
43. Campaign 5- Gift Ceremony

There were not speeches about how proud they were.

Not moments were the family congratulated him on reaching the age where he'd finally get his gift.

In fact there was no discussion of his gift at all and in fact Antonio had forgotten all about that as he watched his Tio Bruno perform his puppet show.

"My name's…actually Eugene," the puppet known as Flynn Ryder told Rapunzel. She was an interesting puppet as she had long blonde hair but it was woven throughout the entire stage that Bruno had created, so that it was as much part of the scenery as it was her. Antonio hadn't even realized it was hair at first during the opening parts of the play, thinking that it was just golden rope that his Tio Bruno had strung up to make the stage look more interesting. But now that he knew he saw how everything was connected to that hair. How even puppets that hadn't met the lost princess were connected to her and her hair.

It was amazing and Antonio wondered if his tio would teach him how to make puppets like that.

When the play finally ends (with everyone gasping in shock when Flynn/Eugene cuts off Rapunzel's hair, choosing to give her freedom over forcing her to use a gift that would keep her a prisoner forever) and his Tio takes a bow Antonio got up and wandered over to Camilo, who had been playing a ball toss game with some kids his age. His brother wished them well and joined him in heading back to the main table, both of their stomachs grumbling with the need for some food. Not the magical healing food of their Tia Julieta but food all of the family had made. Even Antonio had been allowed to help Ulika make some thick lemon bars and he happily grabbed some, munching on one as they walked to the table.

"So, what has you all smiles, hermano?" Camilo asked.

Antonio grinned even as he swallowed a mouthful of lemon square, because despite his excitement he knows how to be polite. "We've never had a party like this."

"Yeah. This is a blast, isn't it? All for you."

But Antonio shook his head. "No Camilo… NONE OF US have had a party like this." He held his arms out wide and he saw the moment his brother finally caught on. When he noticed the laughter and the smiles of their family as they listened to Saharah play a ballad about a girl who could become a red panda. The cheers of a bunch of village women as several farmers all grabbed onto Dryft's fist and tried to defeat him in arm wrestling while the capricorn merely smiled and flexed his muscles, arm not budging. He saw Gahoole sitting with a bunch of little ones, including a baby that was tucked in her wing, telling them stories about her home while their parents were gathered around Anton who was mixing drinks that glowed like the sun.

"You're right, hermano," Camilo said, placing his hand on his brother's shoulder before guiding them to the table. They sat down only for Dolores to plop down on Antonio's other side, handing him a mug of something dark and bubbly, passing another cup to Camilo.

"Remember this day, hermanos," Dolores said with a grin. "For today… life is good." They toasted and drank the sweet syrupy drink, the bubbles in it tickling Antonio's nose. Dolores was wearing her hair down, it done up in a series of braids, and she looked far more happy than Antonio could remember her ever looking before.

"Where did you hear that toast from?" Camilo asked.

"From me," Mirabel said, grabbing a chair and swinging it around the table so she could face them. It wasn't proper, as the family was supposed to sit on one side of the table so everyone could see them, but honestly none of the other grandkids cared that much. Luisa moving to join them only cemented that fact. "It's a toast one of the Western Kingdoms give. A noble family, princes and princesses, were founded by a warrior who fought in a great war. His brother died in that war and the last time he saw him that was the toast he gave. Now they do it at every celebration, to remember that each happy moment might be our last so we must cherish it."

"A sad beginning," Luisa stated, "but I like the heart behind it." She raised her own glass. "Remember this day, little sister."

"Today life is good," Mirabel said, tapping her glass against Luisa's.

The youngest generation of Madrigals sat together, sipping their drinks, acutely aware they weren't whole.

"I'm surprised by Senorita Perfecta's choice in company," Camilo finally said, nodding to a table. There were only two chairs, one of which had Isabella. The other… was Ulika.

"Orcs are odd," Mirabel admitted. "Sometimes they fight with someone and swear a blood oath and they will spend the rest of their days trying to fulfill that promise. Other times they will fight with someone and they will share a drink with them in the ruins of whatever building they destroyed and become lifelong friends."

"Sounds like family," Dolores said and Antonio grinned at that; he didn't quite understand it but he was smiling because he loved hearing his sister speak up.

"Has you two talked yet?" Luisa asked as Antonio began to munch on some cream pie with a cookie crumb crust.

"No," Mirabel said before holding up her head. "But she wants to. She sent me a note… wants to talk after the party. I think she didn't want to ruin things for Antonio." She smiled and reached across the table to pat his hand.

And then Antonio started when he felt his mama put her hand on his shoulder and whisper, "Its time."

He'd known it was coming of course. Only a few months ago he'd been rather eager for his Gift Ceremony to arrive so he might discover his power. But now, after Mirabel and Tio Bruno returning and meeting their friends... he'd forgotten that the party was anything other than his birthday party and suddenly his nerves were running wild.

"No matter what happens," Dolores said, giving his hand a squeeze, "we will always have your back."

"Three of us against the world," Camilo assured him.

Mirabel smiled. "And gift or no gift or crummy gift... I promise I will show you how to craft wonders."

And then he was on his feet and heading towards Casita and he began to see his family and the Party and they were giving their own encouragement. Not telling him it would be fine, that he'd get a strong and important gift... rather that his gift didn't matter because what would come after would be just as grand.

"We'll show you wonders," Gahoole said to him, Dryft having moved behind her, placing his large hands on her shoulders.

"I'll teach you some real magic," Anton assured him, Fibonacci nodding in agreement.

"But no matter what," his papa told him as he finally reached the stairs, "we all will always love you."

Thus Antonio, with a smile and his head full of what would come after, went up the stairs without an ounce of fear and placed his hand on the doorknob.

The wood began to glow and he watched as the Miracle began to etch his image into the wood. There was plenty of space above him and he wasn't surprised by that; according to Luisa everyone's image had space because it would change as they grew older. But it was what was around him that made him pause.

Animals. So many animals.

He heard roars and winnies and sharp cries and he turned as the villagers all quickly leapt out of the way as all sorts of animals suddenly rushed towards Casita. There were dogs and cats and birds and snakes and jaguars and monkeys and at once Antonio realized he understood them all. Each and every one of them were crying out hellos and greetings, that they had sensed his gift and knew he would be a life long friend.

He laughed as a fierce looking jaguar began to lick his face while the monkeys began to play with his hair, only to let out a gasp when he was lifted into the air.

"I CALL DIBS!" Fibanacci cried out, holding Antonio up for all to see.

"You can't call dibs!" Anton complained.

"I just did!" the warforged proclaimed. "He will be my apprentice!" He lowered Antonio down and said in a quieter voice, "Oh, the druid spells I am going to teach you, Beast Master!"

Anton glowered at that. "Your mastery is in plants!"

"And yet who saved you from that burning tiger ghost?"

Anton scoffed. "I'm still not convinced it was real."

"It was real," Fibanocci told Antonio before heading down the steps, still carrying the boy while his new animal friends followed after. "Now that its settled tomorrow we will work on your rod. Every druid should have one. Perhaps a shield... Mirabel is handling your armor..."

His mama and papa swept in, taking him from Fibanocci but that only caused the rest of the family and the party to gather around him, giving their praise and telling him how excited they were. Antonio's cheeks began to ache from how much he was smiling from all their kind words and he completely forgot about looking at what his new room actually looked like as he was too focused on what everyone was saying.

And then he heard someone clear their throat and everyone grew quiet... as his abuela made her presence known.

"We could have Dryft drown her," Saharah muttered under her breath.

"No," Ernesto said sternly.

"What if I burned her? just slightly-"

Abuela swept her gaze over the entire crowd. "I wish to thank you all for coming. I am grateful for your kindness and how understanding you have been." The villagers murmured at that but Mirabel could tell her family didn't miss the insult her abuela had just given about the party they had arranged. "I am also so happy that Antonio has received his gift. The Miracle remains strong and I know his gift will help the entire village."

"You..." Tia Pepa hissed.

"But I have even happier news. Soon we will be able to gather together again, to truly celebration a most joyous occasion."

Antonio looked over at his papa, startled to see him glaring at abuela. "I am seriously tempted to let Saharah do it…"

Abuela turned towards them but her gaze only lasted a moment and then she turned and looked right at Isabella, who was standing by herself and swallowed as she found everyone attention on her. "In one month's time Isabella will wed Mariano Guzmán."

The villagers began to clap but Antonio saw that none of his family looked happy with the announcement.

"That is my daughter," Tio Agustin said darkly. But Antonio was more focused on his cousin.

"She… doesn't look happy, Nocci," he told the warforged. Isabella had gone completely pale and still at the announcement of her marriage.

"No… no she does not."

"The next generation of Madrigals will soon be upon us. Their wedding, a birth, and another Gifting Ceremony! A chance for all of you to celebrate-"

"Senora Madrigal…" Mariano said, stepping forward. "I know-"

"Yes yes, you are so happy to become a Madrigal," abuela said, walking towards him and grabbing his arm in a firm grip. She dragged him to where she had chosen to stand, so that everyone could see him. "Isabella, come here at once."

But Isabella remained rooted in place.

"Isabella," abuela said sternly. "Come here. Mariano wishes to be with the one he loves."

"She is right," he said before gently removing abuela's fingers from his forearm… and walking over to Dolores. "I do."

Dolores smiled and held out his hand, which he happily accepted.

"Told you," Tio Bruno whispered to Camilo, who scoffed before handing his uncle a coin.

"Mariano?" abuela said, confused. "What… what is the meaning-"

"Senora, I am happy to be part of your family… but it isn't Isabella that I love." He never turned to look at her, his eyes only for Dolores. "I have spent the last few weeks with Dolores… and have find in her a kindred spirt. I do not know if we can make your deadline of a month for a wedding… but in the future…?"

Dolores leaned in close, pressing her forehead to his. "Yes… in the future."

"You… you would dishonor Isabella like this?" abuela said in an accusing tone. "Dolores! You would steal your prima's fiancé-"

"She isn't stealing him!" Isabella exclaimed, her voice harsh and loud and so unlike what Antonio or any of them had heard before. "I never wanted to marry Mariano… he seems like a nice man but I do not love him!"

"What does love have to do with this?" abuela asked. "This is for the good of the village!"

"The village?" Isabella exclaimed and around her cacti began to form. "The village? I am not some sow you sell off for coin! I am your granddaughter!"

"And as my granddaughter you will do what is good for the family!"

"No!" Isabella roared. "I don't love him! And I won't love any man you try and force on me! I'M GAY!"

Everyone went silent.

Abuela reeled as if struck.

Isabella panted, chest rising and falling rapidly.

"…what's gay mean?" Antonio asked.

"Not it," Nocci quickly exclaimed.

"He's your apprentice!" Anton exclaimed.

"I called not it."

"Well I'm not doing it!" Anton complained. "I had to explain sex to Dryft and I'm still not sure he understands!"

"I understand," the capricorn complained. "When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much a stock comes."

"…oh sweetie…" Saharah moaned, holding her head in her hands.

"The stock brings things such as sex toys, edible underwear, and the lubricant that the woman uses on her nethers so the male can insert his-"

Gahoole quickly forced Dryft's mouth close. "Anton, be a dear and shut up?"

"Yes ma'am," the warlock whispered, eyes wide in shock.

Antonio looked at everyone, wondering how you would eat underwear. Dryft was part goat though…

During the entire…discussion… abuela had simply continued to stare at Isabella in disbelief.

"…no," she finally got out. Not in surprise or denial. Rather… it came out as a command. "No you are not."

"Yes. I. Am."

Abuela set her jaw. "No. You are not-"

"You can repeat it till you are blue in the face it won't change reality" Isabella said, throwing her arms out. "I'm gay! A lesbian! I like women!" She turned towards Ulika. "And I really like this one." And with that she rose on her tip toes, the orc bending down so the two could meet in a tender kiss.

"…awwwwwww!" Mirabel exclaimed, waving her hands in front of her eyes. "I… I can't!" She began to cry even as she smiled. "My heart! It's too full!" She looked at Dolores and Mariano who were still holding hands and then back at Isabella as she broke away from Ulika. "Isa…"

"That's… what I wanted to talk to you about," Antonio's oldest prima said. "Ulika and I talked… she's leaving the party for a while. And I'm leaving the valley. She's going to show me her home. I am going to meet her family, like she met mine. And she is going to show me all sorts of things…" She beamed before shooting abuela, who was utterly floored, a defiant look. "Find someone else to be your puppet."

And with that the newly made couple marched over to the family, not even giving abuela another glance. Isabella stopped before Antonio and knelt down, giving him a hug.

"I'm sorry for stealing your thunder, primo."

"Its okay," Antonio said, returning the embrace. "Want to see my room?"

"I'd love to!" Isabella said, taking him from Nocci and carrying him on her hip as the family moved towards his new room, Tia Julieta and Tio Agustin moving to walk with them, whispering how much they loved her no matter what while Luisa and Mirabel chatted with a beaming Ulika.

It was only later that Antonio realized that abuela never joined them