
Dark Water Craft

After contacting Scarlett and reporting the actions of the Oberton family, Nix asked Gideon to escort the prisoners to Ionova, where they would be brought to Nescari to answer for their misdeeds. Nebs located an ideal cove that would make the perfect port entrance to the new City Center; with Nix's approval, he initiated his plans.

Alpha Team sat quietly on the shore, studying the small craft they dragged out of a nearby cave. It hadn't taken long to find.

Dark Water Craft: Artifact

Description: Self-Navigating Watercraft

capable of transporting 11 individuals.

Range: 400 Km. Mana Bank: Full

/Inferno: Nix: Anyone ever see something like this before?

/Inferno: Jun Li: Not me. This runs off of its own mana bank? How does it recharge? How long does it last?

/Inferno: Nix: All good questions.

Nix moved Eron's tail out of his face and ran his hand over the rail of the boat. It didn't feel like wood or metal. Did Colonial allow composite materials?