
Player Puppet

"Nix locked the home-made coil spring in place after using the weight of six HEP rounds to contract it. The two of them had managed to create a spring-fed breech chamber.

Pon was inspecting the right tube while his partner in crime finished loading them up. "The springs will probably break after a bit."

"Six shots from each tube is all I'm hoping for." Nix jumped down from the rigged ladder and studied their monstrosity.

The golems were about 8 feet in height; each of them had long tubes that, for aesthetic purposes, could be referred to as arms. Raising the arms up forced a projectile into the chamber, effectively locking it. There was no safety; at this point, firing became the best option. From trial and error, the duo discovered that firing both simultaneously wasn't a good idea. The kick-back would either knock the golem to the ground or bend the fragile frame.

"Men and their toys."