
Pokemon! The real deal!

Meet Kai, A Pokemon fan who got a little more than he bargained for when he loaded up his old save file from Heart gold. Finding that he had been sucked into the game its self, waking up in the world of Pokemon to begin his adventure and become the very best! If you enjoy my work and want more to do with Pokemon, check out my Patreon channel! https://www.patreon.com/lavalord115

Lavalord115 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 19: Mr Pokemon and his guest.

With their victory over the rocket grunts, both Kai and Ethan had made it to the Pokemon centre by the pier, heading over to heal their Pokemon before making their report to the police.

However, getting through to them was easier said than done, with them being so busy and getting numerous reports about the sitting of the grunts. Still, Kai and Ethan did their job by giving their statement and could now go back to their original task.

Both of them could also see how much quieter this Pokemon centre was compared to the main one in the city centre, making sure to put their name down on a room for the night while they could.

Ethan was still a little pissed that they had let the rocket grunts getaway. But still, they had given them a nugget which would fetch them a high price of 5000 PK$ meaning 2500 each.

Kai made his way over to the telephones and dialled the professor's number so he could speak to him and report that he had made it to Cherrygrove City.

"Is that you, Kai? What you have finally arrived in Cherrygrove city? Excellent!" The professor said while he tended to his work, never seeming to take a break.

"Ok, Mr Pokemon said he would be staying in a cabin just on the outskirts of the city past Route 31." Professor Elm said.

"Here, I will send the coordinates to your Pokegear so you can see it on your map." He then said.

"Anyway, once you meet up with him and have the package, make sure to give me a call ok?" Elm said, seeming to become a little more serious than usual.

"Not a problem professor," Kai said with a nod of his head.

"Excellent, I look forward to hearing from you soon, Kai. Safe trip." He then said, cutting the call a little short seeming to be busy as always.

"Was that the professor?" Ethan asked as he walked over to Kai.

"Yeah, but you just missed him," Kai said.

"Sounds about right," Ethan said with a sigh.

"He is always so busy, I swear he doesn't even sleep," Ethan said again.

Kai's Pokegear beeped alerting him to a message he had received before he opened it.

"Here are the directions to where Mr Pokemon is staying. Looks like it's not far from the city." Kai said, getting a nod from Ethan as he looked at the map too.

"Hmm, looks like it is still half a day's walk from here," Ethan said.

"Wait here, I have an idea," Kai said, deciding to walk over to the desk and ask nurse Joy and leave Ethan in the dark.

"Well, that certainly was a better idea than walking," Ethan said, with both of them now finding themselves on a bus that was leaving the city.

"The fair was so cheap too," Kai said, looking at the bus routes that went around and outside of the city.

"This was we will get there with plenty of time to spare," Ethan said, looking at the map on his Pokegear.

"Yeah," Kai said thinking the same thing while studying his trainer card.

So far with the added bonus of selling the nugget they had won from the rocket grunts, Kai found himself with around 5000pk$ to his name. Never mind the piece of amberight that they had been given for helping save the Donphan, being told it was worth a whopping 20K.

With all of that to his name, he would be able to buy so new gear for himself and his Pokemon, along with plenty of food and even a treat for himself.

"Here's our stop," Ethan said, bringing him away from his thoughts and back to the real world.

Both Kai and Ethan hopped off of the bus onto the path seeing they had arrived at route 31, being only a ten to fifteen minutes walk away from the place Mr Pokemon was staying in.

"The map is saying to head this way," Kai said, following one of the paths that led toward a large field that was overlooked by a small hillside and a beautiful lake.

"Oh hey, looking like the sign here is saying there is a lodge by the lake," Ethan said while he read the sign, putting two and two together.

"Let's get moving then," Kai said, closing his Pokegear and putting it back into his pocket.

Both of them continued to follow the path as they got closer to the lake, taking in the beautiful sight as the sun's rays reflected off of the water while Pokemon splashed and swam around in the water.

"There it is, Kai," Ethan said, pointing over to the lodge as it came into view.

Kai nodded his head and carried on walking, wanting to get there as quickly as possible, finally reaching his first goal.

The two of them finally reached the building and stood in front of the door before Kai knocked, waiting for a response.

A moment later the door opened slowly revealing an elder man wearing a suit and tie complete with a hat.

"Yes, may I help you?" He asked looking both Kai and Ethan up and down.

"Mr Pokemon?" Kai asked, getting the mans attention.

"I take it you must be Kai." He then said with a smile.

"Professor Elm told me you would be along at some point." He said as he opened the door fully. "Please come in." He said as he did.

Kai and Ethan accepted his invitation and walked into the lodge, taking in the beautiful décor and interior.

"We have guests professor." Mr Pokemon said, speaking to another who was not Kai or Ethan.

"Is that so?" A familiar voice said, causing Kai to think he had heard it before.

"Please, allow me to introduce Professor Oak, from Pallet town in the Kanto region." Mr Pokemon said making the introductions.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both. Professor Elm has told me a lot about you two." He said, getting up to greet them both properly.

Kai was shocked. A little lost for words even as he came face to face with the one and only professor Oak. The most famous Pokemon professor in all of the franchise.

"P-Pleased to meet you, professor." Kai finally said, struggling to get his words out.

"Wow, from the Kanto region. I think I saw you on TV not long ago professor." Ethan said.

"Yes well, I try not to make an appearance as much these days." He said, scratching the side of his head with a grin on his face.

"Anyway. It would seem that you have arrived just in time." Mr Pokemon said, sitting back down at the table he and Professor Oak had been sitting at.

"Now Professor Elm said I would be able to entrust this parcel to you and that you would deliver it to him in person, yes?" He then asked.

"That's correct," Kai said.

"Excellent." Mr Pokemon said before he placed what looked like a Pokemon egg onto the table, causing both Kai and Ethan to study it.

"This is a rare Pokemon egg that I have been studying with the help of Professor Oak here. However, professor Elm is the leading expert in all things to do with Pokemon eggs. So I would like him to take a look at it. However, he told me he was unable to make the trip, but said he would be able to have someone fetch it for him so he could study it more in his lab."

"I understand it has taken you over a week to get here on foot coming from Newbark town. However, I believe this will make things a little easier for you on the journey back." Mr Pokemon said, taking out a train ticket from his pocket before handing it over to Kai.

"Hey look that's a train ticket, with that you will be back in Newbark town in a matter of hours rather than days," Ethan said with a smile on his face.

"Yes, there really is no time to waste so we wanted to make sure that you could deliver the package to Professor Elm as soon as possible." Professor Oak said.

"But, I'm sure your adventure here was not waste. I hope you were both able to record lots of Pokemon into your Pokedex and catch some along the way." Oak then said with a smile.

"I did professor. But I'm afraid Kia here doesn't have a Pokedex just yet." Ethan said.

"Is that right?" Oak asked, not seeming happy about it before he crossed his arms over his chest.

"That will not do. We can't have a promising young trainer like you travelling around without a Pokedex." He then said before he reached into his coat pocket.

"It just so happens that I have a spare here with me. I never leave the lab without one." He said with a laugh.

"Please, take it."

Kai was shocked, feeling as if he should refuse the offer.

"Here, please have it. After all, I was the one who invented it for young trainers such as yourselves to discover and record as much about Pokemon as you can. It is only waste on me, besides I have plenty more where that came from." Oak said, practically putting it in Kai's hand.

"T-Thank you, professor," Kai said, being forced to take it off of him.

"Please don't mention it. However, I am surprised that Professor Elm didn't give you one himself.

"Wow, Kai look you finally got your own Pokedex!" Ethan said in excitement, taking a good look at it in Kai's hand.

"It's one of the newer models too." He then said, feeling a little jealous.

"If you insert your trainer card into the back there, it will automatically update your information each time you discover and catch a Pokemon. It also had many other features too. But I will let you play with it to get the hang of them yourself." Oak said with a smile as he explained it to Kai.

Kai placed his trainer card into his Pokedex and watched as it recorded all of his and his Pokemon's information, including their moves and abilities, as well as giving him access to more information on the Pokemon themselves that Kai had not known about before.

"Amazing..." Kai said, taking only a quick look before he put it away, not wanting to seem rude.

"Excellent. Now that we have cleared that up I believe I can trust you to deliver this to Professor Elm." Mr Pokemon said as he handed over the Pokemon egg in a special carry case that would keep it safe.

Kai took the case and nodded to Mr Pokemon and Professor Oak.

"I won't let you down." He said, getting a smile from both of them.

"Excellent. Have a safe trip." Oak said flashing them both a smile.

With that Kai and Ethan bid farewell to Mr Pokemon and Professor Oak, heading back toward the bus stop that would take them back to Cherrygrove City.

"I can't believe you got your own Pokemon from Professor Oak too!" Ethan said, still a little excited over the fact.

"I know. I didn't expect it either." Kai said, taking another look at his new device.

"You should test it out." Ethan then said, trying to think of a way to do so.

Just as he had started thinking about it a wild Spearow landed not ten feet from them as it pecked at some bread crumbs on the ground.

"Perfect! Kai quick point your Pokedex at that Spearow!" Ethan yelled, causing Kai to almost tumble the Pokedex in his hands before he got a good grip on it and aimed it at the small flying-type Pokemon.

"Spearow. The small bird Pokemon. Spearow is very protective of its territory, it flaps its short wings busily to dart around at high speed." The Pokedex said after a moment.

"Nice," Kai said, seeing some more additional information pop up on the screen of the Pokedex, including the Spearow's current move set and its strengths.

"Well, that certainly makes things easier," Kai said, looking up at the Pokemon before it noticed him and flew away.

"See, much better than having to deal with everything yourself. It's like you were almost blind before and now you can see." Ethan said, coming up with a good analogy for it.

The next bus pulled in at the stop not long after and the two of them hopped onto it to catch a ride back to the city, making good time and arriving back in the city for mid-afternoon.

"So what's the plan, Kai?" Ethan asked as they found themselves walking through the city again.

Kai knew that he only had one train ticket and that Ethan would not be able to come with him back to Newbark town.

"I guess I should catch a train back to Newbark as soon as I can," Kai said.

"Yeah, professor Elm with be waiting for you once you get back." Ethan said, knowing what he was like.

"How about you?" Kai asked.

Ethan smiled before he answered.

"I'm going to head toward Violet City where I will be able to challenge the gym leader," Ethan said with confidence.

Kai nodded, having no doubt that he would become much stronger.

"Well you had better get a head start on me while you can, Ethan," Kai said getting his attention.

"Because once I have delivered this to Professor Elm, I will be hot on your tails." Kai then said, getting a smile from Ethan.

"Yeah, I have no doubt about that," Ethan said, extending his hand toward Kai.

Kai smiled and took it, forming a friendship packed between the two of them, feeling that he had made a friend for life.

"You had better get going, you don't want to miss your train," Ethan said after a moment getting a nod from Kai.

"Yeah," Kai said saying his final goodbye to Ethan.

"Oh, and Kai..." Ethan said, getting his attention one last time.

"The next time we meet. I want to battle with you to see how strong we have become." Ethan said, looking into Kai's eyes with a burning rivalry.

"I wouldn't have it any other way,"


Thats the end of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it!