
Pokemon: A New Adventure Of Ash

Our protagonist reincarnates as Ash before he leaves in his travell around the regions, but in this world the trainer need to have 16 years to have an adventure not 10, follow a new Ash and Pikachu in their adventures with the objetive to be the best pokemon trainer ever. A new World full of pokemon from all regions, new and old girls to conquer, new adventures and new pokemon. Warning: Except Pikachu, the original team of Ash in Kanto won't be here, except Charmander, i won't follow the anime, Ash will have new adventures, in this fic, there will be sex but i have no plan to do explicit content for the moment. All the chapter are fixed so don't worry. Here my discord's server: https://discord.gg/wwmSVJSw

Bloodnight · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
151 Chs


In short, the previous chapter, after being attacked by a flock of Pidove who wanted to eat Pikachu, our hero and his companion were saved by a little Phione who for some reason was there, it did not take long to become friends and the Phione decided to sign up for Ash's trip, but just at that moment Nancy appeared and demanded that he deliver her to Phione, but when Ash refused, Nancy decided to pursue him until she got her goal.

Having summarized the previous chapter, we will focus on what our heroes are doing now, Ash, Nancy and Pikachu were on their way to Viridian City.

With Ash.

Looking at the map of the Rotom Dex I could say that we had about 10 minutes to get to Viridian City and to tell the truth thank goodness, because it was getting dark and I do not want to spend the night outside.

"Well, what does someone like you do in Kanto?" – I asked Nancy curiously.

"How do you know I'm not from Kanto?" – Nancy replied with a question.

"Obviously I didn't know, I just said it to talk about something, but it seems that you just confirmed it to me" – I smiled.

"Well, I guess it's okay to tell you, I actually come from Unnova," Nancy said.

"From Unnova, what is someone from Unnova doing here?" – I asked curiously.

According to the game and its origin it would be logical that he was challenging the gyms of Teselia, so it seemed strange to me.

"I've always loved Kanto since I was little, and when I turned 16 and got my first Pokémon, I decided to start my Kanto adventure," Nancy explained.

"How long was that?" – I asked curiously.

"About 2 weeks" – he replied.

"2 weeks? Then you must have some medal already" – I said.

"This... I got lost when I got here and by chance I found a Phione, so I followed it out of curiosity and to catch it, but it seems that I am not very good at stealth, because whenever I found it she ran away from me, luckily I saw her several times in this area and decided to follow her in the hope of catching her, but... well you know what happened next," Nancy explained.

"Yes, but what I don't understand is what you do here, I mean you should have landed at the Saffron airport, I don't understand how you got here" – I said without understanding.

"Well, my mother insisted on accompanying me and before leaving for adventures we visited the shopping center and then the museum of Pewter City, my mother likes fossils very much, from there I started my trip, but well, I thought that the first gym was in Viridian City so I went directly there" – Nancy replied.

"Wait, wait, Viridian City is just south of Pewter City, how did you end up here? You should have gone through Viridian City" – I said confused.

"When I saw Phione I just chased her, she probably took a detour without realizing it," Nancy said almost in a whisper.

Worse I heard it.

"Hahahaha!" – I laughed.

"Don't laugh, it's not funny!" – Nancy said blushing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just that I found it kind of funny" – I said stopping my laughter.

"You're mean to me, I won't talk to you the rest of the way," Nancy said with a pout.

"Oh, I see, then I guess I won't invite you to the meal I had planned to invite you, what a pity, I'll have to have dinner alone with Pikachu" – I said with a sarcastic smile.

But this had the effect I expected and Nancy turned her head so fast that I don't know how she didn't break her neck.

"I'll forgive you this time, but don't do it again!" - said Nancy.

"Yes, yes" – I nodded.

Soon, the 10 minutes passed and we arrived at the entrance of Viridian City without incident, which is appreciated considering what happened to us before arriving.

"God, yes, I finally made it to Viridian City," Nancy said excitedly.

"You remember this isn't the first gym, do you?" – I said calmly.

"I didn't sigh for it! It's just that I had to camp the last few days and I'm glad I can get back to sleeping in a bed," Nancy explained.

As in the anime, the Pokémon Center acts as inns for trainers who are registered for the Indigo League, of course free of charge, so that was our goal, the Pokémon Center, there we could also have dinner and get a warm bed, we were all tired and it was already dark.

But just as we were halfway to the Pokémon Center according to the Rotom Dex, someone spoke to us.

"Stop, I don't see you coming from here!" – said someone.

We turned and without going into details it was about Officer Jenny, now that I remember the original Ash also met her on her trip to Viridian City, that's where the whole plot began with Jessie, James and Meowth, I wonder, will it happen to me too?

"We are certainly not from around here, we are aspirants of the Indigo League and we passed through here on our way to Pewter City" – I explained.

"It's true, we just want to rest, it's night and I'm hungry," Nancy complained.

"Show me your pokédex," said Agent Mara bluntly.

Without questioning we both took out our Rotom Dex, as a fact I will say that mine was red and Nancy's was pink.

Agent Mara looked at my Pokédex first and as far as I could see she gave an app that showed her my trainer card and did the same with Nancy.

"Well, forgive my suspicions it's just that members of Team Rocket have been sighted prowling the area and we wanted to rule out suspects," said Officer Mara apologetically.

Should I tell him where the trio of Team Rocket will appear for him to stop them? No, I always liked the plot that those 3 had, it's not that they are so bad or anything, just a little problematic, if they want to chase me that way, they will serve me to train my Pokémon as happened with the original Ash.

"I understand, well, if you excuse us," I said, starting to walk with Nancy beside me.

"Who are Team Rocket?" – Nancy asked once Agent Mara couldn't hear us.

"It's a gang of criminals who steal Pokémon in Kanto and Johto," I explained.

I didn't want to go into too much detail, so that little summary is fine.

"They are terrible, as I find them I will send them straight to the law!" – exclaimed Nancy angrily.

After putting on a forced smile, we continued on our way to the Pokémon Center.

Soon we arrived and I must say that it looks very similar to the video game with one exception, which is now real and is in front of my eyes.

We entered and saw few people, some waited on benches on the sides, others chatted happily and others waited somewhat impatiently, but we soon knew that it was because she was waiting for her Pokémon, because as soon as Nurse Joy appeared, thanked her, picked up her 3 Pokéball and left.

With that said, we approached the counter.

"Hello very good night you guys, do you want anything?" – asked nurse Joy politely.

"Good evening, I am Ash, this is my partner and friend Pikachu and this is my friend Nancy, we are looking for a room to sleep" – I said politely.

"Excuse me, but only Indigo League participants can have accommodations at the Pokémon Center," Nurse Joy apologized.

"Hehe, we know, we're actually signed up for the Indigo League, come on Ash, get out your Rotom Dex" – Nancy said.

We quickly both pulled out our Rotom Dex and showed Nurse Joy our coaching credentials.

"Give me a moment to check my database for your names, it's not personal, you can't imagine the amount of fake licenses we're getting lately, I hope you won't be offended," said nurse Joy as she typed something into the computer next to her.

"Don't worry it's understandable" – I nodded.

Nancy did too, and so did Pikachu.

"Let's go see, Ash and Nancy... yes, here they are, at the moment they do not have any registered medals but do not worry there is still a long way to go before the start of the Indigo League so do not be in a hurry" – smiled nurse Joy.

"Don't worry nurse, in a few days we will get our medals, it will be a piece of cake" – Nancy said proudly.

"I'm glad, by the way, before I take you to your rooms, do you want something to have for dinner and for us to cure your Pokémon?" – said nurse Joy.

"Ah, yes, just in case" – I nodded and pulled out Phione's Pokéball.

"Well, then I'll take advantage too," Nancy said, pulling out her only Pokéball.

"Since they come together and between the two of them they don't reach more than 6 Pokémon I will do them a favor and heal them at the same time if they don't care," said nurse Joy.

"Yes, better this way, plus I'm hungry and I'm sure the Pokémon too" – I nodded.

Then Nurse Joy took Pikachu, Phione, and whatever Nancy's Pokémon is, which, by the way, I didn't ask her.

"By the way, what initial did you get?" – I asked curiously.

"A Snivy, one of the starters Pokémon of the Unnova region," Nancy replied.

"Oh, a Snivy, I like that Pokemon, maybe I'll catch one in the future," I said with a smile.

"It better than not," Nancy said.

"Is there any reason why not?" – I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"I just want to challenge you without us having repeated Pokémon, otherwise it won't be fun, for me at least," Nancy explained.

I see, what he wants is to challenge me with different Pokémon without having the same ones, but anyway I did not plan to capture one, I have other thoughts for a plant-type Pokémon and Serperior does not enter my plans.

"Okay, but don't cry when I beat you," I nodded.

"Ha, you dream, I'll be the winner!" – Nancy said defiantly.

I just smiled and walked over to her.

"Q-What are you doing?" she asked nervously.

It was not for less because I put my face very close to her, a few centimeters more and our lips would touch, unfortunately it was not the time yet, but it will come soon.

"You're so beautiful Nancy..." – I said sincerely.

"H-Beautiful, me! " – Nancy said blushing.

Apparently it was working, this girl is slowly falling in love with me, it's amazing in Ash's natural charm, anyway, before I could say anything else, someone spoke.

"Ehem, I'm sorry to interrupt your couple time, but here you have your Pokémon, fully recovered," said nurse Joy, somewhat uncomfortable at interrupting the moment.

"He's not my boyfriend!" exclaimed Nancy and went to a table a little away from there.

That's right, in the Pokémon Center there was a small restaurant with a few tables, few, but there were some.

"I'm sorry I said something inappropriate," apologized Nurse Joy.

"It's okay, it's just that she's kind of shy," I smiled.

"I won't intrude on each other anymore, anyway, we are somewhat short of rooms, many novice coaches are staying and we only have one room left, the good thing is that there are two bunk beds so you will not have to share a bed" – explained nurse Joy.

"No problem" – I said calmly.

"Okay, I'll serve them dinner and show them their room," Nurse Joy nodded.

I nodded and went to the table Nancy had sat at and without saying anything pulled Phione out of my Pokéball.

"Phi!" - Phione said while giving me a hug.

"I'm glad to see you too, I'm sorry I didn't take you out sooner" – I said with a smile.

"¡Phi!" – dijo Phione.

"So that's Phione... anyway, come out Snivy, let's have dinner" – Nancy said taking her Snivy out of her Pokéball.

"Sni!" said Snivy, giving Nancy a hug.

"You seem to get along very well" – I smiled as I put Phione and Pikachu on my lap and stroked their heads.

They smiled letting it be known that they loved it.

"Of course, we're best friends!" Nancy nodded.

"Sni!" – Snivy nodded.

Soon, dinner arrived, each Pokémon received its respective meal and Nancy and I enjoyed a steak of Tauros, according to Nurse Joy, with chips.

The food was great, to tell the truth the Taurus steak tastes a lot like beef but I liked it, having said this Phione and Snivy returned to their Pokéball to sleep and I, Nancy and Pikachu went to the room to sleep.

"Surely you don't mind sharing a room?" – I asked as I waited outside the room.

The reason is because he was changing into pajamas, I for my part and taking advantage of the fact that I did not see anyone I changed my pajamas in the hallway.

"No, plus there's only one room and I wasn't going to leave you out at night especially knowing that Team Rocket is hanging around," Nancy said.

So I'm the one staying out anyway? By the way, speaking of Team Rocket, they are supposed to have appeared already, could it be that there are no Jessie, James and Meowth, or do they simply not target Viridian City as in the original? But according to Officer Jenny they had seen each other near here, mmm... Anyway better, I guess.

After Nancy changed, I went in and we went to sleep after talking for a while about our plans for tomorrow, by the way, Pikachu fell asleep instantly, I guess although Nurse Joy healed him, the emotions he experienced today tired him mentally too.

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.