

Dex shrugged slightly. "I have no idea who that is. This pod was pulled out of a landfill by my friend, Saul."

Quicksilver's smile faded into a frown. "The pawnshop owner?"

"Yeah. Six of them were dumped in a landfill a while back; he cannibalized five of them to make this one operable." Dex's mood darkened considerably; these people were playing for keeps. "I need to know everything you know."

The blond stared at him for a long moment before slowly nodding. "Like it or not, you are already in the shit."

"Does that mean they'll come after me?"

"I don't think it has come to that yet." She brought out a wrist hud and used the wireless interface to access the hard drive. "Any idea what happened to the other pods?"

"No. Saul said that he used them for parts." Dex considered his friend's habits. "If he had pieces left over, I know where he might stash them."

"Hmm… Nothing new here. Quiz time, Dex. What did you learn from this hard drive when you hacked it?"