
First Meal

The sleeping man turned onto his side, pausing there for a moment while drifting between sleep and consciousness. Nix sniffed once and then repeated the action before one eye cracked open. "I smell chicken... Is Hyai making chicken?"

"Who's Hyai?" A soft voice spoke from the chair placed near the bed. The brown-haired woman smiled widely and pushed her protesting hair behind both ears.

Nix pulled himself to a sitting position, turning to face the young woman. "I remember you, Cadie, right?"

Cadie nodded. "Well met, once again. Your friends arrived the night before last."

"Inferno is already here?" Nix glanced around the room; it was somewhat Spartan with only a large bed, one table, and two chairs. Embers still glowing in the fireplace accounted for the comfortable warmth. "How long was I sleeping?"

"A bit over two days." The woman moved to the corner where a small wooden keg had been placed. "Pon left this for you; I believe he called it Toma."