
25. Campaign 4- Party Roll Call

Gahoole knows she has an addiction. Its one she really doesn't want to give up though.

She collects little ones.

The old Owlkin can't help it! She doesn't try and run into those that need her to step in and guide them and care for them… it just happens!

It was this protective drive that saw her take a seat next to Mirabel to offer moral support. Saharah is on her other side while she can sense Dryft behind her, too tall to sit at the table so instead he perches on a stool right behind her, looming. Others might find that uncomfortable but for her its like when her grandchicks hop on tree branches so they can see over her shoulder as she reads them stories.

At first the Madrigal family had tried to have the meeting in their dining room but it was simply too small for both the family and the party and thus they moved out to the lawn, Anton casting some spells to illuminate the area as they all sat at the long table that remained from Mirabel's party (and Gahoole is annoyed that Bruno didn't tell her that 15 was an important birthday and he is going to get so many smacks while Mirabel gets so many presents!). Mirabel and Bruno's relatives sit on one side… their FAMILY sits on the other.

Because in Gahoole's eyes that is how the division should go.

"Okay," Bruno said, standing up and clapping his hands together. "So I think we should focus on introductions as what actually happened was just a big misunderstanding." He turned to the party and Gahoole could see the eldest of the Madrigals narrow her eyes at that. "Basically Casita made a portal to the Bureau so I didn't have to sleep in my old room."

"…there were a lot of stairs, weren't there?" Saharah asked.

Bruno did his best to meet her eyes. "There were… other reasons."

"Stairs," Nocci commented with an amused huff, which for him was more of air escaping some of his innards. Ulika nodded and Bruno just glowered at that.

"Now… let me do some introductions so everyone can know who is who." He gestured at the old woman. "This is my mother, Alma."

The old woman didn't even nod and Gahoole decided she hated her.

'Bruno never talked about her,' she thought to herself as he went on to introduce his siblings. 'Everyone else he talked about in some detail but he avoided discussing her. I see why.'

The rest of the family is honestly hit or miss. Mirabel's parents… she's undecided on them. She KNOWS she shouldn't blame them for letting Mirabel go because honestly she travels a lot and doesn't see her family but she at least settled down when her chicks were little and made sure they had a stable home. And yes… them giving up their child allowed Gahoole to have her but… that is what's frustrating! She wants to hate their choices but it worked out so well for her!

Pepa needs a break, the poor thing, and Felix seems nice enough though he did hit Dryft and she really needs to get him alone and make sure the big sweetheart isn't fibbing about not being injured. Dolores says hello to them and the way Mirabel smiles when Bruno introduces her, Luisa, and Camilo already has them in her good book. Isabella… the girl is trying to be like her grandmother but Gahoole cans SEE the cracks forming and knows when that girl finally shatters it is going to be bad. With her powers… well, their party is usually paid to SLAY women like her after they have breakdowns.

"Did you always look like that?" the littlest one, Antonio, asks, looking at Gahoole, Saharah, Nocci, Ulika, and Dryft.

"Antonio!" his mother scolds. "That isn't polite."

"You were the one hitting Dryft with a stick," Ulika said sharply. "Little guy just asked a question."

"It was a coat rack," Dryft told her.

Gahoole chuckled before looking right at Antonio. "Yes, we always looked like this. We were never humans."

"Oh… can you fly?"

"Yes and maybe tomorrow I'll show you." Antonio beams and Gahoole found herself resisting the urge to ask his mother how much it would cost to buy him. God, her grandchicks and him would love each other.

Bruno clears his throat. "Now, allow me to introduce the Party. You know Ernesto-" he paused, cringing. "Well, you know Ernesto the traveler, not Ernesto the paladin."

"We'll talk later, hermano," Ernesto tells his brother.

Ernesto… the paladin who swore to defend the innocent because the first sight he saw when he left the comfort of the valley he grew up in was a slaughtered village. Gahoole met him early on, becoming one of his very first traveling companions. She showed him the ropes and he in turn reminded her that it was possible to be more than a killer when away from her home.

"Anton is our warlock," Bruno stated and the smug bastard merely nodded with a charming grin.

Cerunnos above is Anton trouble. The man got lucky one time early on and it made him believe he was slick enough to get out of any trouble. But that is the thing… for how much trouble he is Anton is HER trouble and she's more than once taken on fools that tried to hurt him because they didn't like how he'd outsmarted him. It was why Ernesto kept him in the Party even as the man continued to mock him and blame him for everything. Of course Anton stayed even after marrying a god…

Bruno paused as he looked at the rest of the group. Gahoole got it… Anton and Ernesto were at least the right species for the Madrigals and from she's learned from Mirabel and Bruno the valley is incredibly sheltered.

"This," he said, finally waving his hand towards Saharah, "is our bard, Saharah."

Julieta politely raises her hand. "Would it be rude to ask… what-" she grimaces at once. "I'm sorry…"

Saharah waves her off. "It's fine. I am a Brass Dragonborn."

"I don't know what any of those words mean," Camilo joked.

"I think it should be a touch obvious," Saharah said, gesturing at her brass-colored scales.

Saharah. Gahoole shakes her head. The poor dear joined them for all the wrong reasons… yet it was the best thing for her. Gahoole knew if she hadn't become a part of their Party the bard would have killed herself eventually. She's the newest member, even more new than Mirabel and Bruno despite her skill, and they are still working to get her to be at better ease with them but it's better than how it was. Gahoole just wished she could do more to heal her.

"Ulika," Bruno continued.

"An orc," the green skinned female said. "Not half… full orc."

"It's a matter of pride for her," Nocci stated with an amused huff.

"Of course it is!" Ulika declared. "I won't dishonor my ancestors by claiming-"

Ulika. There are plenty that still look down on the orcs, seeing them as barbarians that are little more than beasts in clothing. But oh Gahoole knows better. Ulika has so much love in her heart that she needs to protect it by being tough. She truly hopes she can find someone who will understand that loving her is a great gift.

"This is Fibanacci. We call him Nocci."

"You haven't earned that right yet," the arrogant Warforged declared.

"He's our druid."

Nocci. He puts on a tough exterior and it fools even some in the party. But Gahoole has caught him in the middle of the night going over conversations, wondering quietly if he answered the right way. It's so hard for him because he knows… he just knows… that how he acts now will affect how the Warforged are seen for centuries to come. She has assured him that he's learning emotions and how to express them and that is SUCH a good thing but he still worries. He wouldn't like her thinking of him as one of her adopted chicks but he is. Oh, he so is.

"Prince Dryft Coldwater," Bruno said as Dryft gave a shy wave. "Our healer."

Dryft. They say that no one from a good home goes on adventures. Only the broken who are looking for something become wanderers. Dryft proves that wrong; he came from a lovely home with parents that supported him… still do. When the Party came to his island investigating rumors of orphaned Owlkins stranded on a deserted island they learned that Dryft's father, a Sea God, had taken the chicks in and was helping them, raising them like they were his own. How could Gahoole say no when he asked her to take his son out so he could experience the wider world? And how could she not help but love the naïve and innocent giant who just wanted to use his hydrokinesis to help others?

"And Gahoole," Bruno said finally.

Gahoole. Oh there are many long dead who would tremble with fear or rage when they heard that name. Still are many who do. But… it makes her happy that nowadays far more hear her name and are filled with relief. They know that she is there and she's going to make things okay.

"Bruno," Alma said and it set Gahoole already on edge just how COLD the woman is… to her own son. Her child. She's heard Anton speak with enemies with more warmth than the head of the Madrigal family does in that moment. "This only proves my point that your room must be returned and that… portal… removed from our valley."

"Abuela," Mirabel began. "Only party members-"

"I am NOT speaking with you Mirabel," Alma said, her eyes slashing over to stare down her grandchild. "this does not concern you and even if it did your poor judgment has already shown that you are not the person I would consult on this."

Anton dropped his hand down below the table, making a fist. For how sarcastic and arrogant he was Anton had sworn much like Ernesto to never stand by when people needed his help. Saharah growled low in her throat; she had lost one party she would not lose another. Ulika moved to rise; her entire culture was based on the support of family and Alma had just become her version of Lucifer with her cruelty. Nocci twisted his head so violently in Alma's direction it would have snapped the neck of a flesh and blood creature. Gahoole knew he was thinking of his original masters and their cruel words before his kind had won their freedom. Ernesto took a deep breath, his body tense; that was his niece. Gahoole herself couldn't help but rub a sharp talon against her finger, feeling the blood ooze out, ready to empower her weapon and destroy the one that had hurt her chick-

"You are a mean grandmother," Dryft said, startled.

And just like that all her anger is gone by the healer's blunt, startled words.

Alma glared at him. "No one asked you, demon."

"Aquatic capricorn," Dryft said politely. "I explained that to your daughter. I guess she didn't tell you. It's okay, a lot of people make that mistake." He paused. "But you are still really mean."

"That's some harsh language there, Dryft," Anton commented with a smirk.

The capricorn blinked. "Oh, I'm sorry." He looked at Alma. "You are not a nice grandmother."

"…much better,"Anton said sarcastically.

"You should apologize," Dryft said.

Alma looked as if she had been slapped before her eyes narrowed. "I do not allow intruders to burst into my casita and tell me how I talk to my wayward nieta. It is because of you demons and devils that she has been led astray and become the rebellious creature she is now."

Dryft slowly rose up to his full height, meaty hands grabbing the table.

"Apologize," he rumbled, all of his innocent nature disappearing in an instant.

The capricorn had come from a good family. His father and mother were sea gods, yes, but they had loved all their children. His many sisters had babied him, the first boy, and always made sure he was safe. And all that love had in turn made Dryft HIGHLY protective of those he cared for. Mirabel was his sister in all but blood and now Alma had insulted her.

The primordial power of his species was flowing through him.

Water droplets began to rise from the grass and Gahoole watched as the blood she'd been gathering began to rise too.

"Now see here-" Alma began only for Gahoole to speak up… because she knew if she didn't the entire situation would get very dangerous very quickly. The party was already prepared to leap to Mirabel's defense. Alma was focused on Dryft so she didn't see that Ulika had already grabbed a butter knife and was ready to drive it through her eyes. Nocci was scanning the table, determining which of Mirabel's family would need to die next. Ernesto had shifted to toss Antonio out of the crossfire while Anton had begun muttering the beginnings of a fire spell. Bruno stood there clearly torn but Gahoole knew he would side with them even if it broke his heart. And Mirabel… Mirabel just looked so utterly lost and confused.

Time slowed for the Owlkin Bloodhunter. She turned her attention from her party to Mirabel's family… and was surprised at what she saw. Luisa was rising up, just like Dryft had but she hadn't turned towards the capricorn but rather her grandmother; Dryft gather her a slight nod. Camilo looked disgusted while Dolores was THUNDEROUS in her rage. The older Madrigals clearly had been shocked by Alma's words and that pause would cost them. Isabella… well, she looked like she was struggling to remain perfectly still. And the poor boy, Antonio, looked lost.

"Ernesto has told us so many things about his home," Gahoole said smoothly, her voice cutting through the tension that had begun to build. She reached over and grabbed Dryft by the wrist, gently tugging on him kneel down beside her. Saharah quickly grabbed his other wrist and eventually the prince took a breath. But rather than kneel he instead effortlessly lifted Mirabel up, getting a squeak of surprise from her, and sat down in her too small chair, placing her on his lap, arms wrapped around her in a clear sign of protection; after a moment Mirabel turned and began to murmur to him, trying to calm him down. "How lovely it is. How peaceful. But most of all how gracious the Madrigals are." Gahoole locked eyes with Alma. "But I suppose some things do not live up to claims…"

That was a dagger to the old woman's heart, stealing the air from her lungs.

"Mama," Bruno said firmly. "These are my friends. My party. They are welcome here… or I am not."

"Bruno…" Alma managed to get out.

"Its… its okay," Mirabel said, clearly shaken. "I shouldn't-"

Gahoole shushed her, patting her hand. She wanted to hug her and hum to her as she rocked but she knew that wasn't the time for that. Dryft had her… Gahoole would soothe her fears later.

"This is not just your house, mama," Mirabel's mother said suddenly. "This is OUR house."


"No," Bruno's sister said firmly… before walking over to Anton, who was closest to her. "My apologizes for my mother's behavior. And the rude welcome you received."

"…well, Ulika did steal a sandwich."

"I thought-!" the orc complained only for Nocci to cut her off.

"I always knew your stomach would get us in trouble."

And with that the battle was over before it began.

Julieta suddenly chimed in "Why don't we all return to our beds and tomorrow we can have a large breakfast. Then we can discuss how long you are staying." She smiled as she looked at Gahoole. "Mirabel hasn't told me all her stories from her time with you all and I am sure there are some you'd love to share."

"Of course," Gahoole said pleasantly. "And I would love to meet Mirabel and Bruno's family." Softly she whispered, "Dryft, Saharah, get Mirabel to bed."

The dragonborn and capricorn nodded and Dryft rose, carrying the girl like she was a child (which, considering how large he was…) while Saharah began to quickly chat with her about the party; they formed a barrier to keep Mirabel away from Alma and Gahoole smiled as Luisa quickly ran up to them, Camilo and Dolores and Antonio right behind, Saharah bending down and lifted Antonio up onto her shoulders, answering his questions while Luisa apologized to Dryft for hitting him, earning quick forgiveness from Gahoole's boy.

"Come on, hermana," Luisa said, patting Mirabel's shoulder "Why don't we spend the night in your room? A slumber party."

"How can you slumber if you are partying?" Dryft asked, confused.

"I'll explain, big man," Camilo said with a smile as they headed back into the house. Isabella remained there for a moment only for her to wander off in a daze, Ulika right on her heels.

"Mama," Pepa said darkly on when the kids were gone, "I think tomorrow we will have a LONG overdue chat."

"Yes," Alma said, gathering her tattered dignity around her like a shroud. "We will."

Gahoole though quickly moved to walk beside her. "The more you try to grasp at the sand the more it trickles through your fingers."

And with that she broke away to make sure Mirabel was okay.