

Dex glanced up as the lights from another car turned down his driveway, effectively stopping any further discussion. Gene led him around to the front of the house, where they stopped and waited for the vehicle to come to a stop.

"Kendal?" Gene recognized the junky car that his co-worker owned. When the younger man approached, he welcomed him with a smile. "Took you long enough."

Kendal raised his hands in mock surrender. "Ten minutes isn't bad, considering I was at the waterfront with some friends."

Dex waited while Gene briefed Kendal. Perhaps his P.O. hadn't noticed, but Dex caught the lie immediately. Kenji had taken a right when he turned into the driveway. If he were coming from the waterfront, it would have been the other direction. Black shoes and pants with a white t-shirt... Red mud caked the side of one shoe, the same mud that could be found on the backside of his property. 'You're involved with this, you self-righteous prick.'