
Pokémon: Wait, where am I?

A boy named Finn gets sent into the world of Pokémon with no memory of who he is besides his name.

Hunter_ · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs


The group has spent two days traveling and have just made it to Violet City. Emelia and Michael have verified their IDs so now they may challenge any gym leader. Finn didn't do this because he was exhausted after everything he did at the Icy Cave and was asleep in their hotel room.

Finn "With everything that happened recently I feel like it's time for some team training. I personally will be exploring Violet City but I want you two to work together on training since you both will be challenging Falkner tomorrow." Finn then walks off to explore Violet City. "First things first, lets check out the gym." Finn says looking at Zubat. "Then after that we will get some food. How does that sound?" Zubat eagerly shakes his head. Finn then rubs his head for comfort.

Finn walks around town looking for the gym instead of asking for directions because that's no fun. He then sees the tower like building with a stadium on top and decides to go in. Finn walks in to see a reception desk and walks up to it. "Hi, is this the Violet City gym?" The receptionist responds to his question. "Yes this is the gym. Are you a challenger?" Finn waves his hands. "Oh no, I'm not a challenger but can I schedule two challengers for tomorrow?" The receptionist responds with a sad face. "Unfortunately only the gym leader can approve gym challenges and he is battling right now." Finn smiles at her. "That's ok. I'll go see him myself." After he said that he went up to the stadium using the elevator.

When Finn reaches the top the door opens and he sees a Dodrio get hit with Thunder from a Pikachu. Finn looks to the person who is challenging Falkner and recognizes him immediately as Ash Ketchum. (So I am in the anime after all. This will get very interesting.) He looks to the stands and sees two familiar faces as well in Brock and Misty. He then heads up there and sits next to them.

Finn "Let me just say what a pleasure it is to meet not one but two gym leaders from Kanto." Misty immediately starts smiling and puts her hand under her chin and poses, meanwhile Brock stands up and extends his arm out to shake his hand. Finn returns the gesture and shakes Brock's hand. "My name is Finn. You guys might actually know of me as well." Misty asks confused. "What do you mean by might?"

Finn looks towards Misty. "Did you guys watch or hear about Jasmine versus Lance?" Brock thinks about the battle that they watched on a TV in the Cherrygrove City Pokémon Center. "I remember a great battle and then it ended horribly as a fan ran in to protect the gym leader then got hit by a Dragon Pulse and was hospitalized." Finn points to himself. "That was me, and I was hospitalized and unconscious for three days. I'm all good now so don't worry about it."

At the same time that Brock, Misty, and Finn were talking about Finn, Pikachu lost to Pidgeot. Now Ash sends out Charizard to battle Pidgeot. After battling for three minutes Charizard hits Pidgeot with Fire Spin then grabs it for Seismic Toss and gets the victory. Ash after winning the battle grabs his badge and celebrates how he always does. Finn annoyed by this walks right in front of Ash getting his attention but keeps walking to talk to Falkner.

Ash looks at Finn with a confused demeanor and asks Brock and Misty. "Who's that guy?" Brock tells Ash that he was the one who got injured at the Jasmine versus Lance match. "Wait... Really?" Ash then walks up to Finn before he can talk to Falkner. "Hi, my name is Ash Ketchum.." Finn turns around and cuts him off "Look. Don't take this the wrong way but not right now. We can do introductions later over dinner if you guys are cool with that?"

Finn then turns around to talk to Falkner. "Just to let you know, you have two gym battles tomorrow. See you in the morning." Finn starts to walk away. "I don't know who you are but if that's what you want then I'll battle you tomorrow." Finn stops and turns around with a smile. "I won't be the one challenging you tomorrow. You aren't worth my time, but if you can beat my two friends then I'll battle you." Falkner now looking visibly upset speaks louder before Finn goes into the elevator. "I look forward to crushing your friends and then picking apart your ego." After that the elevator doors shut with Finn, Ash, Brock, and Misty.

Ash speaks up while they are still in the elevator. "Are your friends that strong?" Ash says looking giddy. "To be honest, they are pretty good for beginners. Even you would have a tough battle against each of them." Ash looks intently at Finn from a foot away. "How about we go meet your friends and invite them to dinner with us." Says Brock to release the tension in the elevator. Finn replies with a smile on his face. "That works for me. I told them to train for their battle with Falkner tomorrow. So if we hurry you can watch them train for yourself Ash."

As soon as the doors open Ash and Pikachu run out of the gym and immediately turn right. Finn casually walks out of the gym and waits for a little bit before telling Ash that he ran in the complete wrong way. Zubat starts giggling at Ash being a fool. The group of four walk for twenty minutes before reaching the area Emelia and Michael were using for battles but when Finn gets there no body is there. "Seems they aren't here. Oh well. Lets get some food, right Zubat?" Finn proceed to rub Zubat's head. "What restaurants are around here?" Finn asks Brock. "I believe there is a McDewgong down the road." Finn looks at Brock very confused. "A what...?"