
Death from Above

[Bone Fortress, 0200 hours Ice Faction: 5,867 Undead: 1,203]

Two days later, the dragon puppet glided effortlessly through the clouds, its night vision picking up every detail of the continuing troop movements within the Deceit, Anguish, and Despair Burroughs.

/Inferno: Muncie: The combined force of the three Burroughs is about six hundred.

/Inferno: Nix: Thanks, Muncie, rendezvous back at the cave. We'll hit them in fifteen minutes.

Nix stood at the edge of the clearing, shaking his head at the sight of three dozen Bone Drakes. Fey was in her Bone Drakon form, talking to her second in command. The Drakes scattered in all directions when Muncie landed.

Nix whistled softly. He could feel the threat coming on the dragon. "He feels like the real thing."

Pon nodded in agreement. "Except Muncie is snuggled up with a blanket back at the cave. A dragon who can cross the borders... It's another one of your cheats."