
Calm before the Reckoning (part one)

"That's pretty good, right? It looks good to me..." Morti sunned himself near the large pond behind the Turtle house. Nix leaned back against him, dozing off and on while Ducky and Soup played games in the water. The small jade figure with a round face had both hands extended as she stood motionless on the surface of the water. Three columns of spinning water rotated around her, causing the pond to drop by several inches. She smiled at Ducky while the beginning of a fourth and fifth column formed.

Duck clapped excitedly; as a water elemental, she knew how Soup was doing it, but water manipulation wasn't the Water Witch's strong point. "Soupy!"

Suddenly, all the columns collapsed with a huge splash that drenched Nix and Morti. Soup's green quills drooped slightly when Nix frowned at her; with her head held low, she approached the pair.