

Golbat- Cet

Ducklett – Nia

Real MC - Ash

I was impatient and the occasion of today being India's 75th Republic Day served as a good reason- read excuse- for the early release of this chapter. So, here you go.


Celia stared at the setting sun with determination in her eyes before walking towards the elder council that gathered for her.

A huge building crowned with a dome served as the gathering place for the council. The whole building was empty devoid of any furniture or decorations.

It was a long time since the elders gathered in that building as it was reserved for only one purpose.

She entered the building and looked up to see elders floating in a semi-circle, each sitting in a lotus position. Each of their starters completed the semi-circle by forming their own above them.

Children of Clan Reich can only leave for travelling only when they show that they can take care of themselves.

The rule only applies to members who show affinity for psychic type. With the low number of psychic Pokemon present in wilds, staying in the clan compound will be an efficient usage of time. At least that was the reason given to the younger generation. The clan just can't afford to lose psychic trainers as their numbers are very low to begin with.

Celia looked at the half-human, half-Pokemon circle as they slowly bobbed up and down in their places.

The league tries its hardest to stop clans from gaining too much power, having more strict monitoring of clan members when compared to normal people. 

It doesn't want clan trainers to think they are special as the league still remembers the power struggle that threw Kanto into further Chaos when a stupid gang tried to play gods and got themselves eradicated. Not by those gods, mind you, but by wild Psychic elites.

The Kanto still remembers it. Many higher-ups in the league and multiple clans just vanished, crashing the league.

The things the clans did to swallow the power vacuum made many trainers switch to the league's side, making the league a behemoth that could slap aside any clan that showed signs of power abuse.

In that whole ordeal, Clan Riech was untouched but humbled on knowing that somehow their wild brethren could bypass dark emitters with surprising ease. Not even a single dark emitter was damaged and even the emitters in high-security places like League were switched off.. somehow. 

The dark emitters along with stopping teleportations also function as an alarm if a psychic just forces their way in by teleportation. They have many safety measures and somehow, they failed. 

The already tight-knit Clan Riech became even closer and the League transformed into a giant compared to its previous size.

Celia's legs left the ground, she started flying towards the council.

As she covered 1/10 th distance, a sudden pressure smothered her, causing her to wobble in mid-air.

The normal Psychic trainers of Clan Reich would just have to reach the council with their own power to get permission to start their journey outside of Reich's compound but not Celia. 

They all knew she could easily pass the normal test with flying colours. No, Celia has to prove that she doesn't need guardians monitoring her and that she can surprise any enemy with her power.

Ethereal waves spread away from Celia before she picked up the speed. 

As she grew nearer the elder's influence increased trying to unravel her control of psychic energy.

Celia knew she could reach the centre by flying like this, after all the psychic energy was her playmate from the day, she could form thoughts.

'No, I have to shock the elders into silence, so that they don't support my Mother when she refuses.' She decided before looking towards her mother's Alakazam which was physically restraining herself from stroking her thick whiskers.

A small smile graced Celia's face when she remembered the Alakazam bonking her head with a spoon when she called her whiskers a moustache.

Celia closed her eyes and remembered the reason she wanted to travel.

Space rippled around as her eyes glowed with psychic energy.

One second, she was at least ¼ the distance away from the council and the next she was standing at the centre of the circle.

By teleporting Celia showed her control over the psychic energy effectively showcasing that she can even fry military-grade dark emitters to escape, even if she lost her Pokemon and was alone.

Murmurs echoed among the elders; everyone was happy that Clan Riech produced such a prodigy. Most showed their happiness by directing their smiles at her unlike her mother and her supporters.

Even her mother's supporters nodded their heads in respect. After all, it is not easy to run when 6 people are pulling your legs in different directions, trying to trip you.

"Why must you be stubborn, my child?" Her mother said, her voice echoing in the building.

The circle transformed into an oval, forming a hierarchy among elders.

The Pokemon vanished, though. Their presence is just a tradition, as the reason behind their attendance was to overrule the council's decision if they think the Pokemon or trainer can't handle the journey.

Most Pokemon don't care about risk though, so they just never had a reason to oppose any trainer from leaving. They think risk is part of life and an essential component of growth.

"Are the territories ruled by our Clan Mon's(Pokemon) not dangerous enough for you?" she asked.

"I think Mother Garde will happily increase her domain's danger level if anyone asks her."

"You know well, why I want to start my journey, Mother," Celia said.

"You can't be serious. I was just making sure that your 'friend' doesn't take advantage of you." Her mother replied in a tone that implied that she was right.

"I can take care of myself, Mother. And you know that is not the reason," Celia calmly replied.

"You want me to become the clan leader better than you. How will I achieve it if all my trusted confidants second-guess me and take commands from you."

"I will meet people on my journey. People who I can trust to have my back. People whom I can bond with, who will help clan Riech not for our money but because they see me as a friend. And maybe I can come back with a butler who doesn't betray me behind my back," Celia calmly accuses her mother.

"Dad already agreed." She adds.

"That Man!" her mother exhales before trying to reason with her stubborn daughter.

'It is all because of that Anarch oaf,' she curses and speaks.

"We don't need these 'People' you speak of. Clan-"

A presence fills the room halting her tirade.

"But Sab-" Her mother stops mid-shout before furrowing her eyebrows like she didn't like what she was hearing.

"Don't worry, your mother is just overprotective. She couldn't see what was going on in your friend's mind, at least not without him noticing something wrong. She was just worried about you." Her master Sabrina's voice echoed in Celia's head.

"What? isn't the first rule of being not to mess with people's minds," Celia asks incredulously at the thought of her mother violating innocent people's privacy.

"Yes. But your mother doesn't invade people's minds. She is a talented empath maybe more talented than you when it comes to the empathetic ability of psychics."

"It's second nature to her to perceive people's intentions and the boy's dark aura most likely messed with her perception. Think of it like this a person's emotions always leak out, like brainwaves, the more trained their mind is the less it leaks out. Other than certain types of aura users like your boyfriend-"

"He is not my boyfriend," Celia rebukes, trying to not blush.

"Then you don't mind if I take him for myself?" 

"Masterrr!"Celia exclaims.

Sabrina giggles.

"Anyway, even ghost and dark aura users have their intentions leak out. But their aura destroys them as they form, making it difficult to know their intentions and if they want it will be impossible for psychics to find them. Psychics also have developed techniques to mask their intentions. I disperse my intentions as they leak, you can do something similar too."

"Your mother doesn't like people she can't read around her daughter," Sabrina concluded.

Her mother's face was going through a variety of emotions. The elders vanished most likely knowing that there was nothing they could do when Sabrina Riech herself was present.

"Can you see his intentions, Master Sabrina," Celia asks.

"Of course."

Before Celia can ask her master to elaborate, her mother shouts.

"Fine! You girl, you will be messaging me every 1hr.. no every half an hour about your status. Just starting as a trainer and already disobeying your mother."

The Reich leader vanished mumbling about what happened to her little girl who cutely gripped her mother's hand telekinetically even when she was in a meeting.

"Well then I can't wait to see your not-boyfriend and maybe I will snatch him if he isn't bad." Her master's presence departs leaving her mischievous giggles.

"He is not my boyfriend and I think no one will ever say no to you, Master Sabrina," Celia mumbles, thinking how whether her first friend was going to be the first date of her master.

After getting crowned as the winner of Indigo League at the age of 11, Sabrina Reich soared through ace rankings and steadily stood at rank 1 along with being a gym leader at the age of 20.

Any single one of her achievements would make people flock to her and Sabrina is a Psychic on top of that.

Celia sighs before vanishing.


Lumina announced my victory making me bound into the battlefield to give Nia some treats. 

I recalled her after the silly Ducklett looked like she was going to burst if she ate any more.

"Man! That was an awesome match," Titus roared as I walked towards him, Ash was not far behind.

"So, what did you mean Ash is a new type of Aura user?" I asked.

"He is just kidding," Ash said, but Titus waved him off and asked.

"You agree that Skarmory was as strong as your starter."

I nodded.

"Will you believe me if I say that the Skarmory was hatched at the beginning of this year?" Titus asked as Ash fidgeted behind him.

"But how is that growth possible without Ash being an aura user," I asked perplexed.

"The answer to your question is bonds, my friend," Titus said clapping his hands and continuing.

"When my father said that deep bonds also help Pokemon grow faster. I was sceptical, thinking that they just say that to stop people from mistreating Pokemon."

"But Ashy boy here proved me wrong and that is not all there is to this naive-faced fellow," Titus said punching Ash's shoulder.

"Where do you think the Skarmory stands in Ash's team, strength-wise?" he asks, looking at me with mirth in his eyes.

"1 or 2nd" I reply feeling dread at the answer I knew was coming.

"4th and he has a full team with him," he says lifting his hands into the air.

"He.. I..You" I muttered shocked at the power difference between.

Here I was thinking I was breaking records with my Pokemon growth speed.

"You.." I pointed at Ash in disbelief. I was so shocked that my aura which only smothers my emotions when I think of Earth or when I am in a deadly situation came in full force and smothered the hell out of me.

"Don't tease him," Ash said, pushing Titus away.

 "I said I was tested not having any aura affinity, right?"

I nodded.

"I had a one-year headstart to start my journey. So, I caught some Pokemon early." He said, sheepishly rubbing his head.

"And only my starter Pikachu and Skarmory showed the increased rate of growth, so all my remaining Pokemon are strong because I trained them and are older."

I wanted to kick Titus for playing me, but I fully concentrated on Ash.

"But isn't that illegal?"

"Well, not illegal per se. The league only allows people above ten to have Pokemon so that kids can choose Pokemon that feel right for them, instead of choosing cool Pokemon at a young age. As you know choosing wrong stunts aura growth."

"Getting to have Pokemon early is a massive advantage is it not?" I ask.


Guys! I don't know why but the power stones are much less compared to the time before my break(What caused that? Do you guys have any idea.)

And a reader with a Star Wars Yoda profile pic(comment if you don't mind your name being displayed here, I will edit it) suggested a chap on Celia's POV. I would have thought about it eventually, but it would have been too late for the world-building this chapter presents. So thanks go to the awesome reader. 

Let's see if we can cross 150 power stones this week!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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soul_wordscreators' thoughts