
Land Grabbers

Nix and Bali waited while Fajii made her way to the rendezvous point with Nebs and Gideon.

Since they didn't know what they were facing, Nix summoned Fey for backup.

The white-haired mage wore her hair in a pretty braid that Ducky almost certainly did for her. She was wearing a green robe that Nix had made and put several enchantments on. Her sleeves were rolled up, exposing her pale skinny arms. "Good Morning, Nix."

Nix returned her greeting; her face was flushed like she had been laughing. "Something going on?"

Ducky nodded. "Morti was arguing with his Chevalier."

Nix heard Scarlett mention that a Chevalier was supposed to be a guide for young cubs. "Doesn't sound like Morti."

"He tried to take Morti's helmet."

"Really?" Nix shook his head in disgust; he'd been with the cub for months. He was smart, loyal, and fierce; "I shouldn't interfere."

"Dust, Boss." Bali's sharp eyes picked up the barest hint of dust from three riders. "It's the rest of our team."