
Jumping In

"Piecing the emails together still?" Mason looked up from the Northside's coffee table. Yu had given her and Ray assignments before she started delving into the stasis capsule.

Ray nodded. "Almost done, the girl had no social life, and these emails seem purposefully vague. We're missing something."

Mason ran her fingers through her dark hair. "I found those references Yu asked for; maybe they will help."

Yu looked up from her position on the floor, a panel and several components lay next to her. "Spill it, Mase. I want to hear this too."

Mason nodded and walked over to the white-screen that Yu insisted they drag over from their place. She wrote 'Sahara Obrien, DRP, NPC, and Colonial'. "Let's start off easy since everyone here grew up with games NPC was simple: Non-Player Character."


A White-screen is similar to a whiteboard. However, it's completely electronic. You can draw on it with a stylus and use it to view files.
