
Pokémon: Wait, where am I?

A boy named Finn gets sent into the world of Pokémon with no memory of who he is besides his name.

Hunter_ · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Prepare for trouble...

Finn, Emelia, and Michael all line up with their Pokémon in a line ready to fight this Mamoswine. "Lets go! Ace your goal is to slip in Quick Attacks when it's not looking and we are going to try and make it unable to charge anymore so target the front legs and the face. Michael I want you to do the same thing with Shinx and Starly. I know they have disadvantage against it but just try not to get hit with their weaknesses respectfully. Emelia, you guys are the main damage force. Keep your space with Cyndaquil and try to hit Embers from a far. Teddiursa your goal is to protect Cyndaquil at all costs ok?" Teddiursa nods it's head and stands in between Mamoswine and Cyndaquil.

Eevee immediately runs off and smacks Mamoswine with a heavy Quick Attack under the eye again causing it's right eye to be swelling and slowly closing. Shinx and Starly one after the other tackle Mamoswine in the right leg causing some minor bruising. Cyndaquil starts raining down Embers landing on it's right side as well. Since Mamoswine is so big and already slow as is, it can't turn as fast to attack the faster Pokémon so it charges slower but it still has most of it's power behind it towards Cyndaquil after it realizes that it is doing the most damage to it.

Teddiursa seeing that Mamoswine is charging at Cyndaquil, gets in front of it and hits it with Feint Attack. Mamoswine slows down but doesn't stop all the way and hits Cyndaquil with Takedown and then runs into the wall behind it taking damage. Mamoswine seems ready to charge again but suddenly stops in it's tracks.

Guy "Mamoswine stop!"

Girl "You guys have done it now! Y'all are in trouble."

Two people are standing on a slight ledge talking before the guy jumps off. They are both wearing matching black outfits with a red R on their chests.

Guy "Speaking of trouble."

Girl " Prepare for trouble..."

Guy "...and make it double!"

Both: Here's our mission, so you better listen!"

Girl "To infect the world with devastation!"

Guy "To blight all people in every nation!"

Girl "To denounce the goodness of truth and love!"

Guy "To extend our wrath to the stars above!"

Cassidy "Cassidy!"

Butch "And Butch, of course!"

Cassidy "We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night."

Butch "Surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight!"

Finn executes a flawless facepalm and thinks (There's no way this is actually happening. As long as I don't meet him, I can't be one hundred percent sure of what is going on.) "Go away while you have the chance. I'm NOT in a good mood." said Finn in an agitated tone.

Cassidy "Look kid. Just give us your Pokémon and you and your friends can go home safe to your parents." After that Cassidy throws out her Hitmontop and Butch sends out his Shuckle

Both Michael and Emelia feel a chill down there spine. Michael knowing what this chill is looks at Emelia. "EMELIA. Take 20 steps backwards now!" Emelia looks at Michael confused "Why do I need to step backwards?" Emelia then looks at Finn and can feel a stone cold pressure coming from him. "You know... I might take you up on that offer."

Finn then with furious eyes looks at Cassidy. "I'm going to tell you how this is going to go. First Michael and Emelia are going to beat Mamoswine and then Ace is going to beat both of your Pokémon. After that I'm going to jump up there and make Butch eat my fist then I'm going to plant your face into the ground Cassidy!"

Finn walks over to Emelia and hands her his jacket with Zubat inside. He doesn't say a word then looks at Cassidy again.

Cassidy "Mamoswine use Takedown NOW!"

Mamoswine starts to charge at Finn. Finn stands still and awaits Mamoswine to get close. Emelia starts yelling "Finn move out of the way! Don't be reckless!" Finn turns to her and smiles. He then turns back around as Mamoswine is mere feet from him. Finn moves out of the way at what looked like lightspeed to everyone watching and Mamoswine runs face first into a giant rock and makes it stubble. Michael seeing his chance "Shinx and Starly use Tackle on both sides of it's head." Both Pokémon rush to Mamoswine and bash it simultaneously.

Following in his lead Emelia has her Teddiursa follow up with a Feint Attack to the top of it's head. Cyndaquil still down after the attack it took starts to get up. "Come on Cyndaquil I believe in you. I know you can do it." Cyndaquil gets to it's feet and starts yelling. Then Cyndaquil starts glowing white as if a flashbang went off in the cave. The bright light finally fades and Cyndaquil is no more but Quilava stands ready to battle.

Emelia "Quilava you evolved! I'm so proud of you. Lets get that Mamoswine. Run up to it with Quick Attack and then use Ember right in it's face." Quilava sprints over and bashes it as hard as possible and then lets loose the strongest Ember he has ever done knocking out Mamoswine.

While all that was happening Eevee has been battling Hitmontop and Shuckle. Butch has had Shuckle use Shell Smash twice and now has the strength of Mamoswine. Shuckle goes in for a Bug Bite on Eevee but hasn't been able to hit one attack yet. At the same time Hitmontop has used Triple Kick and narrowly misses Eevee. "Ace use Hitmontop to gain momentum." Eevee proceeds to jump on Hitmontop's leg as it used Triple Kick to propel itself at Shuckle "Ace use Quick Attack on Shuckle." With that much speed Eevee rams into Shuckle lodging it into the wall unconscious. "Ace now do the something in reverse." Eevee runs up to Shuckle and bounces off it to attack Hitmontop with more force than normal launching it into a wall of the cave also making it unconscious.

Back to the present, Butch and Cassidy are speechless after seeing everything that Finn had said would happen did happen. Butch and Cassidy look at each other nervously and try to make a get away after retrieving their Pokémon. "Ace to me." Eevee sprints to Finn. He picks up Eevee and throws her in their direction. "Don't let Cassidy get away." Eevee lands where they were standing earlier then chases after them.

Eevee manages to cut them off from their exit. Down the cave where the battle happened a slow tap of walking can be heard getting closer. Butch puts up a fighting stance facing the direction of the tapping. "I am NOT going to be punked by a kid!" The tapping suddenly stops and the same icy pressure from earlier is back. "Now... if my ears haven't deceived me... You just said something interesting. Now how about you say it again." Finn walks towards them asking Butch to repeat what he said.

Butch "Fuck you. You stupid little ki.."

At that moment Finn runs up to Butch at lightspeed and delivers a flying Dropkick to his sternum sending him crashing through a wall that already looked like it was going to give way if someone had just leaned on it. "Fresh air smells nice doesn't it?" Finn says that with a smile on his face. Cassidy starts to run away through the new exit to the cave out of fear. "Ace go get everyone else please and when you get here have Quilava launch all it's fire straight into the air." Eevee nods her head and then runs off to get Emelia and Michael.

Finn "I think that has been enough of a head start." Cassidy had only got 15 meters away by the time Finn had started running. Finn caught up to Cassidy in 2 seconds making her fall down after shoulder checking her into a tree. Finn slowly walks over to Cassidy and squats right next to her. "You know this is all your fault right?" Finn then grabs her hair and drags her by it back to the cave after seeing a pillar of fire in the sky.

The whole time walking back Finn has been dragging Cassidy by her hair. When he gets back he sees Clair with Officer Jenny standing next to Emelia and Michael. "I'm assuming that this is what you guys are looking for." Finn then throws Cassidy at Officer Jenny and walks back into the cave. "Guys, lets go." The group starts to walk away but Clair stops them. "Where do you three think you are going?" She speaks with an aggressive tone. Finn then stops and turns his head "What happened last time you tried to stop me?" Clair stands there with the thought of Dragonair in her head. "That's what I thought." The group leave Butch and Cassidy in the hands of Officer Jenny and then they finally start to leave town.

Zubat comes flying out from Finn's jacket which is in the hands of Emelia and Lands on Finn's shoulder. Zubat starts to nuzzle against Finn's face as if to show affection. He then grabs Zubat, sets him on the ground, and squats down. "I think I know what you want. You want to come with me don't you?" Zubat screeches and shakes it's head. Finn then pulls out a Pokeball and taps his head with it and catches Zubat. Zubat pops out of his Pokeball and lands on Finn's shoulder nuzzling his face more. "Okay okay I get it, you can stop now." The group finally leave Blackthorn City after 4 days.

Finally Finn catches a Pokemon! Now off to Violet City.


Hunter_creators' thoughts