
Cold Bitch Inn

Hyai looped her hand through Nix's arm and huddled close as they strolled down the boardwalk towards the Kindled Spirit's old plot. "I can't believe Trista put up another Inn where my old one was."

Nix grinned when he saw the sign, a plain whiteboard with the silhouette of a voluptuous woman painted on it; above the image were three words, 'Cold Bitch Inn.' "At least she got the name right. Hey... Do you know Trista?"

Hyai raised an eyebrow at him. "Very well, we met through Sila."

"Sila?" Nix knew that Sila and Hyai had a storied history and that Sila shared a similar history with Trista. He didn't ask the question in his thoughts, although from the smile on her lips, she seemed more than willing to tell him. "This won't take long."

Hyai watched as Nix opened the door; he had told her beforehand that he had business in the Cold Bitch and that he'd appreciate her waiting outside until he was done. "I'll head across the street to the General Store."