
42. Campaign 5- Gift Preperations

"I know it is sinful to brag," Pepa said, crossing her arms over her chest, "but I think we did good."

"Think?" Julieta asked. "Oh, we did good."

"We did amazing," Bruno said with pride, the triplets looking over their handiwork.

Planning the party hadn't been easy. Even if their mama had been willing to help they wouldn't have ever asked for her to even give them directions to where they kept all the folding tables. They wanted to prove that they could plan Antonio's Gift Ceremony and they had done just that.

No... actually they hadn't. They had planned and put together Antonio's BIRTHDAY party. Him getting his gift was just an added bonus.

The first thing they'd done was get the boy's input on what he wanted. It had been Luisa's suggestion, pointing out to them all as the second generation of Madrigals had begun drawing up plans that she had always wished that her birthday would have had a pig roast. There had been one years ago down in the village and Luisa had been delighted by it. It had always made her sad they didn't have another one and every birthday she'd secretly wished for them to do that. Realizing that none of them had let the children have a say in what they did for their birthday (or gotten a say themselves) Felix and Pepa had sat down with Antonio and asked him just what he'd like to do for his birthday. Not just the party but for the entire day.

The triplets heard a laugh and saw Saharah walking up the path, a dripping Antonio sitting on her shoulders giggling up a storm as the dragonborn told him some joke. Behind him Agustin and Felix were padding along, wearing their swim trunks and sandles, towels wrapped around their necks and shoulders. Ernesto, Anton, and Dryft were behind them, the three chatting with Mirabel, Dolores, Camilo, and Lusia. The males, save for Dryft (the only one who was naked but thanks to his scales and fur he didn't need clothing), were in swim trunks as well, while the ladies were wearing one pieces that allowed them some modest while also making Pepa and Julieta realize their daughters were growing up far too fast.

"Have fun while we were gone?" Pepa asked, Antonio rapidly bobbing his head.

"So much fun!" he cheered. "Dryft made water slides... out of actual water!"

"It was completely safe," Felix assured her. "I tried it out myself. Tube of water as solid as wood."

"It went so fast!" Camilo exclaimed.

"Well, I hope you all thanked Dryft for doing that." Antonio quickly bobbed his head and the capricorn looked down, clear embarrassed by the praise. "Now, I think all of you need to go dry off and get changed."

"I'll help Antonio," Mirabel offered with a smile. "I just need to run a towel through my hair... my dress isn't that complex and if need be Saharah can dry me off."

"Is that... safe?" Julieta asked.

"Oh yeah," Mirabel assured her. "I've had her do it many times. The flames don't come anywhere near me... just make the room warm."

"If you'd prefer I can just dry everyone off," Dryft said.

"Wait, what?" Anton asked as Dryft held out his hand... and the family watched, jaws dropping, as Dryft pulled every droplet of water that clung to their skin, leaving them utterly dry. Dolores had some frizzy hair but otherwise it was like they'd never gone swimming at all. "...you've been able to do that all this time?!"

"You never asked," Dryft said with a shrug, walking to Casita. "Now, Luisa said something about having some clothing to borrow?"

"You're sure you want to wear a dress," Luisa asked as she followed after the capricorn.

"This is a special day for Antonio so I want to look nice. And I can't wear pants."

"I have a few things that will work..."

The rest of the family slowly began to drift into the house, leaving the triplets to look back at their handiwork. Everyone had pitched in, of course, but the three had decided, along with Gahoole, Nocci, Isabella, and Ulika, to allow the rest of the Party and the family to finish up having fun while they returned to casita and handled the final touches. Tents had been set up, just like with Mirabel's party, and tables that soon would be loaded with food were pulled out to the lawn. After Mirabel's party they had realized that trying to get the entire town into Casita made for a cramp party and thus allowing everyone to celebrate Antonio's birthday around Casita with everyone only needing to come inside when he opened his door.

The decorations were different as well. Bruno and the rest of the Party had shown them all pictures of different parties they had gone too and while some were… not feasible (having it on actual clouds one could jump on was never going to happen and Pepa decided not to show Antonio or Camilo those images ever)… there were some they had decided to go with. Animals made of paper (not piñatas… they were made of folded paper that Fibonacci knew how to create). An ice fountain shaped like a whale that Anton had enchanted so that it shot out whatever drink a person wished right into their cup (and he'd assured them that he'd cap it at a two drink minimum for the adults). Plenty of party games for the little kids and the kids at heart. Bruno had decided that he would put on a puppet show while Saharah had volunteered to perform some of her ballads for the guests.

The triplets smiled feeling rather good about themselves and their work.

"You let them head off?"

Pepa sighed as she turned to find her mama standing there, her shawl tightly wrapped around her shoulders and a look of disapproval on her face. Something Pepa was sadly used to but recently had found had begun to lose all its power. "Yes mama. Antonio wanted to have some fun for his birthday before the party."

"This day isn't about childish fun. It is about-"

"My sobrino turning 5 and getting his gift," Julieta said coolly.

"He must learn that he has a duty. That he can not-"

It was Bruno's turn to cut their mama off. "He is a child, mama. Why must you rush to make all of us adults?"

"Because you act like spoiled children even now," mama snapped. "You have turned this party into a disaster. Everyone isn't focusing on what matters."

"No mama… we are finally focusing on what matters: the family." Pepa shook her head. "My son is not your slave. And just so we are clear… no matter what Antonio's gift is he will not be spending the rest of his life doing whatever you command him to do."

Mama's eyes flashed at that. "You would spit in the face of the Miracle?"

"No," Pepa said, storm clouds forming over her head before Bruno placed a hand on her shoulder, getting her to stop and take a breath. "I am honoring my family. Something you forgot how to do."

Bruno shook his head. "Antonio must serve the village… did your parents make you serve the village when you were his age?" His mama didn't say a word. "I thought so."

"The only one who doesn't like what we've done is you, mama," Julieta commented. "The rest of the family is happy." She stared at her mother, face softening as she pleaded, "Don't you remember how to be happy?"

"I am happy serving the village."

Bruno rolled his eyes. "You mean hiding away in Casita, lording over everyone while doing nothing."

"Bruno!" his mama snapped. "You will not talk to me that way-"

"Yes I will," Bruno said, squaring his shoulders. "You are head of this family because papa is gone. But Julieta, Pepa, and I… we are the future. Their children are the future. You are not."

Mama though didn't back down. "You have lost all sense of self. Deluded by what you saw in the outside world."

"no," Bruno informed her, "I just saw through your lies and your falsehoods and your schemes. And the rest of the family does too."

"You will not speak to me that way." She jabbed a finger at Pepa. "And if you do not rein in your child then I will make sure Antonio-"

A thunder bolt struck between the triplets and their mother.

"If you… ever threaten to try and take my children from me…" Pepa warned.

"Mama… go to your room."

The matriarch of the Madrigal family stared at Julieta in shock. "What?"

"It's not that difficult for you to understand. You've told us to do that many times. Go. To. Your. Room."

Without a word their mama turned and walked away.

Bruno clicked his tongue and several rats scurried over to him. "Watch her… let me know when she leaves." He sighed. "She is going to try something… I know it."