
POKÉMON: Journey Towards Greatness(EDIT of JTG)

I am in the process of editing this novel solely to enhance its grammar and readability, with no intention of personal gain from this endeavor. Author: Evil_God_ZARAKH

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94 Chs

Chapter 83 - Julian VS Bruno (2)

The towering 10-meter Onix met Pidgeot with an intense and unwavering stare, signaling its readiness for the ensuing battle.

Bruno: "Onix, use Harden, and then unleash Rock Throw!"

Onix's body gleamed as it bolstered its defenses, making it more resilient against incoming attacks. With formidable power, Onix generated multiple rocks and hurled them toward Pidgeot with incredible force. Pidgeot exhibited exceptional speed and agility, managing to evade the incoming barrage of stones. However, the erratic and unpredictable trajectory of the rocks posed a considerable challenge. Pidgeot's keen eyes and swift reflexes were crucial in dodging the projectiles.

The battle was escalating in intensity as the two formidable Pokémon clashed.

Julian astutely observed Onix's strength and control over its element. He recognized the potential for Onix to evolve into a powerful Steelix if equipped with a Metal Coat.

Julian: "Pidgeot, use Sand Attack!"

Pidgeot complied, flapping its wings vigorously to stir up the sand on the ground. The result was a thick cloud of dust that engulfed the battlefield, effectively obscuring Onix's vision. Despite Onix's considerable size, the cloud of sand rendered the lower portion of its body and the battlefield beneath it invisible.

Pidgeot utilized this tactical advantage to maintain a lower altitude and evade Onix's line of sight, positioning itself strategically to capitalize on the obscured vision. The battle had taken an intriguing turn as Julian and Pidgeot implemented their strategy to outmaneuver the colossal Onix.

Julian swiftly communicated his next move to Pidgeot through telepathy, and the two coordinated seamlessly.

Julian: "Steel Wing!"

Pidgeot executed the command, sneaking up behind the towering Onix and delivering a series of precise and powerful Steel Wing attacks. Onix roared in pain as the Steel Wing strikes left their mark.

Bruno, reacting promptly to the situation, issued a command to Onix.

Bruno: "Onix, get underground!"

Onix responded by burrowing beneath the ground, vanishing from view and becoming elusive.

Julian anticipated the maneuver and directed Pidgeot accordingly.

Julian: "Pidgeot, take to the sky!"

Pidgeot ascended rapidly, leaving the ground and soaring into the open sky. The battle had entered a new phase, with Onix hidden below ground and Pidgeot soaring high above, creating an intriguing dynamic in the battle.

Bruno recognized the opportunity and seized it.

Bruno: "Now, Rock Throw!"

Onix reemerged from the ground and unleashed a volley of rocks, propelling them toward Pidgeot, who was still ascending vertically. The situation appeared dire for Pidgeot as the barrage of rocks closed in, offering little room for evasion.

Julian, however, opted for an offensive strategy.

Julian: "Pidgeot, dive down while spinning with Steel Wing!"

Pidgeot swiftly adjusted to the new directive, transitioning from its ascent to a rapid freefall. While plummeting, Pidgeot initiated a powerful spin, utilizing Steel Wing to transform into a spinning drill-like form. The high-speed rotation of Pidgeot's Steel Wing allowed it to engage the incoming rocks head-on.

The ensuing clash produced a spectacular display as the rocks shattered upon impact, while Pidgeot's descent was significantly slowed due to the forceful collision. The outcome remained uncertain as the battle continued to unfold in breathtaking fashion.

As the battle intensified, Bruno and Onix weren't backing down.

Bruno: "Now, Tackle!"

Onix coiled its massive body and then propelled itself upward toward Pidgeot, who was descending from their previous mid-air confrontation. The two Pokémon collided once more, resulting in a powerful impact. Pidgeot was sent soaring back into the air, while Onix's lower half slammed onto the ground, demonstrating the sheer strength of the tackle.

Julian, undeterred, quickly formulated his next move.

Julian: "Pidgeot, get into position and use Feather Dance!"

Pidgeot, hovering in mid-air, adeptly positioned itself. With a flourish of its wings, Pidgeot released numerous radiant feathers that cascaded downward. Some of these feathers gently made contact with Onix, diminishing its Attack power. The battle was a fierce and dynamic exchange, with each Trainer striving to gain the upper hand.

In the midst of the intense battle, both Trainers issued their respective commands with unwavering determination.

Julian: "Brave Bird!"

Bruno: "Iron Head!"

Pidgeot accelerated into a rapid dive, enveloped in vivid blue energy flames, while Onix coiled its body, charging its head with a brilliant glow, preparing to unleash Iron Head at any moment. The moment of impact arrived swiftly as Pidgeot and Onix clashed in a powerful collision. The force generated by the collision was staggering, distorting the air in the vicinity and causing a blinding explosion of light that momentarily obscured the battlefield.

As the residual light subsided, both Pidgeot and Onix emerged from the smoke and dust, bearing the marks of their arduous battle. They appeared fatigued and bore numerous scratches on their bodies, signaling the fierce intensity of the clash. The outcome of the battle remained uncertain as both Trainers assessed their Pokémon's condition and determined their next moves.

The battle reached its climactic conclusion as both Trainers made their final moves.

Julian: "Let's end this, Steel Wing!"

Pidgeot glided down, its wings aglow as they reflected the brilliant rays of the sun. Drawing closer to Onix, Pidgeot prepared for its finishing move.

Bruno: "Now, Bind!"

Onix attempted to ensnare Pidgeot with a Bind attack, coiling its massive form to capture its opponent. However, Julian had an ingenious plan ready.

Julian: "Now, finish it!"

Pidgeot executed a swift, evasive maneuver, performing a sharp turn and closing in on Onix's head. At point-blank range, Pidgeot unleashed a devastating Hyper Beam that engulfed Onix in a powerful beam of energy. The tremendous force of the attack sent Onix hurtling to the ground, resulting in its incapacitation and fainting.

The referee declared the outcome of the battle.

Referee: "Onix is unable to battle. Pidgeot wins!"

Julian's Pidgeot emerged victorious in a challenging and hard-fought battle against Bruno's formidable Onix. The battle had been a spectacle of strategy, power, and resilience, leaving the audience in awe of both Trainers' skills and their Pokémon's tenacity.

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as the battle concluded, with the announcer acknowledging the intensity of the contest. Pidgeot and Onix had given it their all, and it was evident that both Pokémon were exhausted from the challenging battle.

Julian approached Pidgeot and offered words of praise and gratitude, acknowledging the incredible effort Pidgeot had put forth.

Julian: "You really were awesome out there."

On the other side of the battlefield, Bruno looked at his fainted Onix and then turned his attention to Julian. The battle had been a hard-fought and evenly matched contest, showcasing the impressive skills of both Trainers and their Pokémon.

The audience continued to cheer for the battle's participants, appreciating the dedication and passion that Julian and Bruno had displayed in the fight.

Bruno acknowledged the strength of Julian's Pidgeot, and Julian reciprocated the sentiment, recognizing the power of Bruno's Onix. The battle had been a tough and closely contested match between skilled Trainers and their formidable Pokémon.

Julian realized that his Pidgeot was exhausted from the intense battle and made the decision to recall it to its Poké Ball, allowing it to rest and recover. The bond between Julian and Pidgeot was evident in their interaction as Julian rewarded Pidgeot with a Poké Puff.

Bruno wasted no time in sending out his next Pokémon, Hitmontop, while Julian chose Infernape as his next combatant. The anticipation and tension grew in the battlefield as both Fighting-type Pokémon faced each other, ready for the next phase of the battle.

The audience watched with bated breath, eager to see how this new clash would unfold.

The battle continued with a display of agility and combat prowess as Bruno's Hitmontop initiated the attack with Close Combat, spinning on its head and launching towards Julian's Infernape. Julian's quick thinking led Infernape to counter with its own Close Combat, creating an intense clash between the two Fighting-type Pokémon.

As they closed in on each other, Hitmontop deflected Infernape's initial punch with its spinning legs, displaying impressive defensive skills. However, Infernape swiftly capitalized on the situation by executing a counterclockwise spin and delivering a powerful roundhouse kick to Hitmontop, causing it to roll on the ground.

The crowd watched in awe as the two Pokémon displayed their combat skills and adaptability in this high-intensity battle.

Bruno observed the intense battle unfolding, his Hitmontop struggling to regain its footing as Julian's Infernape closed in.

Bruno: "Hitmontop, hang in there! You can do this!"

Hitmontop managed to free itself from the crevice but was visibly shaken. Infernape was relentless, seizing the advantage.

Julian: "Infernape, now! Close Combat!"

Infernape lunged forward with incredible speed and ferocity, delivering a series of rapid punches and kicks. Hitmontop attempted to defend itself, spinning and using its legs as a shield. The two Fighting-type Pokémon clashed in a spectacular display of combat prowess, each move met with a countermove.

Bruno: "Hitmontop, stay strong! Counter with High Jump Kick!"

Hitmontop, battered but not beaten, gathered its strength. As Infernape pressed the attack, Hitmontop leaped into the air with its legs aglow, preparing to deliver a High Jump Kick. The two Pokémon were locked in a heated confrontation, both demonstrating unwavering determination and skill.

The battle had everyone on the edge of their seats, eager to see which Fighting-type would emerge victorious in this thrilling showdown.

Certainly, here's a revised version of that passage:

Bruno: "Hitmontop, quick! Use Substitute!"

Hitmontop swiftly crafted a decoy and sought refuge behind it as Infernape advanced. In a remarkable display of agility, Infernape powered up its Focus Punch, obliterating the Substitute into a cascade of fragments.

Bruno: "Now, Quick Attack! Employ Double Team!"

Hitmontop put some distance between itself and Infernape, summoning multiple illusory copies of itself. In a synchronized movement, all the replicas darted toward Infernape with Quick Attack.

Julian: "Unleash the inferno! Flamethrower!"

Infernape drew in a deep breath and expelled a searing torrent of flames. The scorching blaze pierced through each mirage of Hitmontop, finally engulfing the real one. Hitmontop was propelled backward, its body enshrouded in flames. In a dramatic conclusion, the fire enveloped Hitmontop, leaving it scorched and incapacitated on the battleground.

The battlefield was charged with anticipation as the battle between Bruno and Julian reached its climax. The strategic prowess and tactical finesse exhibited by both trainers captivated the onlookers.

Bruno: "Impressive, Julian. Your Infernape is truly a force to be reckoned with."

Hitmontop's attempt to buy time with Substitute and Double Team was clever, but it ultimately couldn't withstand the sheer power of Infernape's Flamethrower. The incendiary breath pierced through the illusory duplicates and scorched the real Hitmontop, sending it sprawling backward. The crowd roared with approval, appreciating the intense contest between the two skilled trainers.

Referee: "Hitmontop is unable to battle. Infernape emerges victorious!"

Though a tinge of disappointment flickered on Bruno's face, he couldn't help but smile, acknowledging the exceptional skills displayed by Julian.

Bruno examined Hitmontop's battered state and let out a deep sigh.

Bruno: "That Infernape was clearly out of Hitmontop's league. It never stood a chance from the get-go. It seems I've only got one option left."

With determination, Bruno called out, "Go, Machamp!"

Machamp emerged onto the battlefield, locking eyes with its formidable opponent.

Bruno, offering a word of caution, said, "Machamp, stay vigilant and never let your guard down. This might just be your most challenging battle yet."

Machamp nodded solemnly and began to flex its four powerful arms, preparing for the upcoming clash.

Bruno commanded, "Execute Dual Chop, Machamp!"

Machamp advanced with remarkable speed and precision, delivering a Dual Chop attack with unparalleled grace and power, striking Infernape decisively.

Julian called out, "Counter it with your own Dual Chop!"

Infernape propelled itself towards Machamp, the two Pokemon colliding with the force of their Dual Chop attacks. In the next moment, Infernape surged ahead, driving Machamp back several meters.

Bruno's voice resounded with determination, "Wrestle it down with your strength, Machamp!"

Machamp stepped forward to seize Infernape, but the agile Infernape evaded its incoming grasp with remarkable speed. In a swift maneuver, Infernape struck with a Thunder Punch to Machamp's stomach, sending the four-armed Pokemon crashing through the ground.

With a commanding tone, Bruno ordered, "Machamp, rise and unleash your Brick Break!"

Julian's voice was brimming with confidence, "Finish this with Close Combat, Infernape!"

Machamp surged forward to unleash a Brick Break, but its speed played against it. Infernape's agility allowed it to deftly sidestep the attack. In a swift motion, Infernape countered with a Mach Punch, delivering a powerful uppercut to Machamp's jaw, sending it soaring into the sky.

Infernape wasn't done; it followed Machamp into the air, latching onto its back and executing a devastating German suplex. Machamp's back met the ground with a resounding crash. But Infernape's assault continued relentlessly. It used Flamewheel, landing directly on Machamp's body and then swiftly grabbed Machamp's leg, hoisting it into the air. A punishing knee strike followed as Infernape executed a Blaze Kick, sending Machamp soaring even higher into the sky.

As Machamp descended, Infernape gracefully landed, adopting a battle stance and creating an orange flaming ball between its hands. With unwavering determination, Infernape launched a colossal Focus Blast at the plummeting Machamp, propelling it forcefully towards the wall, where it embedded deep within. The battle had reached a dramatic climax.

Here's the revised passage with improved dialogue and descriptions:

Bruno never had the opportunity to issue another command as Infernape's relentless assault left Machamp with no chance to catch its breath. The fiery Pokémon continued its relentless barrage, delivering blow after punishing blow until Machamp could no longer continue.

The referee's voice rang out, "Machamp is unable to battle. Infernape wins. The victor of this battle is Julian."

The announcer's voice added to the excitement, "And it's all over! Another Elite Four member falls before Julian!"

The crowd erupted in a thunderous ovation, their cheers and shouts of Julian's name filling the stadium. Infernape gracefully made its way back to Julian, who lovingly patted his loyal partner's head.

Julian expressed his appreciation, a warm smile on his face, "Good job, buddy."

Bruno stood in stunned silence, his unbroken streak of dominance shattered by the outcome of this battle. He had never anticipated his mightiest Pokémon to be so effortlessly handled by his opponent. It was a harsh realization that his singular focus on training their strength had left his Pokémon lacking in other critical aspects. This defeat was unlike anything he had experienced in his lifetime, as his Pokémon had consistently overwhelmed their adversaries in the past, but this time, it was an entirely different story.

Bruno reflected on the battle and admitted, "Machamp couldn't even touch Infernape, it was too slow. In contrast, Infernape possessed both incredible power and astonishing speed, making it the superior Pokémon."

He returned Machamp to its Poké Ball and approached Julian with humility in his eyes.

Bruno: "It's my loss. I hope you continue this winning streak."

Julian extended his hand, a sign of respect, and nodded in acknowledgment as he began to walk away.

The announcer's voice filled the arena one last time, declaring, "And today's event draws to a close. See you all next time."