of being a Champion of the people. I noticed that some strangers have been around and they do not seem fond of me or Gary."

Raai'kiel, "They are from Baauli's clan, they are not happy Baauli lost and might look to challenging you if they can get past your cubs."

Ash, "I was wondering why they looked so smug lately. As long as they are having fun."

Raai'kiel, "Indeed."

Ash, "How is the development of our new cubs?"

Raai'kiel, "A few more months and you will be able to hold them."

Ash, "Good, I am actually very excited."

Delia looked up from her work back on Pokearth, "Something is happening to Ash."

Misty who was visiting her looked at her, "Mrs Ketchum? Is everything alright?"

Rudy, "You look kinda dazed."

Delia, "It is just a sudden feeling. I do not know how to explain it."

Rudy nodded, "I will make some tea, please sit down."

Misty, "Yes, come here, Mrs Ketchum."

Delia, "Thank you dears. I really appreciate the care."

Misty, "You know we miss them too. They really left a mark on many people."

Delia, "I hope they are alright. Red has not been the same since."

Rudy, "Yes, he blames himself though everyone knows it is not. That is the curse of being a sibling I guess. If anything happens to your other siblings."

Misty, "You can't help but blame yourself for it."

I very few comics of Predators including one crossover.

I am just winging it at this point.

Ellora25creators' thoughts