
24. Campaign 4- Party Collision

Castia shook.

There had been plenty of screams heard in her walls. The childish ones as Bruno and Pepa and Julieta had run about, even as they knew their mother was going to scold them, playing their made up games. The frustrated ones heard only to the issuer and casita herself when the pressures of being a Madrigal got to one of her precious family and all they could do is press a pillow to their face and let loose their frustrations in one verbal cry. Of passion in ways that only the joining of two bodies could result in and for which casita was rather glad she knew how to soundproof against.

But one Casita had never truly heard was utter terror.

Oh, there had been startled cries, of course. One didn't have Camilo live within them and not get used to the family letting out shrieks when they were caught in one of his pranks. But this… this was different. For one it was Camilo who was screaming.

For another he didn't stop.

Rumbling, Casita instantly began to do all she could to wake the family even as she became aware that there was someone in her that didn't belong. She threw open Bureau's door and sent a plea for him to wake Mirabel and Bruno, which he did so…

…only to inform her that HIS family was home… save one.

Sensing the residual energy on the intruder and realizing that it was Bureau's lost family member… and that it was too late to stop the family from rushing to 'save' Camilo just as Bureau informed her that his family was hurrying to get out to find their lost number… and wouldn't take kindly to one of their own being attacked… Casita could only think of one thing:

"Ah poo."


Ulika growled in frustration as the boy that had somehow stumbled into the Bureau kept throwing pots and pans at her. They weren't actually hurting her, as it was easy enough for her to bat them away, but it was the damn principle of the thing! She was trying to eat and he was being VERY rude!

"Hey!" she barked at the young man. "I don't come into your house and grab things!"

"…you just did!" the boy exclaimed, gesturing at her.

Ulika looked down at the sandwich she still had in her hand. "This is mine. I found it in the fridge."

"It's MY fridge!" the teen shouted.

"It is…oh." She looked around the room, the food having helped wake her up a bit (along with the pots and pans) and now she could see she was NOT in the Bureau. "Damn portal doors…" she growled. "Listen, sorry but-"

"HEY!" a woman cried out, having grabbed a fry pan and swung it at Ulika. Damn for being old she was quick! Of course if Gahoole ever heard her talking ill about the old she'd beat her senseless but- "Get OUT of our house!"

"Gladly!" Ulika snapped, storming forward only for the woman to try and hit her again. "Okay, I'm getting tired of this…" She grabbed the fry pan and wrenched it out of the woman's grasp. "If you would just let me get to the door-"

"It's right there!" the teen said darkly, jabbing his finger towards a door that led outside.

"No, I meant-"

Anton let out a cry and at once Ulika rushed forward, the orc woman easily bowling over the older woman so she could get to what appeared to be the center of some large house. Said center had an open roof and decorative tiles and glowing doors and Anton using his staff to try and deal with vines that were being sent his way.

"Did we upset an Lichen?" Ulika asked as she reached for her sword only to remember she'd left it in her room. Cursing she settled for just tearing at the vines while Anton did his best to deflect them. "And oddly fast and vine-y one?"

"I don't remember… I bet Ernesto did."

"You always blame Ernesto," Ulika pointed out before grabbing a vine that was trying to come at her and ripping it apart. However whatever was sending the plants at them was getting smart as it snatched up chairs from outside the house and began to throw them at the two. "I am getting REAL sick of getting things thrown at me!"

One chair came at her but even as she braced a shield blocked it and Nocci turned, letting out an amused huff. "You always need me, don't you?"

Ulika scoffed at the Warforge's comment. "When you were built did they leave any room for something other than arrogance?"

"Of course," Nocci said as he used his staff to cast a frost spell on the vines. "I am full of-"

A bolt of lightning hit him, causing the robotic being to stutter for a moment as his body shook.

"That… wasn't pleasant," Nocci moaned only to be hit again.

"Damn it all I think they have a weather witch!" Anton called out as he spotted a tall and rather fierce looking woman on the second floor summoning a thundercloud.

"Can you take her out?" Nocci asked as he dropped to one knee. "Because I'd rather not see how much damage she can do!" Ulika grimaced, realizing that her friend's metal form was acting as a lightning rod, keeping her and Anton safe but causing him harm.

"If you can buy me time I could-" Anton paused. "oh… oh this is going to be interesting."

Ulika looked up and shook her head. "Yup."


Pepa glared at the monsters that had invaded her home and attacked her son. The only human seemed to flicker with an aura of darkness and dread that no amount of care into his looks could dispel. The woman was large, muscular, pale green, and rather ugly with her squat nose and large incisors. And then there was the man in full armor… who was taking bolts of lightning like most people would take shoves. Isabella was trying to use her vines to restrain them but the three were pushing forward which was why Pepa had decided to let caution be damned and tap into her rage and make the storms-

Someone tapped her on the shoulder.

"Excuse me," a soft accented voice said. "Could you stop doing that to Nocci? My specialty is blood and he doesn't have any so I can't really help him. I mean, he might have blood, I never asked if he keeps any in him, but he doesn't use it. I think he might have some oil but its hard to tell-"

Pepa turned… and stared in horror at the demon that towered over her.

He was well over 7 feet tall with wide shoulders covered in thick gray fur while his cloven feet and legs were adorn with sapphire-colored scales. Fins poked out of his arms and behind him she saw a thick muscular tail wag. But it was his face… his goat face and massive horns… that made her back away.

"El Diablo…" she whispered as she gazed upon Satan himself.

The Prince of Lies frowned and looked behind him before… pointing at himself?

"No… I don't know any El Diablo. My name's Dryft. Well, Prince Dryft. Well, to be even more accurate I am Prince Dryft Coldwater. Though Saharah mentioned I should have a Doctor in there so-"

Felix, bless him, suddenly leapt forward, swinging a coat rack at the Devil.

"Hey, I wouldn't do that," the Dark Lord said, looking down at Felix as he pressed Pepa behind him. "You might damage that coat rack and it looks really nice. Was that hand crafted?"

Felix swung it again, breaking it across the demon's broad chest.

"…ow," he said. "Don't worry, it didn't hurt me. I was sympathizing with the coat-"

Luisa charged forward, tackling the demon and slamming him into a wall.

"Get. Out. Of. Our. House." Luisa punched the demon hard in the stomach and now he let out a true cry of pain…

…in time for a feathered monster to swoop in and kick Luisa in the face.

"You hurt him again and I'll take your eyes, bruiser ," the creature, which looked like a bipedal owl, said sternly before looking at Lucifer. "Are you oaky, sweetheart?"

"I think they are actually trying to hurt us," Dryft commented, rubbing his stomach.

"Yes, I think you are right."

Luisa grit her teeth and marched towards the bird woman, rearing back before throwing a punch-

-only for the Devil to catch her fist in his meaty hand and slowly push her back.

"…okay then," he said as he narrowed his eyes before giving Luisa a shove. "I took an oath to never use my powers to harm." He lashed out, his tail cutting through the banister and destroying it. "But I don't need to use my powers to protect my friends."

"Right beside you, sweetheart," the owl said and she reached down, cutting her… hand… with one of her talons, before pulling a sword from it sheathe, the blade crackling with power.

Luisa wiped the blood that was dribbling down her face out of her eyes before cracking her knuckles. "You chose the wrong home to-"

"CHILD!" someone cried and the two demons stopped, looking beyond Pepa and Felix and Luisa to see Antonio emerging from the nursery, rubbing his eyes… and a dragon woman standing six feet away.

"Antonio!" Pepa screamed, darting forward as she sees her baby looking about in confused…

Only to stop when the dragon cried out in a strong voice. "Careful! There's a child here!"

Instantly the demon was shifting away, clearly moving to try and angle Luisa away from Antonio, glancing back with clear concern.

"Nocci, keep away from the stairs in case the lightning comes back!" the green piggish woman commanded. "Anton, can you get up there and keep the kid safe?"

"The vines are letting up so I think I can."


Bruno's voice cut through the chattered and noise.


Pepa turned to see her brother but once more he towered over her, eyes blazing with green energy, multiple arms flexing and ready to strike. Mirabel was with him, hammer in hand, along with…

"Ernesto?" Agustin said, revealing he had been keeping Dolores safe during the fight, hiding behind her door.

"Agustin?' a man in a full suit of armor (but different from the other man down below) said, popping off his helmet. "What are you doing here?" He looked around and Pepa realized it WAS Ernesto. "Wait… the Madrigals…"

"Excuse me?' the Devil asked, raising his hand. "Does anyone else follow what is going on? I was sleeping and then woke up and then got hit by a very nice looking coat rack which I would like to find out the maker of so I can buy one for Anton and now I am very confused."

"No one asked you, demon," Pepa hissed.

"I'm not a demon. My family is aquatic capricorns. I admit there are demon capcirons but I don't like them that much. They aren't interested in talking about the healing arts-"

"Dryft, it's okay," Mirabel said and to Pepa's surprise the Prince of Lies bent down to give Mirabel a hug as she ran over to him. "Gahoole!" Mirabel said, hugging the owl woman. "When did you all get back?"

"This evening, which is why this was NOT a fun way to wake up, dearie," the owl woman said.

"Why are you fighting with my family?" Mirabel asked, pulling away from the feathered being.

"Bureau said Ulika was under attack."

Mirabel frowned and leaned over the rallying. "What attacked you, Ulika?"

The green woman pointed at Camilo who squawked in protest. "She was stealing our food!"

"I thought it was our kitchen!"

Bruno sighed. "I think we need to sit down and make some introductions…"

"That… might be for the best," Julieta called up to him. "You clearly know these…" she gestured at the monstrous figures, her screwed up face making it clear what she wanted to say.

"I'll have you know in many cultures YOU would be considered the repulsive ones," the metal man said with a huff. "All soft and fleshy… ugh."

"We do," Mirabel stated. "Know them, that is. So, uh…" she began to point. "Mama, papa, Tia Pepa, Tio Felix, Dolores, Luisa, Isabela, Camilo, Antonio… meet Anton-" the human with the staff nodded, "Ulika-" the green woman merely glanced at Camilo to make sure he wouldn't hit her again with something, "Fibonocci-" the metal man waved with utter confidence, "Prince Dryft-" the Devil gave a more shy wave, "Saharah-" the lizard woman merely raised an… eyebrow?... "and Gahoole." The owl woman closed her eyes and gave a slight bow. "They… are our party."

"Well." Pepa felt her blood freeze at the sound of her mother's firm tone. "It appears we have MUCH to discuss about the company you keep, Mirabel."

"…well, this is going to be fun," Saharah muttered.

"Doesn't sound fun," Dryft said innocently as he picked up the coat rack and tried to fix it.


GarnettFox Notes: So we finally have the party! Wonder who's been more eager for this, us to post it or you guys to see it? I'm going to try and keep it all brief, just a quick summery of speices, their subclass and any extra notes as the charicters will be explored in greater detail in the future.

Ulika: Our fine female Orc (As Chaos Requested xD) She's one of the primary frontliners of the party which perfectly fits her class, Barbarian. Yes we went classic with her. Which isn't so classic is her subclass. Path of the Ancestral Guardian which I'll give a spoiler, is very much going to play a part in the story. Ulika's tribe practices ancestor worship believing as long as they tell tales of those who came before, their never forgotten and never far from them. Ulika being able to in her rage call upon those Ancestors to protect her and her friends in battle

Ernesto: Agustin's brother returns! And shows some more of who he is, a Paladin of the oath of the Watchers. One who has seen the tradigy that comes when gods and demons play with mortal lives, and has dedicated his self to safe guarding all races from their terrible games.

Fibonacci: One of the two charicters based on one's I actually play! Though admitedly Nocci as he likes being called by his friends, only shares a name and race (And we've done some...Fun things with the history of the Warforged in this world) I will head off some questions though: Did Mirabel make Fibonacci? No. Could Mirabel make a Warforged like Fibonacci? I'm gonna say not currently, but give her a year or two and yes, she could make a fully sentient Warforged. Guess his class. Go on guess, your not gonna get it...Give up? Druid. Yes seriously. Nocci is a Circle of Spores Druid and is very dedicated to it, to the point where he cleared out some of his less important internals to store wood for his symbyotic spores to feed upon.

Anton: Our last Human team mate! And the one with perhaps the most fun story behind their class, but I'm sure that story will get told at some point XD Anton is a Warlock, with an Archfae patron. Yes you read that right. We put a Paladin dedicated to protecting people from the manipulations of higher beings. On the same party as a guy who get's his power, from a higher being. Who's primary idea of fun is manipulating people. Their just great friends XD

Gahoole: Ahhh yes, perhaps the charicter we've been having the most fun with. the Owlkin (Yes I know Wizards renamed the speices Owlin in the new Strixhaven book. Wizards got it wrong Owlkin just sounds better) Blood Hunter Yes, Yes I did look at the edgest class since Rouge and say '...But what if they where a loveable fluffy grandmother?' And Gahoole is just that, a loving grandmotherly figure who will not hesitate to cut a bitch, or to cut herself and curse you with her blood magic. As for Subclass, I did consider Ghostslayer, but I went Order of the mutant because. I just like the idea of Gahoole happily making some morning tea for the party, while mixing up a horrific mixture of blood and toxins in another kettle ready for her to drink while their in the heat of battle.

Saharah: The second Charicter based on one I play, and the one who's pretty much a 1-to-1 of what Saharah was like some months ago in the campaign. the 'Hard time' and the people she lost that Bruno mentioned some chapters back will be explained in time. I also feel the need to mention that Saharah is a slightly homebrewed Dragonborn...In that she has wings. Because fuck you Wizards of the coast GIVE DRAGONBORN WINGS ALREADY AND NOT AS A TEMPORARY THING Honestly her class doesn't need much more explanation from me as Bruno described her pretty well before. Bard of the College of Creation XD

Prince Dryft Coldwater: The character I can give you the least on because I didn't make him! Chaos did XD He felt the team should have a dedicated healer and really wanted to include his Capricorn race and why not? I did make the suggestion he be a Cleric of the Tempest Domain. As that's where the Clerics who serve the more wild nature gods reside, the gods of storm, sea, sky. While Dryft is a caring healer at heart. He is his father's son and he can bring down the sky if he was so inclined.

Chaos notes: for those who do not know one of my claims to fame is the creation of the Capricorn race in the My Little pony fandom. And I couldn't help but want to call upon that again in the creation of dryft.

Rather than being like the traditional d&d Capricorns Dryft is part of a Homebrew aquatic Capricorn species. These ones who spend half their time on land and half on water have greater control over liquids especially water. This helps dryft as blood is mostly water in most species. As such he's a very strong healer who can understand what the body is going through. But like Garnet said he is the son of a sea god and goddess and if push comes to shove and his friends are hurt he is willing to go on the attack with his brute strength in order to save them.