
Pokemon! The real deal!

Meet Kai, A Pokemon fan who got a little more than he bargained for when he loaded up his old save file from Heart gold. Finding that he had been sucked into the game its self, waking up in the world of Pokemon to begin his adventure and become the very best! If you enjoy my work and want more to do with Pokemon, check out my Patreon channel! https://www.patreon.com/lavalord115

Lavalord115 · Komik
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22 Chs

Chapter 20: The journey continues!

Kai boarded the train, which was now returning to Newbark town. He was fortunate not to have to travel all the way back there since Mr Pokemon himself had given him a ticket, which allowed him to save a lot of time.

Still, it meant that he had to part ways with Ethan, knowing that without his help at the start of his journey, he would have ended up in god knows where being very thankful for having him tag along.

Ding dong- The train will soon be arriving at Newbark town station. The voice on the train said, letting the passengers know.

"Here's my stop," Kai said as he stood up from his seat, holding onto the top so he didn't fall over due to the train stopping, making sure to keep a tight grip of the package.

Kai hopped off the train and onto the platform with all of the other people, not being able to help people watching as all kinds went about their business.

The train station was also filled with Pokemon walking around freely with their trainers, clearly, people coming home or visiting, spotting many different types of Pokemon, some even not native to the Johto region.

Kai followed the crowd out of the train station and into the town. It helped that the train station was located in the town centre where he had been shopping before earlier in his adventure with Lyra.

It had now been around two weeks since Kai had left Newbark town and said his goodbyes to her, and he couldn't help wondering what she was up to and if she was well, knowing it would be fun to see her again.

Kai made his way through town toward the Professor's lab, making sure to keep the package safe in his hands, already knowing that it was a Pokemon egg.

"Here it is," Kai said as he finally reached the lab, seeing that it was only late in the afternoon, taking hardly any time at all using the train to get around.

Kai walked over to the door and rang the bell waiting for someone to answer the door.

"Hello?" One of the professor's aid asked as they answered the door before recognizing him.

"Ah, Kai. The professor has been expecting you!" The woman said, opening the door fully for him to come in.

Kai accepted her invitation and walked into the professor's lab.

"This way." The woman said after she closed the door and proceeded to lead the way.

Kai followed her into the main lab where he could see Professor Elm working on some strange-looking machinery.

"Professor, Kai has arrived with the package." The aid said, trying to get his attention.

However, the professor was so lost in his work he failed to hear her.

"I said, KAI IS HERE WITH YOUR PACKAGE!" She said again, this time raising her voice so he could hear her.

Professor Elm almost jumped out of his skin before he turned around with a sheepish look on his face.

"Sorry, I was doing it again wasn't I?" Elm said, still rubbing his head.

"Yes, well I will leave you to it, professor." His aid said, not looking impressed before she walked away with her arms folded over her chest.

"Kai! You made it alright I see?" Elm asked while walking over to him.

"Yes, thank you, professor," Kai said.

"I take it this is the package you collect from Mr Pokemon for me?" He asked, seeing the large box Kai was holding.

Kai nodded before handing it over to the professor who had a very excited look on his face.

"Amazing..." Elm said as he placed the box down on the table and opened the lid to see the egg.

Kai watched as he fussed over the egg, taking notes of the patterns and examining the shape and size too.

Kai could see he was talking to himself while doing so and decided to leave him to it for a moment.

"Incredible!" He suddenly yelled.

"Here, watch look at this." He then said, getting Kai to come closer.

"See, Kai. I have been studying the mystery of Pokemon eggs for a while now. Each egg is completely different from the others you see, even if hatched from the same Pokemon. Very similar to how each of us is different in our mother's wombs." He said, going into detail.

"But you see, I have been working on a machine that will allow us to study the process of creation from inside of a Pokemon egg, even allowing us to edit certain traits and make a Pokemon stronger. But also cut the hatching time down to only a fraction of what it would normally take." The professor said, explaining what he was working on.

Kai was impressed, never remembering something like this in the game or anime.

"So you can alter a Pokemon before it is even born, what do you mean professor?" Kai asked.

"Hmm... How do I put it in simple terms." Elm said taking a moment to think about it.

"Let's see... If we were to take five Pokemon eggs hatched from the same Pokemon, each Pokemon that was produced would be completely different, having different traits, genders and even abilities. It's like a lottery, you never know what you are going to get." He said.

"Now with this machine, we could change all of that, giving the Pokemon the best of everything and even eliminating weakness or genetic illness that could have been passed on from their parents. Resulting in a stronger and more healthy Pokemon." Elm said.

"So you could edit the Pokemon to your liking?" Kai said.

"In a word yes..." Elm said.

"Isn't that dangerous professor?" Kai asked, knowing that if team rocket were able to get their hands on this technology then it could spell disaster.

"In the wrong hands yes. However, my research is purely to help make Pokemon stronger and healthy, more so than ever before, resulting in longer life spans and eliminating illness." Elm said.

Kai could understand the good that his invention could do, knowing he was doing it for all of the right reasons.

"That really is amazing professor," Kai said with a big smile.

"Thank you, Kai. The machine is almost ready for its first test run, which is why I requested a fresh Pokemon egg like this one from Mr Pokemon, who is an expert on Pokemon breeding." Elm said.

"I see," Kai said, happy that he could help.

"I want to thank you again, Kai. This has been a huge help to me." Elm said, flashing a big smile at him.

"Please, it was the least I could do for you to give me a Pokemon," Kai said, returning his smile.

"Yes, and how is that Sandshrew of yours doing?" Elm asked.

"Sandshrew is great, I was also able to catch two other Pokemon on my adventure, and now I even have the Totodile that Silver stole from you." Kai said.

"Yes, I was pleased to hear you were able to rescue little Totodile from that thief. It will be much better off in your care." The professor said with a grin.

"So what now, Kai? What will you do?" Elm asked, wondering what Kai's plans were.

Kai took a moment to think before he answered.

"I want to take on the gym challenges and challenge the Pokemon league. Professor Oak also gave me a Pokedex, so I want to travel as much as I can and meet every Pokemon there is to see." Kai said with conviction.

Professor Elm nodded his head with a smile.

"That sounds like an excellent dream. Tell you what, Kai, how about any Pokemon you catch and don't have room for in your party, feel free to send them on over to my lab. I would be more than happy to look after them for you." Elm said, placing his hands on his hips.

Kai had to admit, that was something he hadn't thought about, not even thinking where he would send his Pokemon once he caught more than six.

"Thank you, professor," Kai said.

"I have a feeling you are going to do great things here young man. I just know it."

Kai nodded his head, knowing that he wanted to do everything he could in this world filled with Pokemon, not leaving any stone unturned.

"Oh gosh, is that the time!" Elm suddenly yelled seeing the clock on the wall.

"I'm afraid I have to go, I have an important phone call to make and it can't wait. Please make sure you are careful on your adventure Kai, oh and if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me and ask." The professor said, rushing around to get some of his paperwork and notes.

"Oh, and the first gym you should head to is in Violet City. That will be a great starting point for you and your Pokemon. Now have a safe trip!" Elm said as he ran off out of the lab, leaving Kai alone as he waved goodbye.

That guy never stops... Kai thought before he laughed it off.

He could see that the time had gone rather fast, being seven at night now.

"I guess I had better head to the Pokemon Centre and get a room before it gets too late," Kai said to himself before walking out of the lab and onto the street.

Kai took one last look at the Pokemon lab before he started walking back toward the town centre.

I still can't believe it has only been two weeks since I arrived here and got my first Pokemon... He thought, still finding it a little crazy that all of this was real.

Still, I'm going to give this new life everything I have and do my best! Starting tomorrow I can catch another train back to Cherrygrove city and make my way from there.

"Look out Violet city gym, I'm coming for you!"