
Pokemon: Cerulean Gym

I wanted to write a Pokemon fanfic but couldn't decide which Pokemon to choose. So, I decided to select a random typing which the MC will be using and that random typing happened to be water. When I thought about water Pokemon trainers the worst gym in the anime came to mind. I like Pokemon fanfic which has an MC who isn't exactly a trainer but goes on adventures. They may be gym leaders, rangers and even ranchers. So, I thought of writing a similar fanfic with adventure and the development of the gym as the main focus. The MC is the twin of Misty as I wanted him to be from the same generation as Ash. He will also have a small gift (not aura or psychic).

Mr_Sagarmatha · Komik
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3 Chs

1. Prolouge

"Are you sure?"

"The Team Rocket has become more active these days. If we go together, we can protect you from them."

"Just this month ten cases of Pokemon theft were reported in Cerulean City."

"Don't be stubborn. We will come with you."

"With us present, no one can harm the brother of the three sensational sisters."

"Hump, You guys are the one who needs protection. He is better than you in Pokemon battle."

Three girls and a twin were arguing standing in front of Cerulean Gym.

"I'm saying this one last time, I am going alone. I have the three strongest Pokemon in our gym, including the Gyarados. So, I will not be in any danger." the boy who was the topic of debate replied.

"Why are you taking the Gyarados? It doesn't listen to anyone. It may even attack you instead." Daisy said with concern.

"It will not attack me. It may not like me but it still knows me and knows it's priorities. If there is a bad guy in front of us, it will help me for sure even if it may not follow my command after all, it was our mother's Pokemon."

"Sigh, then you can go. Be sure to keep yourself safe and return early. You can go there tomorrow if you don't find the Pokemon you want." Daisy said with reluctance on her face.

The three sisters in front of the boy were the Gym leaders of Cerulean Gym. Daisy was the oldest, followed by Violet and Lily.

"Don't worry. I will be safe." The boy assured them. He was confident in his strength if not he would not have dared to go alone. Although he has caught a few Magikarp, Goldeen, Krabby, Poliwag, Staryu and Tentacool for the gym previously, he is going to catch his first partner today.


I am Amrit Hanada and I want to be the future Gym Leader of the Cerulean Gym, a Water-type Gym in Kanto. As fitting for my name, I want to make my Pokemon and Cerulean gym immortal in the annals of history.

Though I am only six years old, I am already stronger than my sisters. I have three older sisters and a twin sister, Misty. Our father set off on a journey and disappeared, while our mother passed away giving birth to us. Since then, our older sisters and our caretaker have raised us. While my older sisters shower me with love, they act strangely toward Misty.

Misty wants to become the strongest water Pokemon trainer and catch every water Pokemon. Meanwhile, my older sisters want to become stars, like our mother. She was both a Gym Leader and a celebrity. My sisters, however, fail to understand that our mother became famous because she was a Gym Leader.

In this world, Gym Leaders are the true stars, not actors or performers. Gym Leaders of Pokemon League Certified Gym are admired by both Pokémon Trainers and the general public. But my sisters want the easier route, focusing on modelling to achieve stardom rather than dedicating themselves to becoming proper Gym Leaders. Due to their laziness and neglect, the Cerulean Gym has deteriorated, becoming worse than an ordinary Pokémon Gym. Fortunately, I've managed to prevent further damage. My sisters love me too much, and I've used that to stop them from ruining the gym's foundation any further. Whenever they do something that can harm the gym, I protest against it and become stubborn and in the end, they always have to give in to my demands.

Once I become 10 years old I can inherit the gym and make it the best Pokemon gym in the world and heaven for water Pokemon trainers. I am confident that I can make my dream come true because I possess extraordinary gifts that will help me make my dream a reality. On top of that, I know the future and many other information that can help me on my journey. You see I had a life before this on a planet called Earth where this world was fiction and my family were also fictional characters.

In my previous life, I was a huge fan of animated stories, especially anime. Among all the anime I watched, Pokémon held a special place in my heart. As a child, every time I watched Pokémon, I would dream of living in that world, catching Pokémon, and becoming a Pokémon Master.

Later on, I discovered the games and played them as well. I enjoyed both the anime and the games. I can still remember eagerly waiting for each new episode of Pokémon Journeys, especially to see the World Coronation Series. But after each episode, I was left with a huge sense of disappointment. It was supposed to be the climax of the most popular animated story in the world, yet both the narrative and animation fell short of our expectations.

The battles were poorly written, and the animation didn't live up to the global popularity of Pokémon. Ash's character development regressed after the Sinnoh arc, Kalos was epic but over time, Pokémon gradually became a show aimed solely at kids, forgetting its older audience.

In this world, as I grew up I began to recall the memory of past life and I am still gaining them. I don't know when I died or how I died. Some powerful being or god must have reincarnated me to fulfil my dreams or as a source of entertainment for themselves. I can only guess.

The God who reincarnated me gave me two gifts. My first gift/ability allows me to copy the abilities of the Pokemon I caught. I noticed it when I was four years old and caught my first Pokemon, a Magikarp. After I caught it with a Pokeball, a holographic screen appeared with [Swift Swim ability acquired.] Then it began to show about Magikarp.

At the top was about the Magikarp I caught but there was only basic information, below it was the real gift. There was basic information about Magikarp followed by its type advantages and disadvantages. All the moves that Magikarp can learn. It's basic stats, which you have to take with a grain of salt in real Pokemon World. It's evolution and the location where you can obtain it.

The location written isn't an exact place but only a general location like in the games. But, it is important to find the rare Pokemon as I don't know the location of every Pokemon. All in all, it was very important but one thing did leave a bad taste in my mouth. All of this data was copied from the Pokemon-related site I used in my previous life. I know I am being ungrateful but that being didn't even change the stripes used in it.

I think this was his/her way of trolling me. The first ability is very powerful if used properly but I am going to commit to Water Pokemon and gym-related Pokemon so I don't know how powerful I will be in future. I know several abilities that can help me like Poison body, Ice body, Fire body, Water absorb, Lightning rod and Regeneration. So, I will be powerful but may not use the full potential of this ability.

I have already got quite a few abilities already from the Pokemon I caught. After all who will not catch new Pokemon if you have an ability like this.

 Most of the abilities I got remains as it is but some changes to fit me. I mentally gave a command to the virtual screen to look at my profile.

Amrit Hanada

Pokemon Caught: Magikarp, Goldeen, Krabby, Poliwag, Staryu and Tentacool

Pokemon Team: Staryu

Abilities Obtained:

1. Swift Swim: Doubles the speed during rain.

2. Water Absorb: Heals 1⁄4 of its maximum HP when hit by a Water-type attack. The physical impact of the attack still causes damage.

3. Damp: It prevents the Pokémon from using the moves Selfdestruct and Explosion. It also prevents damage from the ability 'Aftermath'. (to the ability holder only)

4. Clear body: Pokemon moves that may cause fear or lower stats don't work.

5. Liquid Ooze: Damages attackers using any draining move. If it works then I am safe from ghost-type Pokemon's draining move and grass-type Pokemon if they go crazy.

6. Shell Armor: An armour made up of energy that protects from critical damage.

7. Hyper Cutter: Prevents the Attack stat from being lowered.

8. Water Veil: Prevents from getting burned.

9. Illuminate: The body will shine with bright light when using this ability to attract wild Pokemon at night.

10. Natural Cure: The regenerative ability is increased and helps to cure status effects.

These were the abilities I obtained from the Pokemon I caught. The first ability I obtained was Swift Swim. After returning to the gym, I tested it to see if it only worked when swimming as the name suggested. After telling Starmie to use Rain Dance, I noticed that I was running faster than usual. It worked when running as well. It also boosts reaction speed to keep up with speed.

I didn't know how it worked but later found out that my body was using water energy in my body to increase my speed. The water energy consumed was absorbed from the surroundings through rain.

Water Absorb worked similarly to Swift Swim but instead of surrounding water energy, it absorbs energy from the attack itself converting it into life energy and recovering water energy in the body.

As for Damp, I didn't dare to try but it must work.

Clear Body has more function than what is written on the screen. It removes harmful substances from my body through sweat, urine and faeces. This ability made my body similar to Tentacool in this regard. The day I obtained this ability I smelled worse than a dead animal. One second I smelled like food I ate another second like medicine then like urine and other smells I didn't know even existed.

In Wuxia terms, it makes my body free from filth and dust. It also prevents the reduction of stats according to the screen but I don't know if it is true. It did prevent the chills I get when I look at Gyarados so it must have worked as written.

I don't want to know if Liquid Ooze works.

Shell Armor is clearly a lifesaver. It does prevent critical hits. It distributes the damage on the weak place on my body to all my body. It is weird as when I hit my neck I feel ticklish all over my body. So, if somehow I get hit fiercely in my neck the damage will be distributed all over my body saving me from a life-threatening attack. I have also noticed that Pokemon's body also works like that. If the attacks that hit them are the like energy of an earthquake then the final result is also like an earthquake, main damage occurs at the point of contact and damage spreads from there protecting them from lethal damage.

I don't know how or when Hyper Cutter works.

Water Veil is useful in day-to-day life. It creates a thin layer of water energy around me that prevents me from getting burned. I don't have to worry about hot water or tea spilling over me in this life. But it will not save me from a fire-type attack.

Illuminate makes me Shine brightly. It also attracts the wild Pokemon who see this light towards me. It can be helpful if someday my torch stopped working inside a cave.

Nature Cure provided me with little of the healing capability of Staryu. I healed faster when I got hurt last time. It is similar to a clear body as it also possesses a weakened version of the natural ability of Staryu. It must be useful only for small trauma, obviously as it is more focused on removing status conditions. This ability makes me immune to all poison except that manages to kill me in less than five minutes.

These abilities are going to help me immensely in the future.