
Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Pokémon World: A land of fantasy, adventure, and fun, right? Wrong! The Pokémon world is a ruthless and vengeful place, a trap where many fall. Our protagonist, Arth, is an orphan who has been reincarnated into this harsh reality. Join us on this dark and thrilling journey.

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7 Chs

**The journey of our protagonist**

In the Kanto region, in the Viridian City orphanage, we find a 14-year-old boy in the library. This boy was Arth. He was sitting on a chair near the window, with his head tilted to the side and a book about 6 centimeters thick in his hand. His midnight-black hair formed a fringe around his impassive face. His skin was as pale as snow, giving him an ethereal beauty. His blood-red eyes shone as if they contained all the knowledge of the world. His face was so beautiful that even men questioned their own sexuality when they looked at him. One couldn't help but feel a chill running down their spine when they looked at him. His fellow orphans didn't like him because of his beauty, and the orphanage staff also hated him for his bright blood-red eyes, which they called "demon eyes." But he didn't care, though he was bored.

Since he realized something.

In this world, 90% of the people are blessed and treated as people because they have enough money to become Pokémon trainers, while the remaining 10% is exactly the opposite: they are treated as garbage, dust beneath the other 90% of people.

In this dangerous world, Arth realized that to survive, he would have to become someone apathetic and devoid of emotions. He recognized that the belief of "survival of the fittest" was the driving force of this world, so he made the promise to become the supreme predator.

To achieve this, Arth began to train and refine the natural talents and blessings that God had bestowed upon him. He studied extensively, delving into a wide range of topics such as strategy, etiquette, cooking, and geography, in an effort to expand his knowledge and skills. Additionally, he understood the importance of physical fitness and, therefore, incorporated various exercises into his regimen, believing that a healthy body would also lead to a healthy mind.

Through this comprehensive approach of physical and mental training, Arth was determined to transform himself into a formidable individual who could navigate the treacherous landscape of this world and emerge victorious.

After turning 15, Arth knew that he would soon be expelled from the orphanage, as in this world, young people of that age were considered adults. Aware of this, Arth focused on finding a job that would allow him to support himself, as he could no longer depend on the limited resources of the orphanage.

He began to explore various employment options. He visited factories, workshops, and local businesses in search of opportunities. He used his communication skills and cunning to convince employers that he was a diligent and reliable worker, despite his young age.

In the end, Arth found employment at a factory. There, he was tasked with organizing and loading the packages into the delivery vehicles. Although the work was physically exhausting, Arth carried it out with efficiency and diligence.

The job provided him with a salary of 200 Pokedollars, and soon, his colleagues began to feel envious, as he was poised to be promoted despite his relatively short tenure at the factory. The jealous coworkers then conspired to hire a pair of bandits to harm and attack Arth.

As Arth was fleeing rapidly to evade the bandits, he stumbled upon a vast forest teeming with dangerous Pokémon.

Arth was breathing heavily as he hid behind a thick tree trunk in the dense forest. Sweat soaked his brow as he struggled to control the rapid pace of his heartbeat. The adrenaline still coursed through his veins, reminding him of the anguish of being pursued by unscrupulous thieves.

Anger bubbled within him, a mix of indignation and determination. He refused to be a victim; he had promised himself to be the predator, not the prey. But in this ruthless world, even his cunning and skills were not always enough to protect what he had earned through such effort.

As the forest enveloped his surroundings, Arth became acutely aware of the fragile nature of his existence. Life in this world was a constant game of survival, where the weak were devoured by the strong. But he refused to be relegated once more to the role of victim.

With renewed determination, Arth stood up, shook the dirt off his clothes, and straightened himself. He would not allow obstacles to deter him in his quest for power and security. He knew he had to keep moving forward, facing the challenges that this inhospitable world presented.

With firm steps, Arth ventured deeper into the forest, aware that each step brought him closer to his destination. Though the path ahead was fraught with dangers and difficulties, he was determined to overcome them and achieve the greatness he so desired.

With every breath, Arth grew stronger, fueling the inner fire that propelled him forward. He knew the road to power and freedom would be arduous, but he was willing to face any challenge with courage and determination.

And so, with a burning resolve in his heart, Arth ventured into the unknown, ready to confront any obstacle that stood in his way towards greatness.


Arth continued deeper into the forest, each step carefully measured as he navigated the thick underbrush and towering trees. The forest was alive with the sounds of Pokémon, their calls echoing through the dense foliage. He knew he had to be cautious; any wrong move could attract unwanted attention.

His blood-red eyes scanned his surroundings, taking in every detail. He remembered reading about survival tactics and how to navigate through dense forests. His enhanced intelligence allowed him to recall the information effortlessly, guiding his movements.

After walking for what felt like hours, Arth stumbled upon a small clearing. In the center stood a serene pond, its water reflecting the canopy above. He approached the pond cautiously, kneeling down to take a sip of the cool, refreshing water. As he drank, he felt a presence behind him. He quickly turned around, ready to defend himself.

Standing at the edge of the clearing was a wild Pikachu, its cheeks sparking with electricity. Arth slowly raised his hands to show he meant no harm.

"Easy there," he said softly, trying to keep his voice calm. "I don't want any trouble."

The Pikachu eyed him warily but didn't attack. Instead, it seemed curious. Arth remembered reading about how some Pokémon could sense emotions and intentions. He slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out a small piece of bread, offering it to the Pikachu.

"Here, take this," he said gently.

The Pikachu sniffed the bread cautiously before taking it from his hand. It quickly devoured the morsel, its eyes softening as it looked at Arth.

"You're not so bad, are you?" Arth smiled.

The Pikachu seemed to nod in agreement, its tail twitching happily. Arth felt a sense of relief wash over him. He had made his first friend in this dangerous world.

As night began to fall, Arth knew he had to find shelter. The Pikachu seemed to understand and led him to a small cave hidden behind a waterfall. Inside, the cave was dry and surprisingly warm. Arth settled down, using his knowledge of survival to create a makeshift bed from leaves and branches.

The Pikachu curled up next to him, providing a comforting presence in the dark cave. Arth closed his eyes, allowing himself to relax for the first time in what felt like days.

"Thank you," he whispered to the Pikachu. "For helping me."

The Pikachu nuzzled his hand in response, its fur soft against his skin.

As Arth drifted off to sleep, he couldn't help but feel a sense of hope. He had a long journey ahead of him, but he was no longer alone. With his new friend by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Arth knew that the road to becoming the supreme predator was just beginning. But with his determination, intelligence, and the companionship of his new friend, he was confident that he could overcome any obstacle and achieve the greatness he so desired.

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