
please reset the booktitle Irene_Fernandze 20231218092329 1

It has been said that, before you embark on a journey for revenge you must first dig two graves. In a world where power and authority are prioritized over morality and compassion, Athena who is now Luna is born to one of the most powerful families on the continent, possessing the power to control the superior dragon race. Due to the hatred, she bears for the person she loved the most she sets out on a quest for power. Power enough to defy the heavens and slaughter all those who opposed her. Will she be consumed by her thirst for power and revenge or will she find her salvation and heal her wounds from the past. Find out in this book

Irene_Fernandze · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

Dragon of time

"Where am I? If this continues I won't be able to get back to school by morning and it will be hard to explain why I was in the dungeon" she signed. It would have been better if there was some treasure inside of the temple but it was completely barren. "I shouldn't have touched that stupid scythe". "You dare to call my scythe stupid. Some nerve you have" someone whispered from behind her, she quickly turned around to be greeted by a blow to her stomach that sent her flying and crashing on one of the temple's walls. "Ugh. Damn that hurts it's been a while since someone managed to inflict damage on me," she said as she got herself up and dusted her clothes. As soon as she got up the mysterious figure rushed toward her but Luna quickly evaded the attack and summoned her rapier. Coating the blade with mana she quickly slashed towards the figure, a wave of purple mana came out rushing towards the figure but the mysterious person was gone and reappeared behind her hoping to land another hit but luckily Luna caught their hand and kicked them in the stomach sending them crashing to the wall. "It seems I have been greatly weakened." the figure said. "Huh. Don't you mean I am a little too strong for you" Luna provoked the figure "But I must say you are the first person who was able to hurt, it's been a while before I met someone like you too bad your dead". Different creatures emitted different types of mana and in this realm, different families emitted different types of mana. The mana that was radiating from this person was almost similar to Luna's but there was a slight difference. The mana emitted from this person was similar to a spirit's mana. "Your mana is similar to mine that means you are either a member of the Grey family or.." she left her sentence hanging but the figure filled in the missing part of her sentence. " I am a dragon" the person smiled

Shock, surprise, and curiosity were written all over her face. She knew dragons existed but some liked to stay hidden until summoned and the only people capable of summoning a dragon were people of the Grey bloodline as far as she knew. "How are you here, Cause I'm sure I didn't summon you" her voice was hard as steel and firm. This made the dragon laugh 'How can this adorable human make such a terrifying face and speak with such a firm voice'. Unlike Alice and Tiana who had the more feminine features and were tall, Luna was shorter and looked cute; innocent, and harmless. "You are overlooking the most important fact, I've been dead for some time now. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Chronos the dragon of time. It is an honor to meet you, my lady" he respectfully bowed down. "Are you the one who was calling me and if it is why" she asked getting straight to the point. "You are a member of the Grey family and I have sensed your potential so if you may, please take me as your servant and be my master".