
Pikachu in marvel!!!

|A guy named Robin karlsen liked to travel in the most impossible areas to reach on earth and make blogs of it. He was quite famous for it and he enjoyed it a lot and trained a lot which would help him in such situations. A day he got information from one of his early subscriber who was a tech geek who liked to take pictures of places on through satellites sent him email of a place which had naturally become electromagnetic and it creates a beautiful awe inspiring scene. The further he read it the more excited he became and went but alas he died being electrode on that place by seeing the most beautiful scene of his life| Authors Note: Hi author here i am new at writing and I got the idea of this from a Chinese novel. I liked the idea but not the novel cause obviously it was like every country is China and everybody speaks like it. so I thought why not make my own please feel free to give tips

Sid_Nite · Filem
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8 Chs

Chapter:3 The battle for survival

#General POV#

in the darkness of the forest the bright rays of light shone and directly fell on an sleeping yellow electric mouse which drowsily opened its eyes only to see an racoon sleeping infront of its face "chuuuuuuuu"it got scared and backed away then it remembered what happened to it an silently sat down. due to the noise it seemed the racoon woke up and and sat in front of the pichu and made some noise and grunts and and went forward but kept looking back as if saying to follow it. as pichu got the sign he went after racoon as he doesn't know predators of the forest and if there are other Pokemons who eat other Pokemons means there should be like there were some carnivorous Pokemon too in the show. so it didn't have any choice but to follow the racoon. they went down the tree where tree house was located which seemed more like an ranger vantage point which maybe was abandoned .and they passed through lot of big trees and went near the lake where lot of animals were drinking water from lake and they went there as a lot of animals eyes were on pichu he became a bit wary but no one made a move so he went forward and saw his face one more time and heaved a sigh

"haah" . and drank some water even though he didn't feel like drinking it but to his suprise the water was sweet and good to drink so he drank some more and sat there while looking at his face and contemplating something.

As the racoon drank water and cleaned itself he went with pichu to search for food and went into the woods to search for nuts and fruits.As it became a daily routine some days passed by....

#PoV PIchu#

"pi pichu pichu pii pi chu chu pi ahem " 'i have to learn to speak human language again I won't be able to communicate with some people then but should I go to humans I don't know but I think an pichu needs electricity to evolve or that thunderstone I don't think I will get one such stone but I would like to be a Pikachu forever' as I was distracted I heard a voice of an animal which seemed a lot like hawk to me. I had studied about hawks in northern American continent as I was from new York and I always wanted one for pet purpose which would be a lot more beneficial for a traveler like me. Getting myself back from distractive thoughts I saw an hawk circles in the air which send goosebumps in me cause I know now that it has marked a prey and I don't know why it look likes an northern harrier which lives mainly in Florida is here or they too have moves but only look like normal animals. I don't know but I have to warn the racoon so I went forward and saw racoon collecting fruits and just vibing in itself but it became vigilant upon seeing an hawk and ran towards pichu who was running towards him. as they met the racoon looked a bit scared but held itself together and told me to run and we tried to run off but it was a waste as I knew northern harrier had great sense to find its prey we went forward from tree's to tree as I have somehow learnt to run on four paws which was like normal for me. As we ran forward the hawk tried to attack me with its talons but I somehow evaded it and ran between trees with the racoon in front of me . We desperately ran forward like our life depended on it. which was literally true but exhaustion caught us and our speed became slow which was enough for the hawk to reach us and as the hawk came back for another aerial attack or using talons I got scared and froze on place cause I have never felt this feeling of helplessness that I even forgot I could use electric attack. as the hawk reached near me I saw from an corner of my eye the racoon come in front of and clawing at the hawk but it too got injured and fell down which brought me out of my stupor and went forward to check the racoon while keeping an eye on the hawk the racoon was giving grunts of pain and telling me to run but I couldn't just do that I didn't know I would be become so close to him in past few days but I thought of him like an kind brother who gave me food and a place to sleep and we collected food together it was fun but now I am seeing him injured and I couldn't just run from here so I went forward and jumped from tree to tree and and jumped high in the air and tackled the hawk . which gave me an display of holographic screen in the corner of my eye but I paid it no heed and as due toy tackle which it took head on was falling downside I too was in air so I caught it we tried to attack each other but I went to its back and bit it into the neck and instinctively used spark which I think killed it as we both fell from sky. I was a bit injured but it was just a few bruises which would heal over time as I somehow made it near the racoon who showed me a smile when I reached him as he patted me on head and his hand fell of as if lifeless I tried to wake him up but he wouldn't get up I think he lost of lot of blood as I tried to check his heart beat and found no sound . I got sad but kept myself together to give him a cpr so atleast he can wake up. and collected some leaves and tried to close his wounds and wrapped it by leaves and even tried giving him a small spark but he didn't wake up. and I cried and cried a lot as my first ever friend in this world was no more.

#General Pov#

As the sky became cloudy and rain started pouring you could see an yellow mouse with lightning arcs around its cheeks crying and crying keeping its head on a dead racoon and remembering their memories together and finally it stopped crying but kept to whimpers as it started taking the racoon with it to their home and in the rain far away in bushes something was looking at them with rage and fury.


As I finally reached our home I couldn't keep myself together so I started digging with stones nearby and slowly got used to digging and used my paws to dig and made an square pit and reluctantly took the body of racoon prayed for it and started burying it and just sat there wondering how this happened and denying reality but finally with fury in my eyes stood up to beat the shit out of that hawk as electricity passed through every part of my body and started healing it. which I didn't know was possible but it was very slow and couldn't have seen with naked eye but felt it.

As the sky cleared I stood up and ran and ran and ran in the woods and finally reached the place of previous fight and stopped myself at a tree to check my stat so I said status which showed


Species: Pichu

Gender: Genderless

Level:4 0/80

egg move:locked

move set:Spark,Dig, tackle,bite.....]

[defeated an northern harrier 100 exp received]

so I reached level two and it's written defeated not killed does it mean it didn't die .

As I was seething the injured hawk had called his family of two female hawks he was pretty injured and could barely fly but the anger of defeat by a mouse gave him enough strength and the search for the mouse started and they spotted it easily as it has reached near them on its own as it gave a cry as it leaped down but was met by an power shock and died on spot as it was pretty injured . the hawks went in fury and flew down to attack but was met by a stone to their heads as they fail down and pichu went forward and used bite on one and instantly used and powerful spark to kill it and tried to do the same to other one but as pichu was exhausted by the use of spark it could only bite as the hawk flew up they faught in air trying to injure the other and make it fall but pichu held the hawk firmly by its mouth and as they flew a lot far pichu finally gathered its last of energy and attacked with a spark and they both fell down in an abandoned warehouse as the hawk finally died.|