
Jhoto - Mahogany Town

Elm smiled, "I appreciate your help."

Gou shook his head, "No problem, Professor, no need for thanks. We will get these little guys home safe and sound."

Pryce, "Now, you were talking about Ace level battles?"

Casey perked up, "Yes sir, I have been trying to up my skill level lately."

Pryce nodded, "Good good. It's important for our trainers to keep improving their skills no matter how good they think they are. You never know what will happen in a trainer's line of work."

Brock nodded, "That's true. Heaven knows what sort of people are out there. I swear humans terrify me a lot sometimes."

Elm had an understanding look on his face, "I'll let you all to get back to why you came here in the first place. Good luck."

Max, "Thanks Professor."

Breloom looked at the poke egg, "Loom breloom."

Kirlia, -We'll get them to safety.-

Ash, "We promise things will work out for these little fellas."

Elm waved them off as they left with the Pokemon eggs. Their Pokemon excited about taking care of a young Pokemon. Pryce told them, he would see them at the Gym and went ahead to prepare three battle arenas. The Ice specialist had watched some of the videos during the Gym leader meeting. Even though the battlefields were not destroyed, the battle could still leave a large mess behind. It would be much better for the workers to clean up the battlefields after all the battles were done though he suspected Sheila would not wait that long.

Pryce turned as the door opened, "Welcome to the Mahogany Gym. Now as you requested, we will have our gym battle for the badge first."

Mimi, "This is a battle for the Glacier badge, between challenger Ash Ketchum and Gym leader Pryce. This will be a three on three battle, the first one to win two battle or the last Pokemon remaining standing will be the winner. Only the challenger will be allowed to substitute their Pokemon. The Gym leader will choose the first Pokemon."

Pryce, "Seel come."

Seel, "Seel seel seel."

Ash, "Cute, Magby you are up."

Magby, "Mag mag."

Pryce raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything, "Haven't seen a Magby in a while."

Max, "He's going with Magby first?"

Brock, "I'm sure Ash has a plan."

Green, "I'm curious what his plan is."

Casey, "This will be interesting."

Gou muttered holding the camera up, "Yeah."

Ash, "Thanks, he wanted to battle. I have a strong feeling about this fight."

Mimi, "Begin."

Pryce, "Water gun."

Ash, "Use the ice pillar to hide and flamethrower."

Magby jumped behind one of the ice pillars just as Seel attacked and returned with his own flamethrower. Seel slid away from the attack but could feel the heat from the flamethrower which melted some of the ice around her. Ash instructed Magby to climb up the ice pillar which he did with a bit of difficulty and attacked again, while Pryce ordered her to attack using aqua ring. The fire type jumped from one pillar to another attacking using his flamethrower.

Ash, "Magby use smog on the floor."

Pryce, "Clever, Seel on top of the pillars."

Magby released smog on the floor below which was covered in a two inch layer of water which turned purple. The poison spread quickly through the water making it difficult for Seel to stay on the battlefield, she was an water type not poison. Seel glared at the fire Pokemon balefully for forcing her to climb as ice pillar and shot an ice beam at the battle floor. Magby watched her actions calmly and waited for instructions which came soon enough.

Ash, "Overheat on the ice."

Magby climbed to the top and released over heat which caused the ice to melt and the poison to boil. The pillar was melting so Magby hurried and started to boil the water below causing poisonous steam to rise. It caused Seel to wince and move back but not much due to the limited space.

Pryce, "Clever but we are not going down easily. Aqua jet."

Seel gave an excited bark and used aqua jet to knock Magby off the pillar and into the fumes that were rising. The water had evaporated a while back. Magby winced lightly in the middle of the poisonous fumes, he had expected something like this might happen. Inwardly he was pleased at how powerful his poison attacks were, he would brag about it later though now he had a fight to win.

Ash, "Magby, you okay?"

Magby didn't answer but instead started to glow brightly and become larger in size. Ash cursed inwardly, his Pokemon were very stubborn indeed. In place of Magby now stood Magmar who was making the ice turn to water then to vapour. Magmar turned to Seel and gave an eye smile and shooting a powerful overheat at her. Seel was hit by the powerful attack which caused her to be flown back and hit the wall. Ash winced on hearing the wall crack, that sounded painful.

Mimi, "Seel is unable to battle. Magmar had won the match. Congratulations on the new evolution."

Ash, "Bayleef, check on Magmar. Magmar, come over here."

Bayleef, "Bay bay leef."

Magmar, "Marrrr mag."

Ash, "NO! You know the rules for evolution. I have told you before. Come here now."

Magmar pouted and went out of the arena grumbling about feeling just fine and how powerful his attack was. Lucario poked his throat making Magmar jump and clutch his throat while looking at Lucario bewildered by what he did. Lucario told him he was not okay and he strained himself, Bayleef nodded in agreement. Mimi in the meantime had activated the ice system that was located below the gym floor to recreate the ice.

Ash, "Magmar look, I understand evolving gives you unlimited power. However it doesn't mean you use it without training. Look you strained your throat using that over powered overheat. I can see it glowing red instead of being dark colour."

Brock approached then, "Ash, let me."

Ash, "Please, I appreciate it. Also Magmar, good job."

Magmar smiled and glomped Ash as if he was still a Magby. Pryce watched it all happen in five minutes, it reminded him of the time his Swinub evolved into Piloswine. Bayleef had joined Magmar and Brock at the stands fussing over the young fire Pokemon.

Mimi, "Since Magmar is no longer allowed to battle by the trainer that means both Pokemon are out though Ash is still the winner of first round. Choose your next Pokemon."

Pryce, "Let's go Swinub."

Ash, "I choose you Cyndaquill."

Mimi, "Begin."

Ash, "Ember!"

Pryce, "Blizzard."

Cyndaquill attacked using ember while Swinub used blizzard. Cyndaquill folded himself in and blasted the flames on his back to keep himself warm. A trick Magmar had showed him before, when he had been with the poachers still. Cyndaquill unfolded with a bark after the blizzard was over and attacked using ember again. Swinub was not happy to be hit by the flames and hissed at the pain while growling at his opponent.

Pryce, "Take down!"

Ash, "Flame wheel."

Swinub jumped to use take down while Cyndaquill used flame wheel to retaliate against the ice type. Cyndaquill and Swinub separated and Swinub grumbled about burned fur and the sting from the flames. Good thing he was partly ground, not just ice type, or he would have been in real trouble. Cyndaquill huffed as he got up to battle again and reactivated the flame wheel again. Swinub glared at Cyndaquill and used blizzard to cool him down and slow him down.

Ash, "Flame charge."

Cyndaquill changed from a flaming wheel to charging at Swinub who stopped the blizzard to dodge. Pryce called for earthquake to slow down the flame charge but Cyndaquill didn't let it stop him though he did slow down a little bit. Cyndaquill had to jump away from the falling pillars which would have hurt if they fell on top of him.

Pryce, "Hail."

Ash, "Cyndaquill overheat, cover yourself with flames."

Swinub attacked using hail and Cyndaquill did what Ash ordered and covered himself in flames to protect himself. The heat kept him warm from the ice type attack and vaporised the water near him. Ash called for will o wisp which Cyndaquill happily used, it was one of the moves Charizard had taught him. The will of wisp circled Cyndaquill before shooting out to hit Swinub who jumped to dodge the balls of fire.

Pryce, "Finish this, use take down."

Ash, "Iron head."

Swinub rushed to use take down while Cyndaquill prepared iron head. Just as Swinub neared him, Cyndaquill attacked too, making a loud crash sound through the battle field. The two Pokemon fell to the ground unconscious.

Mimi, "It is a double knock out. Both Pokemon are unable to battle. Please bring out your final Pokemon."

Ash, "Return Cyndaquill. You did a great job, buddy. Get some rest."

Pryce, "Rest Swinub. Now Sneasel your turn."

Ash, "Let's go Shuckle."

Gou, "Wait, Shuckle won against Croconaw?"

Bayleef snickered, "Bay bay."

Brock, "Yes, it is very surprising for everyone."

Casey, "We should not judge a book by its cover alright."

Max nodded, "Yeah, I honestly thought Croconaw would have won."

Green giggled, "Shuckle used sticky web to tie Croconaw up and poor guy could not escape allowing Shuckle to win."

Gou, "Ah... I see. Clever little bug."

Max had stars, "I'm actually very excited to see how Shuckle will do. Bug type's have an advantage over dark types."

Mimi, "Begin."

Ash, "Roll out."

Ash, 'I keep thinking about Optimus Prime.'

Pryce, "Agility."

Shuckle used roll out to hit Sneasel who used agility to match his speed and hit the little buy type. Shuckle turned directions and attacked again with Ash calling out for double team to confuse Sneasel. Sneasel growled as he looked at the many copies rolling around her and swiped at the ones coming close.

Pryce, "Icy wind, cool him down."

Sneasel nodded and took a deep breath before focusing on using icy wind to attack her bug type opponent. She really hated being paired with bug type Pokemon, at least it was not an over sized hornet. Shuckle slowed down on feeling the icy wind hit him but didn't stop moving, the last thing he wanted was to be frozen stiff.

Ash, "Sunny day followed by sticky web."

Shuckle perked up at that, sunny day always made him feel better and gave a happy bark before using it. Sneasel twitched at the bark and turned to attack him using fury swipes only for Shuckle to withdraw. Shuckle gave Sneasel an eye smile from inside his shell before shooting a sticky web directly at her face. Sneasel was not amused and cursed the bug Pokemon out trying to get the annoying web off.

Ash grinned, "Shuckle do it."

Shuckle gave an excited bark and started to spam sticky web all over Sneasel while she growled in anger. Trying to get rid of a high amount of sticky webs just made it harder for Sneasel to move and Shuckle soon covered her in a cocoon. Sneasel glared at her opponent as she tried to use hone claws to cut the web off but could not mover her arm because it was pretty much stuck. Shuckle then appeared her and poked her cocooned form making her fall and getting on top of her happily barking at Ash.

Ash laughed, "Good job. Hang in there for a bit buddy."

Pryce, "Sneasel try to escape."

Mimi observed the situation, "Sneasel is unable to continue. Shuckle has won the last match. Ash has won the Ice badge."

Ash, "Good job Shuckle."

Pryce, "Are you alright girl?"

Sneasel nodded, she was very irritated but a win was a win and she would respect that, "Snea sneasel."

Ash, "Pryce, here, this solution should help get rid of the sticky web faster."

Pryce eyed the bottle curiously, "Thank you, young Ash. Is it oil?"

Ash, "Yeah, it's made from Venasaur's oils and Shuckle's digested juice. There are other ingredients too but those are the main ones. When we realized Shuckle's webs were really sticky and strong we had to come up with a solution that did not include ripping scales, fur, feather, etc off."

Max, "Understatement."

Pryce took the bottle, "I appreciate it. Now allow me to present the Ice badge. You have earned it in more ways than one."

Ash took the badge, "Look everyone, we won the Ice badge. One badge and one ribbon to go, now."

[A. N.: Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.

It's really hot out here.

Remembers to drink lots of water and take care of yourself.]