
Pokémon: Dark Legacy

The World of Pokémon. A world where avatars of destruction and life exists. It is a vast world, a never ending utopia. It is structured to be perfect, almost too perfect. However, an anomaly occurred, disrupting the balance. By disrupting the balance, the Almighty Arceus and its Avatars stabilized the source of it. Regardless of that, they unknowingly altered the balance as well. (Updated Synopsis 11-13-21)

peanutcoffee · Komik
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28 Chs

Chapter 3: Team Rocket?

The sound of boulders shattering is heard throughout the forest, the one who is making these sounds are Gray and Elekid.

It has only been an hour after Gray caught the almost dead Spearow, right now, he and Elekid decided to train a little bit due to Elekid's request.

Gray is training Elekid on how to use more power, he had seen Elekid's Brick Break in action, but he knows that it could do more than it did.

"Hm… use your waist, don't just use your hands and arms. You have your entire body, don't waste it."

Gray informed Elekid, who growled in response. He pivoted his foot, and slammed his whole arm, which was covered in white and orange energy into a boulder.

The force of the attack shattered the whole boulder, making Gray smile a little. When Elekid uses his body, his strength increases, unlike the sloppy Brick Break he used with just arms.

"Heh, not bad. You could do better though, now let's move, I want to reach Viridian in an hour or two."

Elekid just growled in response, he was hungry for more training but he knew that if they stayed longer, the newly acquired Spearow would die.

The potion Gray used only helped the Pokémon heal for a bit, but if they don't treat him in the next few hours, Spearow would be as good as dead.

"So, what's gotten into you? You never asked me to help you train your moves, where did that motivation come from?"

Gray decided to ask the heated Elekid, when he got back to him, the Electric-type Pokémon asked him some tips for his Fighting-type moves.

He was a little bit confused but accepted it, because Elekid is the type of Pokémon that would train on his own. But to build a strong team, he needs strong Pokémon so he helped him out.

"Kid! Kid!"

Elekid wildly spun his arms around, generating a huge amount of electricity. After a few seconds, he released it into the sky.

"Ah, I see. You want to be stronger than the one who made that attack huh? Good, keep that drive going, you'll need it for our next training."

Gray said with a small smile, as a glint appeared in his eyes. Now that he knows Elekid's intentions, he can start writing his training regimen.

Suddenly, a chill ran down Elekid's body. His eyes wandered towards Gray and saw him smiling. In the past week, he knew that a smiling Gray meant trouble.

So he could only hope that this ends well for him.


"Good afternoon, welcome to Viridian City's Pokémon Center. How may I help you?"

A nice woman said, smiling at both Gray and Elekid. The woman had pink hair and blue eyes, and wore a pink dress with a white apron.

Gray walked towards the counter and gave the woman Magikarp's and Spearow's Ultra Ball before returning Elekid, giving it to her as well.

"I want these three to have a check up. I have been in the wild for a week so I want to see if they are healthy. Also, can I occupy a room for the rest of the day?"

The woman smiled in response, she took the balls and put them into a scanner which scanned the Pokémon's health conditions.

"Hm… it seems that your Elekid has some mild exhaustion, it should be okay after some long rest. Your Magikarp seems okay, but your Spearow needs medical attention real quick. I'll call your name after it's done, so please give me your Pokédex."

The nurse hurriedly shouted, taking Spearow's balls and Gray's Pokédex. But before she went into a room, she handed Gray a key that had '2-D' on it

'As I suspected, but at least he isn't dead yet. If he was that would have been disappointing, it would also be a waste of a ball.'

Gray inwardly said, liking the response of the nurse because that means his newly acquired Pokémon is still alive.

Although it seems he has no care for it one bit, he actually was a little bit nervous. They took an hour break and trained so he didn't know if he was on time or not.

But, by the looks of it, Spearow is still alive.

"Hm… now, what should I get? I am kind of hungry."

Gray whispered to himself, looking at a bunch of selections in the cafeteria.


"Stop right there! Hold up a minute young man, show me your ID!"

A woman shouted, halting the same boy that got a Pikachu from Prof. Oak.

The woman wore a purple cap with black rims, a purple collared shirt with red trims, a purple skirt, black shoes and white gloves.

This woman is Officer Jenny, one of Jenny's in Viridian City, the one who checks trainers who enter inside the city.

"O-oh um, here."

Ash shakily handed his Pokédex, which gave his information to Officer Jenny who just smiled.

"Thank you, sorry for the strict tone, just doing my business, also Team Rocket has been making moves so I need to watch for them."

Jenny said, whispering the last sentence to Ash, who just curiously raised an eyebrow.

Team Rocket? He has never heard that before, but by the sounds of it, they sound dangerous. Especially if Officer Jenny acts like this just because of them.

Ash is a naive boy, he doesn't know a lot of things in the world, all he knows is trainers and Pokémon. That's because he never actually studied, the only thing he did study is how to be a trainer and training Pokémon.

But even his knowledge about those is low, so he isn't really the one who you might want to travel with.

"Um, Officer Jenny, can I ask you where the Pokémon Center is located? My Pikachu is hurt so I want to get there as fast as I can."

"Oh? You want me to get you over there? Riding a motorcycle is faster than walking, y'know?"

Ash's eyes sparkled, he had never experienced riding a motorcycle before. Living in a rural area, they don't need any kinds of vehicles, except bikes.

"R-really? Awesome!"

Ash got on the motorcycle, dashing into the city with Officer Jenny.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the city. Two people and a Pokémon were hiding. One was a man, the other was a woman.

The man had purple hair, while the woman had magenta.

"So… is it time?"

"Yes, we are striking the Pokémon Center this evening. The boss said so."

"I see, let's go then."


When Officer Jenny dropped Ash off to the Center, the boy quickly thanked Jenny and ran inside.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

The same nurse greeted the boy, with a smile on her face.

"Can you please check my Pikachu? He is really hurt."

Ash hastily pulled out his Pikachu's Pokéball and handed it to the Nurse, she then smiled and took it to the scanner.

"Hm, your Pokémon just needs some rest, and a little bit of food, after that he'll be good as new!"

The sentence made Ash smile, he thought that Pikachu was seriously hurt, after what they went through.

His emotion bursted out, revealing a big smile before a few droplets of tears came out of his eyes.

"U-um… please find a seat in the cafeteria, I'll call your name out after I see what's up with your Pokémon. Please hand me your Pokédex or ID."

The nurse gave an awkward smile, she didn't know how to respond to a crying child. So she quickly took Ash's Pokédex and went to a room.

Meanwhile, in the cafeteria, Gray was sitting on a chair, eating his fill. He was currently waiting for his name to be called, it has been 20 minutes since Spearow and Elekid got checked up so he was starting to get impatient.

Gray was always like this, his patience was always short. But it's only short on things that aren't worthy to wait for.

"Trainer Gray, please come up to the counter. Your Pokémon is ready and healed."

The sound of the nurse echoed through the Center, the center is occasionally full of people but today is not that day.

Gray stood up from his table and walked back to the counter.

"Here's your Pokémon, Gray. They are healed, but they do need rest, it's not like our machine can heal fatigue."

The nurse said with a strict tone, handing Gray Spearow and Elekid's ball. Gray took it and smiled, he looked at the nurse and said,

"Thank you, I'll go to my room now."

Walking away, he passed by Ash, who was looking at him and his special Pokéballs. Ash has never seen a Pokéball with a black top before, so he was intrigued by Gray.

"Hey, um, Nurse Joy, do you know him? And what are those black Pokéballs?"

Ash finally decided to ask, he wanted to ask Gray personally but he was already up in his room.

Joy smiled, and recalled what was in Gray's Pokédex.

"Hm… not necessarily know him, but I know his info. His name is Gray, he is seventeen years old, born in Viridian Forest. That's all I can give you, also, those Pokéballs are called 'Ultra Ball' a special Pokéball that increases capture rate. It has more functions but I can't tell you, you need to find out for yourself."

When Joy finally finished, she saw Ash dazing off, so she just chuckled and walked away.


A few minutes later, the Pokémon Center became silent, all of the trainers that stopped were now on the move, traveling across Viridian Forest to get their first Gym Badge.

It is rare for trainers to stay at Viridian City for two days, they only stop at the center for food and rest, once that's done they move out.

This was all according to plan.




Three figures broke the ceiling of the Center and landed on the ground, before Nurse Joy could see them, one of the three opened a Pokéball and released what's inside of it.

It is a spherical Pokémon filled with toxic gases. It has vacant eyes and a wide mouth that usually has two pointed teeth in the upper jaw.

"Koffing, use Smokescreen!"

A young male shouted in the smoke, which was replaced with another smoke that filled the center.

"W-who are you!"

Nurse Joy coughed, she tried to pick up one of the extra Pokémon she got from the league, but a purple, serpentine Pokémon wrapped around her.

"Prepare for trouble!"

"And make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"And unite all people within our nation"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"



"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

"Meowth! That's right!"

Once the smoke was clear, Nurse Joy saw two people with a Meowth.

The two wore unique uniforms, the young man wore a white shirt with a huge R symbol imprinted on it, white pants, black gloves that extended to the forearms and black boots.

The young woman also had the same uniform, but instead of pants she got shorts, and longer socks.

"T-team Rocket? Oh no I got t-"

Suddenly, the Scratch Cat Pokémon appeared in front of the Nurse and taped her mouth shut.

"Good job Meowth, now let's explore the whole Center and find Pokémon!"

The young man said, walking towards the counter. But before he could climb up the counter, he was hit by a blur, making him fly across the room.

"Tch, what an annoying way to wake up."

Gray entered the hall, cracking his neck with a yawn. He was sleeping peacefully but he awoke pretty fast after he heard a loud boom downstairs.

"Damn it, I was taking a peaceful na-"

Gray immediately stopped talking, his eyes grew wide in surprise. The clothing of the two shocked him, silencing Gray.

"T-Team Rocket…"

He managed to whisper, his eyes were shadowed, and his fist unconsciously clenched. Gray's emotions were in turmoil, experiencing anger, and hatred at the same time.

Unconsciously, his hand traveled the belt, plucking Elekid's Ultra Ball.

"Hm? So you want to fight? I'll play with you boy."

The woman; Jessie said, plucking a Pokéball from her belt as well. She smiled and tossed it up, releasing what's inside of it.

"Ekans, use Poison Powder!"

The energy inside the ball formed into a purple, serpentine snake that released a sludge of poison towards Gray.

"Elekid, use Thunder Wave and stun that snake."

He threw the ball in response and a wave of fast electricity hit Ekans in a blink of an eye, shocking Jessie, James, and Meowth.

Gray ran towards the left and avoided the poisonous sludge, he then looked back at Elekid and nodded.

"W-what? Ekans use Bite!"

Jessie shouted, but Ekans stood there, without moving an inch. So James took the initiative and called out his Koffing.

"Koffing, Tackle attack!"

The balloon-like Pokémon shit towards Elekid, with its body leaving a trail of its poisonous gas. Elekid just smirked and spun his arms wildly, charging his whole body up with electricity.

Once Koffin was near Elekid, Elekid's smirk grew wider as he held one of his claws forward, extending electricity that paralyzed Koffing.

Gray formed an identical smirk like Elekid, his plan worked. But on the other hand, Jessie, James, and Meowth were speechless, they; Team Rocket just got destroyed by a newbie?

"Oh no… run!"

The three shouted, running towards the door but their legs stopped. They slowly looked back and saw Gray and his Elekid looking at them.

Gray whispered something into Elekid that they didn't hear, but as soon Gray backed off, Elekid started to spin his arms wildly, electricity dancing around his body.

'Crap basket…'

The three thought as Elekid's Thunder Shock blasted towards, blasting them off at the sky.

"Looks like Team Rockets blasting off again!"

The three shouted, flying up the sky faster than anything Gray and Elekid had ever seen. As the three went out of their sight, they saw a sparkle of light from where the three went.

"Hmm… that's strange."

Gray and Elekid nodded, going back to their room and sleeping peacefully, well, Elekid did but Gray didn't. He was far too absorbed in what was on their shirt.

"Team Rocket… great, what a nuisance."

Meanwhile, in Viridian Forest, Ash and his Pokémon were struggling fighting a Pidgeotto.


The End of Chapter 3: Team Rocket?
