
Chapter 19- The World

The World


It seems the world is bigger than I had previously seen in the Anime show, I don't know what to expect. This world which have monster that can reach 10 feet just by training more or evolving in secret has a long history with it.

My travel in Sinnoh has given me many many surprises, though I had travelled this land previously I wasn't searching for anything just for curiosity but now I can finally see this world wonder.

According to this world history, there will be a huge meteor shower every 1000 years and the next event is to take place in between the next 2- 10 years.

Meaning in the next 2 to 10 years there will be hundreds of Meteor shower all over the world. There are many life form that are created due to these events, such a Lunatone, Solrock, Clefairy, and other many pokemon with unknown origin, who are possibly Alien life forms.

In my travel I saw many pokemons which I have seen in my region but maybe due to different environment I saw there are more than 60% pokemon that acts differently here than in Kanto.

I am currently searching for Mew and information regarding the 4 Origin pokemons. Though other regions have sightings of Dialga, Palkia and Giratina, this region is the only place that worship all 4 of this pokemon.

Dialga - The Pokemon of Time, Palkia - The Pokemon of Space and Giratina - The Pokemon of Anti-matter, and Finally the Arceus- The God of this world.

Among the different region such as Kanto, Johto, Hoen, Unova and Sinnoh, the most important and mysterious is still Sinnoh and Kanto region.

Sinnoh has housed many strong legendary pokemon and some are even born here whereas Kanto has created a harmony between pokemon and Trainer as the foundation.

The 3 Legendary Trios of Johto who are Raikou, Suicune, and Entei are said to be given life/rebirth after they were killed in Brass Tower in Ecruteak City by Ho-oh.

I have conducted many researches on Raikou scanning his DNA and there is 80% similarity with the pokemon Luxray a Dark and Electric type pokemon.

I have a hypothesis that they were forced evolve from different pokemon by Ho-oh when he revived them from the death. Entei who is said to be born from a volcano has 80% chance of having been resurrected from a Arcanine, Raikou from Luxray and Suicune from Swampert.

So there exists a huge possibility that when a pokemon reach a certain evolution they can forcefully evolve a bloodline by using their Primal Energy which a legendary pokemon are being born with.

I am searching to solve this world, which is giving me more questions than answer, I have even had some theories that there are many other Verse/ dimension in this world and I am in just one of them.


In my travel to find legendary I searched and visit many places, copied and integrated with many people and now I am in a Dark Mansion located in Bewilder Forest where there have been sighting of a powerful Ghost/Dark pokemon.

After entering and sending my Gengar to search for this pokemon I extended my Chakra to search for any abnormalities.

After 2 minutes I felt a chill that came from my body, not trough the temperature of the room. Looking around I saw a a white Scarf floating in the room.

Extending my chakra I saw the pokemon that exited me, finally I found a perfect pokemon that can capture Mew for me.

Looking at the pitch black pokemon that had a startling appearance as a Soul reaper with Gray eyes, a red scarf like object covering his mouth and a white scarf like floating hair. Looking at it I knew this pokemon is a Shinigami/ Soul Reaper of this world.

Even with my Chakra I am having trouble keeping up my logical thinking instead of running as fast as I can.

As we were staring at each other, my Gengar appeared in front of this pokemon and started to smile in a creepy way.

Getting out of my though I said "Darkrai its seems like fate has given me a chance to catch you and you can bet that I won't play around like I did with other legendary before you."

Darkrai stared at me in same silence. Giving my Gengar a look who was preparing for fight I released my Metagross and Lucario from their pokeball.

Looking at the newly appearing pokemon, Gengar turned to me sending its telepathic message that it wanted to fight it alone. Seeing the situation I said to my 2 Chakra pokemon "Make sure he don't escape, I won't accept failure in this case."

Letting Metagross and Lucario to be ready if Darkrai tries to escape I said "Gengar prepare for battle."

Darkrai seeing my action also started to get in battle position, knowing I won't be easy as the other trainers.

"Gengar start with Focus and Mediate."

Darkrai seeing his opponent wasn't attacking started to use Dark Pulse, Sending a beam of dark light toward Gengar who was mediating.

"Gengar dodge using Agility." Dark are super effective against a Ghost type so there was a massive type disadvantage against my pokemon.

Go in front o him and use Brick break and follow it with Thunder punch" Gengar following my command disappeared and appeared in front of Darkrai and used Brick break in his face, after hitting it Gengar did a flip and using his body weight send a Thunder punch in the same spot.

Darkrai was send flying but stopped looking at Gengar in anger; it quickly materialized 3 shadow ball and approached Gengar using payback.

Gengar send your own Shadow ball and use cross chop." Darkrai attack was stopped by Gengar own shadow ball, but when he tried to use cross chop, Darkrai use payback sending Gengar nearly KO.

Payback does double damage if the opponent has attacked before using it and is a dark type move. If it was a normal pokemon even without type disadvantage this would have made sure that the pokemon wouldn't have gotten up.

Gengar stood up after difficulty, I said "Use Rest."

Gengar stating to sleep where as Darkrai started to move toward Gengar preparing a Throat Chop a Dark move.

When he was near Gengar, I said "Use Sleep talk and Supersonic."

Gengar still in rest opened his mouth and send a massive sonic wave all around her, sending Darkrai flying.

"Now wake up, and use teleport behind Darkrai using foresight and use Close Combat."

Gengar disappeared and appeared in the backside of still dazed Darkrai using foresight she took all the possible moves he might take and use Close combat.

Normal Gengar though are strong most don't learn Fighting moves but Dark types are their only weakness so it taught her fighting moves to be used in different situation and won't have many disadvantage when fighting pokemon with type advantage against her.

Gengar send massive amount of punch and kicks toward Darkrai and sometime even used some Electric moves mixed in the fighting Type.

After ending the Close Combat combo, a badly bruised and paralyzed Darkrai appeared in front of me, but it still had fire in its eyes.

Knowing this match will cause more problem than necessary I said to Lucario "Lucario use Bone Rush Close Combat."

Lucario jumped from Metagross head and landed in front of Darkrai who was still breating heavely and using his Bone Staff that materialized in his hand he send rapid attack toward Darkrai.

The Darkrai was unable to get up after that, whereas I send my Ultra Ball toward the Injured Pokemon, capturing it in the process.

According to the legend Darkrai is a black, shadow-like Pokémon. It has a small head with a white fog-like ghostly plume billowing from its head covering one of its bright blue eyes, with the portion on its face resembling hair. It also has a red spiky growth around its neck. It has skinny arms and long black tatters hanging from its shoulders. It also has black, claw-like hands. It has the slight appearance of an hourglass figure and appears to be wearing an old, ripped cloak. It normally does not have any sort of legs, but it is able to extend stilt-like appendages in their place. In self-defense, Darkrai can retract its head and white "plume" into the pit atop its torso fringed by the aforementioned red growth.

Lucario joined the battle not because Gengar was going to lose, this battle will continue to a peak state and I can say Gengar can win but will be seriously injured and need of a doctor after that. I don't have time to send him to his treatment so I just ended the battle. They can continue their battle when he is in my team.

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There will be 4 chapters per week.

2/4 chapter complete.

Plutoniumcreators' thoughts